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  On 2014-11-02 at 2:59 PM, Mark F said:


Hitting people, to get some pleasure, even if they agree to it 


is not "adventurous " 


It's vile.



This...I'm disgusted by the thought of physical violence being a "thing" for some people. Some sick freaks out there...

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?



Good god, you're actually referencing Ezra Levant for his unbiased opinion?  That guy is a wack-a-doodle.

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?


sun news network? now don't get me wrong I'm a conservative leaning person anyway, but sun news is at this point basically parody. 

  On 2014-11-05 at 2:26 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?


sun news network? now don't get me wrong I'm a conservative leaning person anyway, but sun news is at this point basically parody. 


You have to wonder sometimes if they're actually in on the joke.


They're trying to be Fox News, but the idiot demographic in Canada isn't nearly as large as in the US, so they struggle for an audience.

  On 2014-11-05 at 9:41 AM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?



Good god, you're actually referencing Ezra Levant for his unbiased opinion?  That guy is a wack-a-doodle.


I was thinking about this the other day.  Its perfectly acceptable for right wing commentators to be called crazy even when they are correct.


So how about instead of insulting someone, you listen to what he says in that video, come back and point out where he was wrong? 


Its like Bill O'rielly.  He's CRAZY!!  Oddly, he's almost always correct though.  Whenever he comes up in conversation i find myself qualifying my interest in his broadcasts, almost apologizing.  And yet I sit there listening to him, nodding and agreeing with just about everything he says.  On the other hand, people who criticize outlets like the CBC are vile!  How dare we dislike the CBC! 


I disgress, Ezra's 30 minute report was very good, very well done, very enlightening.  Watch it.

  On 2014-11-05 at 2:46 PM, sweep the leg said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 2:26 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?


sun news network? now don't get me wrong I'm a conservative leaning person anyway, but sun news is at this point basically parody. 


You have to wonder sometimes if they're actually in on the joke.


They're trying to be Fox News, but the idiot demographic in Canada isn't nearly as large as in the US, so they struggle for an audience.


So conservatives are idiots?  Thank God Fox news exists or it would be all smiling Obama-is-great rhetoric 24/7.


My favourite side story about Sun news was when it was announced you had lefty loons openly asking the CRTC to BAN sun news because Canadians shouldnt be subjected to it.  Hmmm..if its so bad, opinions so egregious, wouldnt Canadians simply NOT watch?  Thats the problem with the Liberal bias.  They think they know everything and increasingly they are being proven wrong.


History will look upon George Bush a lot more favourably then it will Obama.


Im not a hardcore conservative.  Im generally conservative, socially more liberal.  But the liberal bias in this country and an extent in the US is off the charts.  If big bad scary Stephen Harper ever gets around to instituting all those crazy things lefties said he would, the one thing I'd support is mothballing the CBC.

  On 2014-11-05 at 3:43 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 2:46 PM, sweep the leg said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 2:26 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?


sun news network? now don't get me wrong I'm a conservative leaning person anyway, but sun news is at this point basically parody. 


You have to wonder sometimes if they're actually in on the joke.


They're trying to be Fox News, but the idiot demographic in Canada isn't nearly as large as in the US, so they struggle for an audience.


So conservatives are idiots?  Thank God Fox news exists or it would be all smiling Obama-is-great rhetoric 24/7.


No it's not conservatives who are idiots, it's the people who can't see how over the top ridiculous foxnews and sun news network are that are idiots. Right wing media, liberal media they're all equally crazy and both need to stop trying to spin the story to fit an agenda and just report the facts. 


You seem angry about Obama for some reason, what are those reasons? 

  On 2014-11-05 at 4:56 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 3:43 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 2:46 PM, sweep the leg said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 2:26 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:04 AM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-04 at 11:05 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Everyone should watch the video in its entirety.

And can we please punt the CBC already?


sun news network? now don't get me wrong I'm a conservative leaning person anyway, but sun news is at this point basically parody. 


You have to wonder sometimes if they're actually in on the joke.


They're trying to be Fox News, but the idiot demographic in Canada isn't nearly as large as in the US, so they struggle for an audience.


So conservatives are idiots?  Thank God Fox news exists or it would be all smiling Obama-is-great rhetoric 24/7.


No it's not conservatives who are idiots, it's the people who can't see how over the top ridiculous foxnews and sun news network are that are idiots. Right wing media, liberal media they're all equally crazy and both need to stop trying to spin the story to fit an agenda and just report the facts. 


You seem angry about Obama for some reason, what are those reasons? 


Not angry about Obama at all.  Just think he's a failed president.  Empty suit.  All hat, no cattle.


People who watch/read Fox News and Sun News are not idiots.  Ofcourse you will always have the drooling segment that cant separate things.  But those of us intelligent enough to do so can often find a lot of interesting information and commentary on both.  Though to be fair, I dont watch Sun news.  I dont think i get the channel.  If I did get Fox news, I'd watch it regularly.  As it is, I often watch CNN when Im looking for wall to wall coverage of something. But usually I pick and choose online. 


