kelownabomberfan Posted November 5, 2014 Report Posted November 5, 2014 We need a way to be conservative without adopting the whole "Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, abortion should be illegal, I have a right to my guns dammit, the Christian God is the right God" mantra. I agree with many conservative perspectives but then they go spouting that type of thing and it just doesn't allow me to vote that way. I suppose "social liberal, fiscal conservative" is what I'm looking for, and I feel that political parties just don't represent me these days. Sounds like you would have made a fine Progressive Conservative. I sure miss that old party.
The Unknown Poster Posted November 5, 2014 Report Posted November 5, 2014 what I find a joke in this country is the kid gloves the MSM uses with Justin Trudeau, while constantly searching for anything and everything to connect to Stephen Harper to discredit him. The revelation last year that the drummer in Harper's band was arrested for pedophilia somehow was Harper's fault, and the MSM asked "what did he really know?" Fast forward to this Ghomeshi stuff and it's quite obvious that he and Justin Trudeau were more than just casual acquaintances. Here's a picture of Trudeau at Ghomeshi's book launch in 2012: I honestly could care less that they were buds. But why the hypocrisy? Why isn't the MSM asking the question - what did Justin know? And actually considering the fact that so many people are coming out and saying "everyone" remotely connected to Jian knew how he was, it probably wouldnt be out of the realm of reasonable to ask "what did Justin know?" I cant even fathom that the CBC still exists. Its such a sacred cow. Anytime you try and touch it, its a massive backlash. Its not needed and certainly in its present form as a liberal party media machine it's insulting to the rest of Canadians. If CBC wants to have a political slant, let it go private. It's a joke. And Trudeau is a joke. What an embarrassment he'd be as PM. If you actually subtracted the Anti-Harper crowd (who must still be waiting for him to unleash his secret agenda on Canadians), I wonder how many *actually* want this clown as PM. I have little doubt that once a campaign begins, Harper will (or at least should) wipe the mat with this guy in debates. He has one foot permanently stuck in his mouth. I've voted liberal a few times and I'd be embarrassed to support the party with this guy as leader.
The Unknown Poster Posted November 5, 2014 Report Posted November 5, 2014 We need a way to be conservative without adopting the whole "Gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, abortion should be illegal, I have a right to my guns dammit, the Christian God is the right God" mantra. I agree with many conservative perspectives but then they go spouting that type of thing and it just doesn't allow me to vote that way. I suppose "social liberal, fiscal conservative" is what I'm looking for, and I feel that political parties just don't represent me these days. Thats the liberal spin though. A lot of us Cons dont believe that. A lot of Cons who believe that fundementally dont care. Remember, Harper was going to ban gays, ban abortion, have military on the streets, bring back the death penalty. He's done none of that. He's been a very very good leader. Very measured. Im a social liberal, fiscal conservative and I support Harper 100%. I think gays should do whatever they want. I think abortion should be a lot harder to get (too many people use it as birth control), gun control is great but gun crazy isnt, I believe in God but it has nothing to do with my politics.
kelownabomberfan Posted November 5, 2014 Report Posted November 5, 2014 Thank God Fox news exists you know that's a fake right?
Fatty Liver Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 When this is done & even if by chance he avoids jail time, he won't even be able to get a job at Pizza Hut making pizzas. On the contrary, I think the skies the limit for Ghomeshi. He's a fantastic interviewer and I predict he will leave Canada and find a home stateside on satellite radio ala Howard Stern, another leper.
Mark H. Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 When this is done & even if by chance he avoids jail time, he won't even be able to get a job at Pizza Hut making pizzas. On the contrary, I think the skies the limit for Ghomeshi. He's a fantastic interviewer and I predict he will leave Canada and find a home stateside on satellite radio ala Howard Stern, another leper. When you work for the CBC and Chuck Adler will actually commend you - you're bloody good at what you do. History says your prediction is probably correct - which is unfortunate.
The Unknown Poster Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 I disagree. I think he's finished. Although he's young so time might heal all wounds. He's not as smart as he thinks though. Handled this all wrong. Needed to be 100% honest with his PR people, tearfully admit he was a sex addict and enter rehab. People could get behind that. But his lying made that impossible now.
Fatty Liver Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair!
The Unknown Poster Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair! A few groupies? *shakes head* blitzmore 1
Mark F Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 Democrat or Republican, Fox news, CNN, doesn't matter. It's two sides of the same coin. They take turns screwing the electorate. They are all multi millionaires. For instance it is legal for elected members of congress (their wives cough cough that is) to use insider information to make stock market trades. check this out. This occurred with Democrats, (Clinton, Obama), and Republicans (two Bushes), taking turns running things. "Yesterday, the New York Times reported on an alarming new study: researchers have documented that the least educated white Americans are experiencing sharp declines in life expectancy. Between 1990 and 2008, white women without a high school diploma lost a full five years of their lives, while their male counterparts lost three years. Experts say that declines in life expectancy in developed countries areexceedingly rare, and that in the U.S., decreases on this scale “have not been seen in the U.S. since the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918.” Even during the Great Depression, which wrought economic devastation and severe psychic trauma for millions of Americans, average life expectancy was on the increase."" Five year decline in life expectancy. That is a huge decline, in a very short period of time. don't hear that fact trumpeted on either CNN or Fox news do you? The Democrat / Republican divide is a sham. And furthermore Gomeshi is finished. BigBlueFanatic 1
The Unknown Poster Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 Hmmmm Im not quite sure how it would play if the headline was "White people experience decline in life expectancy". I could see Fox running that headline. CNN's headline would be something about how thats a good thing.
