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like angels pissing on my tongue.  i wish it were winter so we could freeze it into ice blocks and skate on it and melt it in the spring time and drink it.

  On 2013-08-16 at 7:49 PM, bluto said:



like angels pissing on my tongue.  i wish it were winter so we could freeze it into ice blocks and skate on it and melt it in the spring time and drink it.

I don't drink it much, but I really like it too. It's strange they can make something this good but Guiness Draught is so terrible.

  On 2013-08-16 at 7:55 PM, Mike said:



you'd fit in so well in Queen West or Roncey... especially if your brought your thick-rimmed black glasses

  On 2013-08-16 at 7:56 PM, bluto said:

you'd fit in so well in Queen West or Roncey... especially if your brought your thick-rimmed black glasses


$23 for 15 cans.


Can't beat it.

  On 2013-08-16 at 7:56 PM, Bomber_fanaddict said:

WOW......we went a full 180 from football to beer choices....


they go together like peas and carrots.

  On 2013-08-16 at 8:05 PM, Mr Dee said:

Beer-Promos-Carlsberg-Fan-Scarf-GWP-21.jPsst, Bluto....


i already have Argo scarves, Grey Cup scarves and footy scarves (MCFC)


I'm a Coors Light guy myself, but I do enjoy the occasional Sleeman's original.



I've wanted to try Dos Equis, just keep forgetting about it each time I go on a Beer run.

  On 2013-08-16 at 8:35 PM, TrueBlue said:

Sounds like most of you guys haven't really tried good beer before.  Most of this is lamentable, watered down swill.  Some real low standards here.   :lol:



Beer snob.



  On 2013-08-16 at 8:35 PM, TrueBlue said:

Sounds like most of you guys haven't really tried good beer before.  Most of this is lamentable, watered down swill.  Some real low standards here.   :lol:


I don't get the obsession with fancy beer. Fancy scotch I get but beer is just suds.


This thread is making me thirsty.


I have a cooler full of beer in my office, and I'm trying to resist opening any until AFTER the day is over...

  On 2013-08-16 at 8:41 PM, Fraser said:

I don't get the obsession with fancy beer. Fancy scotch I get but beer is just suds.



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