As an aside, I used to work for Bell and the reason Fox was not included in the news bundle was because it was so popular it could be sold seperately.  An enormous amount of people appreciate having a perspective other than the usual mainstream spin.  And many of us that do so can absolutely disagree with things we see and hear on Fox or anywhere else.


But calling those people idiots is, in fact, idiotic.


Obama, maybe the worst president since George W Bush... ;) Remember when he was first elected. he was going to change everything. He was going to change the way Americans thought. Well 6 1/2 years later you have a President who has failed in everything from forced Obamacare to domestic & foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. Obama... Epic Fail. Just look at the mid terms last night. 

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:19 PM, iso_55 said:

Obama, maybe the worst president since George W Bush... ;) Remember when he was first elected. he was going to change everything. He was going to change the way Americans thought. Well 6 1/2 years later you have a President who has failed in everything from forced Obamacare to domestic & foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. Obama... Epic Fail. Just look at the mid terms last night. 

How is Obamacare a failure?

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:19 PM, iso_55 said:

Obama, maybe the worst president since George W Bush... ;) Remember when he was first elected. he was going to change everything. He was going to change the way Americans thought. Well 6 1/2 years later you have a President who has failed in everything from forced Obamacare to domestic & foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. Obama... Epic Fail. Just look at the mid terms last night. 

That's because the president doesn't matter. So long as the senators are all bought and paid for the president doesn't have the ability to change anything. That's the biggest reason why people think Obama hasn't been good, they don't accept the fact that the American system is horribly broken and it's the lobby groups that have the real power and not elected officials and certainly not the president. 

  On 2014-11-05 at 4:56 PM, 17to85 said:

No it's not conservatives who are idiots, it's the people who can't see how over the top ridiculous foxnews and sun news network are that are idiots. Right wing media, liberal media they're all equally crazy and both need to stop trying to spin the story to fit an agenda and just report the facts. 



Agree with most of this, but I strongly disagree they're equally crazy. Equally biased sure, but the crazy factor coming from Fox News & their ilk is something else. Who on the left can compete with Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh?


The heavy coverage of "death panels" early in the Ocare days was something else.

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:09 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


People who watch/read Fox News and Sun News are not idiots.  Ofcourse you will always have the drooling segment that cant separate things.  But those of us intelligent enough to do so can often find a lot of interesting information and commentary on both.  Though to be fair, I dont watch Sun news.  I dont think i get the channel.  If I did get Fox news, I'd watch it regularly.  As it is, I often watch CNN when Im looking for wall to wall coverage of something. But usually I pick and choose online. 


As an aside, I used to work for Bell and the reason Fox was not included in the news bundle was because it was so popular it could be sold seperately.  An enormous amount of people appreciate having a perspective other than the usual mainstream spin.  And many of us that do so can absolutely disagree with things we see and hear on Fox or anywhere else.


But calling those people idiots is, in fact, idiotic.


Except I didn't say people who watched those networks were idiots, I said the people who actually take them seriously are idiots. It's entertainment and I am convinced they're all doing the same schtick a Stephen Colbert except everyone knows that Colbert is a comedian playing a bit, some people actually think the commentators on those news networks aren't playing characters. 


I will often read the Calgary Sun when I'm getting an oil change, and every single time I roll my eyes at the opinion pieces spinning things into some huge left wing conspiracy. It's obvious baiting and sensationalism yet there are people who take it at face value, those are the idiots. It's no different than those left wing blogs you see people taking seriously too. 


Most of the mainstream networks do have a bit of a lean to the left to them I won't disagree with that, but none of them to the extent that Fox News or Sun News go in the opposite direction. I say this as someone who has always voted conservative. These imbeciles going full ***** with their right wing news do more harm to real conservative values than they help it and I wish they'd cut it out so that progressive conservatives stop getting lumped in with the intolerant assholes. Conservative has become a dirty word and it's in large part because of those types. 

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:31 PM, sweep the leg said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 4:56 PM, 17to85 said:

No it's not conservatives who are idiots, it's the people who can't see how over the top ridiculous foxnews and sun news network are that are idiots. Right wing media, liberal media they're all equally crazy and both need to stop trying to spin the story to fit an agenda and just report the facts. 



Agree with most of this, but I strongly disagree they're equally crazy. Equally biased sure, but the crazy factor coming from Fox News & their ilk is something else. Who on the left can compete with Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh?


The heavy coverage of "death panels" early in the Ocare days was something else

Beck and Rush arent serious commentators.  They are brands and entertainers.  I like Rush (liked him more when he wasnt as far right a few years ago) but Beck is a complete joke.  I'd say a guy like Trudeau is equally as nuts on the other side.  He just goes out of his way to try and appeal to the centre even though thats not who he is at all.