Noeller Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 Man, we have a lotta crazy Con's on this board. I'm far from a "Leftist" but am absolutely terrified of true dyed-in-the-wool conservatives. (Note small c) After living in Winkler area for a couple years, I had my eyes opened. I like to see myself as extremely socially liberal, and somewhat fiscally conservative. A "Blue Liberal", if you will...and a staunch anti-Harper advocate as well. Not sure JPT is the answer, but right now it's "Anyone But Harper"..... BigBlueFanatic 1
Fatty Liver Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair! A few groupies? *shakes head* Having sex with a famous person without any semblance of a relationship, I don't know but how else can they be classified? How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? .
MOBomberFan Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair! A few groupies? *shakes head* Having sex with a famous person without any semblance of a relationship, I don't know but how else can they be classified? How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? . I thought that some of the girls explained he courted them over extended periods of time. Meet at a public event or signing, swap emails/Facebook info, get flown out to Toronto for a visit... sounds like he was in some cases a charmer right up until he punched them in the head.
Mark F Posted November 6, 2014 Report Posted November 6, 2014 How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? Probably zero of three who went to the police. blitzmore 1
Fatty Liver Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? Probably zero of three who went to the police. Sorry I missed that detail, I was unaware that any of them went to the police. They seemed to come out of the woodwork when one decided to cooperate with the Toronto Star.
The Unknown Poster Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair!A few groupies? *shakes head* Having sex with a famous person without any semblance of a relationship, I don't know but how else can they be classified? How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? . Maybe educate yourself about the key points of this situation. Many of these women were co workers. One was an actress. Another was a lawyer. Not groupies. blitzmore 1
The Unknown Poster Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Good read.
blueandgoldguy Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 If this is not built into a criminal case, where can it actually go though? Other than being judged by the "court of public opinion" I suspect relying on the testimony of a few groupies who failed to contact the police with physical evidence, this case will not amount to much more than a bad reputation for Ghomeshi. And the irony is that this bad reputation will only attract more women to him. No one ever said life was fair! A few groupies? *shakes head* Having sex with a famous person without any semblance of a relationship, I don't know but how else can they be classified? How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? . Who were the individuals who came back for more after abuse? You do realize that sexual predators can have power over individuals they abuse right? Blame themselves, might come back to the predator thinking the abuse will stop if they are the ones that change their behaviour, not the abuser. I remember hearing from Theo Fleury being asked why he hired Graham James to be coach of the Calgary Hitman after suffering years of abuse at his hands, and his reponse was, "That's the kind of power he had over me." The reason other people come forward after the initial charge is filed is not jumping on the bandwagon to get noticed, it's because someone took the courageous step to come forward knowing the risks involved - damage to their professional careers, embarrassment of having details of their private moments revealed to public, being doubted (like in this forum with some of the subtle or not-so-subtle misogynistic comments) and ridiculed. Those others know they are not alone in their suffering at the hands of the predator. I can only imagine the stress involved in coming public with something like this and I'm sure many victims would rather suffer in silence - not worth the trouble to go public in many minds. blitzmore, Mark F, BigBlueFanatic and 1 other 4
blueandgoldguy Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 How many endured his abuse and came back multiple times for more? Probably zero of three who went to the police. Sorry I missed that detail, I was unaware that any of them went to the police. They seemed to come out of the woodwork when one decided to cooperate with the Toronto Star. Frankly a lot of your assumptions are making you look rather ignorant. blitzmore 1
gbill2004 Posted November 28, 2014 Report Posted November 28, 2014 How the mighty have fallen. Jian now required to live with his mom as a condition of his bail on 5 sexual assault charges.
The Unknown Poster Posted November 28, 2014 Report Posted November 28, 2014 How the mighty have fallen. Jian now required to live with his mom as a condition of his bail on 5 sexual assault charges. It's always uncomfortable bringing dates home when you live with mom.
Mark H. Posted November 28, 2014 Report Posted November 28, 2014 How the mighty have fallen. Jian now required to live with his mom as a condition of his bail on 5 sexual assault charges. It's always uncomfortable bringing dates home when you live with mom. Especially when you're 47...
iso_55 Posted November 28, 2014 Author Report Posted November 28, 2014 I disagree. I think he's finished. Although he's young so time might heal all wounds. He's not as smart as he thinks though. Handled this all wrong. Needed to be 100% honest with his PR people, tearfully admit he was a sex addict and enter rehab. People could get behind that. But his lying made that impossible now. He's 47 so not so young. It's the black hair dye & funky doo that he wears
The Unknown Poster Posted November 28, 2014 Report Posted November 28, 2014 I disagree. I think he's finished. Although he's young so time might heal all wounds. He's not as smart as he thinks though. Handled this all wrong. Needed to be 100% honest with his PR people, tearfully admit he was a sex addict and enter rehab. People could get behind that. But his lying made that impossible now. He's 47 so not so young. It's the black hair dye & funky doo that he wears I knew he was 47 but its fairly young. People love a comeback story, maybe not as much in Canada as the US but assuming he escapes jail time, he will be back at some point. Im somewhat mystified at how he's handling this though. I think he's either received some bad advice or he's ignored the good advice. He should have known what was coming and immediately checked into rehab, threw himself on his sword and apologized. Thats his real chance for a comeback. It also doesnt hurt in court if you're seen to be trying to make positive changes.
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