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For Sure:

Willy and all the QB's

Receivers: Nic Moore, Denmark, Kohlert

O-linemen: Greaves, Goossen, Morley

Running backs: 0

D-linemen: Bryant, Thomas, Booker

Linebackers: Wild,

D-backs: Leggett, Randle, Johnson, Bucknor, Sears, Washington, Newman

Kicker: Hajrullahu

Returner: Stoudermire


Maybe's: Neufeld, Sherman, Unamba, the Anderson brothers, Feoli-Gidino, Kelly, Pontbriand, Volny, West, Carter, Dunn


Unamba is not a keeper. An american who can play teams but do squat on D is not worth a spot.


Hence the aforementioned Canadian who can give you that production. Right now they don't have it. Next June, they very well may, and if he can't compete on defence, then yes, he would not be worth the spot.


First of all, you bring back all the Non-Imports.

You replace only the bottom tier players as long as the players you bring in are at least as valuable…preferably better.


As for the imports…all the QBs. 

And that is why we should take a long look at them in the next 3 games.


The whole O-Line has to be re-evaluated, rinsed, fed and re-hogged.

We simply have to be better in that regard.

It's been way too long.

At least 2 or 3 must be replaced, preferably more.


Bye bye Bryant, Kuale, Cotton, Woods.


On the exit mat….Peach, Vega, Unumba, Grigsby.


If we can value in a trade…Washington.


Yeah, I think we keep Vega and bring him into training camp next year to see if this was just a fluke season, or if it was the turf toe or whatever that is holding him back.


Yeah, I think we keep Vega and bring him into training camp next year to see if this was just a fluke season, or if it was the turf toe or whatever that is holding him back.

I say we trade him for Jon Cornish as per Pentons ridiculous article from today's Sun.



Yeah, I think we keep Vega and bring him into training camp next year to see if this was just a fluke season, or if it was the turf toe or whatever that is holding him back.

I say we trade him for Jon Cornish as per Pentons ridiculous article from today's Sun.


Which article?  I checked all 4 of them online and didn't see anything about trading Cornish for Vega.


Yeah, I think we keep Vega and bring him into training camp next year to see if this was just a fluke season, or if it was the turf toe or whatever that is holding him back.

I say we trade him for Jon Cornish as per Pentons ridiculous article from today's Sun.

Which article? I checked all 4 of them online and didn't see anything about trading Cornish for Vega.

I'm using my phone so I can't post the link but he was making suggestions for trades for all teams and they were hilarious.

Such as Bowman out of Edmonton, BC trading for Cornish, emry etc...


These are the guys from our current roster I'd want on our team next year in an ideal world.

QB - Drew Willy, Robert Marve

RB - Carl Volny, Carl Fitzgerald, Pontibrand 

WR/SB - Nick Moore, Clarence Denmark, Rory Kohlert, JFG, Brett Carter

OL - Matthias Goossen, Steve Morley,Patty Neufeld, Chris Greaves, Gord Hinse

DB - Chris Randle, Bruce Johnson, Johnny Sears, Maurice Leggett, Demond Washington, Matt Bucknor, Troy Stoudemire Donovan Alexander

LB - Ian Wild, Desia Dunn, Teague Sherman(as a backup), Graig Newman, Derek Jones, Jesse Briggs

DL - Bryant Turner, Zach Anderson, Jake Thomas, Jason Vega, Marvin Booker, Ryan Lucas.

K - Lirim obviously.


It may seem like a lot of guys, but with a lot of them being Canadian depth players it shows that we have a ton of holes. Every single import O-linemen we've played this year has been terrible. That spot needs to be upgraded in the worst way.


I'll repost what I had in another thread.... these are the only untouchables IMO


O: Willy, Moore, Goossen, Greaves

D: Turner, Anderson, Wild, Leggett, Randle

ST: Hijrullahu* Hajrullahu**


*I forgot about LH in my orignial post... also completely guessed on the spelling... I'll look it up now to see how close I was


** EDIT: so close... had an i indetad of a at the beginning...


I'm not sure Greaves is untouchable and that's despite our O-line being absolutely horrific. He hasn't progressed the way you would've hoped with Wylie as our OL coach. If we had an even somewhat decent line I think a guy like Greaves would be on the chopping block.


These are the guys from our current roster I'd want on our team next year in an ideal world.

QB - Drew Willy, Robert Marve

RB - Carl Volny, Carl Fitzgerald, Pontibrand 

WR/SB - Nick Moore, Clarence Denmark, Rory Kohlert, JFG, Brett Carter

OL - Matthias Goossen, Steve Morley,Patty Neufeld, Chris Greaves, Gord Hinse

DB - Chris Randle, Bruce Johnson, Johnny Sears, Maurice Leggett, Demond Washington, Matt Bucknor, Troy Stoudemire Donovan Alexander

LB - Ian Wild, Desia Dunn, Teague Sherman(as a backup), Graig Newman, Derek Jones, Jesse Briggs

DL - Bryant Turner, Zach Anderson, Jake Thomas, Jason Vega, Marvin Booker, Ryan Lucas.

K - Lirim obviously.


It may seem like a lot of guys, but with a lot of them being Canadian depth players it shows that we have a ton of holes. Every single import O-linemen we've played this year has been terrible. That spot needs to be upgraded in the worst way.


It isn't too many.  Without going thumbs up and down thru each name, the likelihood of overhauling the roster to the point where we're only keeping 8, 12, however many players and having the team get better is remote.  Even switching out 30% of our roster and maintaining some positive chemistry in one offseason is a huge task.  More players will stay than go.  More players should stay than go.


Oline is huge, but a lot of other things are simpler switches, like Sherman dropping out of a starters job like you suggest.  Graig Newman getting healthy might be all that's required to upgrade that position, and Sherman remains a valuable player in certain packages.


But we also need more Graig Newmans, so we aren't completely screwed after one NI starter gets injured.  There's talent on our current roster.  It just needs to be supported by more talent, and surpassed by other talent.  Jake Thomas is a keeper, but that doesn't mean he should be a starter.


We have good backups but right now those  backups are playing because our depth is so poor, like mentioned above, Thomas is a good player, he shouldn't be a starter tho but as a backup? he's pretty solid, same with sherman, probably not a starter exactly but as a backup? pretty solid. 


We all knew our Canadian depth would be an issue, you had to be crazy to think it could be fixed in one off season, the reality tho for the Canadian depth situation is it's gonna take some time to be where we truly need to be, couple seasons at least, if not more, took how many years to get to this point? Can't fix it in one or 2 off seasons, gonna take time. The canadian depth issue is going to be an on going topic for some time i feel


American depth though? well, they have brought some guys in, Daniels and Anderson on the OL, brought in Tyler also, tried howard, jones, tried a few different guys there, they are trying but guess haven't found that guy yet, maybe daniels and anderson can be those guys, thought Tyler has looked ok the last couple games. He seems capable at least. 


Hopefully once we are officially eliminated some of the PR guys are given their chance. Would love to see it, Really hope to see Anderson and Daniels get a game or 2 to show what they can do. 

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