As for Obama, im all for health care and no one who brought in health care reform was going to be able to do it without some issues.  But as iso said, Obama came in talking change and it was laughable how transparent he was.  He'd do those rallys and the sheep would be cheering wildly.  Ask them why they liked Obama: "He's going to change everything!"  Change what?  "Everything!"  How? "Change!" Give me a break.  It was really a study in the gullibility of the masses.  The racial divide was also disheartening.  If a large number of white people voted for a candidate because he was white, there would be outrage.


Its a shame too because Hillary would have been a lot better than Obama.

  On 2014-11-05 at 5:36 PM, 17to85 said:


  On 2014-11-05 at 5:09 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


People who watch/read Fox News and Sun News are not idiots.  Ofcourse you will always have the drooling segment that cant separate things.  But those of us intelligent enough to do so can often find a lot of interesting information and commentary on both.  Though to be fair, I dont watch Sun news.  I dont think i get the channel.  If I did get Fox news, I'd watch it regularly.  As it is, I often watch CNN when Im looking for wall to wall coverage of something. But usually I pick and choose online. 


As an aside, I used to work for Bell and the reason Fox was not included in the news bundle was because it was so popular it could be sold seperately.  An enormous amount of people appreciate having a perspective other than the usual mainstream spin.  And many of us that do so can absolutely disagree with things we see and hear on Fox or anywhere else.


But calling those people idiots is, in fact, idiotic.


Except I didn't say people who watched those networks were idiots, I said the people who actually take them seriously are idiots. It's entertainment and I am convinced they're all doing the same schtick a Stephen Colbert except everyone knows that Colbert is a comedian playing a bit, some people actually think the commentators on those news networks aren't playing characters. 


I will often read the Calgary Sun when I'm getting an oil change, and every single time I roll my eyes at the opinion pieces spinning things into some huge left wing conspiracy. It's obvious baiting and sensationalism yet there are people who take it at face value, those are the idiots. It's no different than those left wing blogs you see people taking seriously too. 


Most of the mainstream networks do have a bit of a lean to the left to them I won't disagree with that, but none of them to the extent that Fox News or Sun News go in the opposite direction. I say this as someone who has always voted conservative. These imbeciles going full ***** with their right wing news do more harm to real conservative values than they help it and I wish they'd cut it out so that progressive conservatives stop getting lumped in with the intolerant assholes. Conservative has become a dirty word and it's in large part because of those types. 


Interesting.  When I read the Winnipeg Sun I dont see the conspiracy nonsense you do.  Must be our perspectives.


While Fox can be entertaining, I find some of theior coverage very informative.  I *do* like O'Reilly.  He more often than not has a correct perspective on things. 


The best right wing "entertainer" is Dennis Miller.  Whereas Rush and Beck take themselves too seriously and seem to think the right wing idealogy is an all or nothing proposition, Miller seems to "get it".  He's also hilarious.  I remember him being asked as a right wing conservative what is his opinion on gay marriage and he basically said it was about 33,542nd on his list of things to care about.  i thought that was a clever way to poke fun at the losers who are against it.


On the flip side, I find Michael Moore and Bill Maher unwatchable for their idiotic views.


Well I enjoy Maher sometimes but he is really up his own ass and that can be off putting depending on what he's talking about. Moore is a waste of skin who outright lies and twists facts to suit his agenda, kind of like the folks on the right wing news stations. 

  On 2014-11-05 at 7:19 PM, 17to85 said:

Well I enjoy Maher sometimes but he is really up his own ass and that can be off putting depending on what he's talking about. Moore is a waste of skin who outright lies and twists facts to suit his agenda, kind of like the folks on the right wing news stations. 

Except the right wing news stations dont do that as a general rule.  Im sorry you paint the entire conservative perspective with the same brush.  Unfortunate for you lol


Maher comes across as a pompous ass who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.  Which is mostly unfortunate because he rarely is.


what I find a joke in this country is the kid gloves the MSM uses with Justin Trudeau, while constantly searching for anything and everything to connect to Stephen Harper to discredit him. The revelation last year that the drummer in Harper's band was arrested for pedophilia somehow was Harper's fault, and the MSM asked "what did he really know?" Fast forward to this Ghomeshi stuff and it's quite obvious that he and Justin Trudeau were more than just casual acquaintances. Here's a picture of Trudeau at Ghomeshi's book launch in 2012:


I honestly could care less that they were buds. But why the hypocrisy? Why isn't the MSM asking the question - what did Justin know?


We need a way to be conservative without adopting the whole "Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, abortion should be illegal, I have a right to my guns dammit, the Christian God is the right God" mantra.


I agree with many conservative perspectives but then they go spouting that type of thing and it just doesn't allow me to vote that way.  I suppose "social liberal, fiscal conservative" is what I'm looking for, and I feel that political parties just don't represent me these days.

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