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GDT: Bombers vs Stamps


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Can we get to 9 wins next year and challenge for a playoff spot? I think so.

And that's what it's all about - Progress. Whether the absent minded want to believe it or not, we made great strides this year considering where we were at this time last year. No reason to believe we won't do the same again next season.

Exactly.. We HAVE improved at some key spots... QB looks very promising, Lirim is getting better and better and our secondary is mean.. Do we have a lot of work ahead still? Yup. Doesn't mean we have to fold tents and start lighting torches as some here want to do..



I just wish we could see progress against 3 months ago. Yes we are better than last year, but we are not really better than the start of the season. And that is worrisome. But last night was an improvement.

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Can we get to 9 wins next year and challenge for a playoff spot? I think so.

And that's what it's all about - Progress. Whether the absent minded want to believe it or not, we made great strides this year considering where we were at this time last year. No reason to believe we won't do the same again next season.
Exactly.. We HAVE improved at some key spots... QB looks very promising, Lirim is getting better and better and our secondary is mean.. Do we have a lot of work ahead still? Yup. Doesn't mean we have to fold tents and start lighting torches as some here want to do..

The problem with you Spudsy is you fail to cast a critical eye at any of the area of the Bomber team whether it be a position on defense, offense or special teams, or a position in coaching or upper management. It's all sunshine and rainbows with you. For whatever reason you don't seem capable of offering even constructive criticism of the team, even when it is warranted. And you like to dump all over people who remain skeptical about this organization's ability to improve over the long term...even after the debacle that was Joe Mack - 1 season of improvement followed by 2 seasons of regression worse than the Kelly year. I guess lesson not learned.

The team has improved in some spots - starting Qb, backup QB (although limited sample size there), kicker/punter, and secondary. However, the team has become WORSE at other areas - defensive line, linebackers, special teams, O-line, Canadian depth. That last one hurts because we do not have one impact Canadian on this team. Watson is another year older, none of our Canadian o-lineman are good or even above average when compared to others around the league and the one dominant Canadian we did have last year went to the NFL. When you don't have at least one impact Canadian on your team you will probably not make the playoffs let alone compete for the Grey Cup.

You tend to only highlight the positives of this team and ignore the negatives and that's your prerogative, but don't expect everyone to follow your line of thinking. All the comments about how things will get better are rather eyeroll-inducing, especially when you constantly stick to the same refrain over and over. Keep doing that and next thing you know you will become this forum's version of Aardvaark. I'm sure you don't want that do you?

I dont choose to find fault simply because this forum has more then enough fans who choose to do that and that alone... Over and over again.. Id much rather cheer on my favourite team, focus on the good things I see and call out the people who are overtly negative when there IS some good to be seen. I believe a fan needs to support their team no matter how shitty they have played or how shitty a coaches decisions have been..

frankly, id rather a whole lot of arrdvarks then the other side of the coin because pessimistic attitudes get you literally nowhere.. A whole bunch of optimistic fans who cheer no matter what CAN make a team play harder.. Imo anyway.

But i digress, fans are fans regardless of attitude and just as everyone is entitled to call me down for "sunshine and lollipops" I and the other eternal optmistists are entitled to call out the "doom and gloomers"

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