blueandgoldguy Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Two days ago, a 19 year old black university student in the US was stopped by the police because he had his hands in his pockets "suspiciously" and was "frightening people". You can see the video of that confrontation on the net.- the temperature was below freezing. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Facepalm. You miss the point entirely. Racism and discrimination experienced by white males (which is probably 99% of people here) is a tiny fraction of what is experienced by all others. We lead a privileged life compared to all others in the human race. Mark F and NotoriousBIG 2
blueandgoldguy Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 I think Michael Sam can be very successful in the CFL. I was surprised he didn't make the roster of the Rams (although they do have quite a bit of depth at linebacker) given the excellent pre-season he had with them. Mark F 1
NotoriousBIG Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 He has CFL star written all over him. Lets get real -- he'll have a Cam Wake-like year and be gone, likely to an NFL team that will say "his lifestyle was never an issue." Blah blah. Its going to happen. And hope it does. Tracker and Mark F 2
17to85 Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 True equality isn't a pipe dream, it's something that is attainable as soon as people stop treating others differently and that includes treating them differently to give them an artificial advantage. So why are white older males in control of most power positions in Western society. Where is this artificial advantage you speak of. That isn't what I'm saying, old white males are in power because of reasons from long ago some of which do include racism and sexism. The point I am making is that going forward as a society treating people differently only perpetuates those isms.
17to85 Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races. There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is.
NotoriousBIG Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races. There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is. And there are dozens of books written by experts and scholars on the field who completely disagree with you. Rather than tell me that I "should" read a post on a football forum and "adjust my thinking", perhaps you "should" go to a book store or library.
17to85 Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Experts and scholars looking to push their own agenda. Seriously, apply even a shred of logic to what makes racism and you will see that it has nothing to do with oppression or power. Anyone can be a racist regardless of what their status is. Trying to change the definition of racism to what you are suggesting is quite frankly one of the most racist things I've ever heard. basslicker 1
max power Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races. There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is. And there are dozens of books written by experts and scholars on the field who completely disagree with you. Rather than tell me that I "should" read a post on a football forum and "adjust my thinking", perhaps you "should" go to a book store or library. You're both right OK? This is getting painful. There's normal definition there, and then also one for bleeding heart liberals with white guilt that has probably been added in the last decade or so.
NotoriousBIG Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Experts and scholars looking to push their own agenda. Seriously, apply even a shred of logic to what makes racism and you will see that it has nothing to do with oppression or power. Anyone can be a racist regardless of what their status is. Trying to change the definition of racism to what you are suggesting is quite frankly one of the most racist things I've ever heard. {Facepalm} Because you will only accept your own definition of the word! Look, do me a favour -- if you take nothing away from this conversation, please understand that -- Racial Prejudice and Racism are not the same thing. And it has much to do with power and privilege. So far you've been incapable (or unwilling) to grasp this.
Westy Sucks Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 To get this back on Michael Sam.... I'm just very glad that he's not on our neg list. We have enough of our own problems to solve on our crap team. We don't need this gigantic distraction. Especially with morons like Lawless, Westwood, Penton etc...around to ask even dumber questions like... Hey Michael, who would like to tackle the most out there...???...who do you think has the nicest bum on your team.... glad it's not with the Bombers ... they would automatically lose their jobs so I highly doubt that. Calm down with the hate, eh? You don't even know what hate is sister. This is not hate. It's opinion I'm not trashing the guy in this. I'm saying we don't need the distraction. And I don't care what anyone says, it is a distraction for any team Sam joins. If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood
robynjt Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood That's what I was referring to, "brother". bearpants 1
Westy Sucks Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood That's what I was referring to, "brother". Haha...good then. glad we've cleared that up. Cause I actually do hate Lawless and Westwood basslicker 1
basslicker Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 To get this back on Michael Sam.... I'm just very glad that he's not on our neg list. We have enough of our own problems to solve on our crap team. We don't need this gigantic distraction. Especially with morons like Lawless, Westwood, Penton etc...around to ask even dumber questions like... Hey Michael, who would like to tackle the most out there...???...who do you think has the nicest bum on your team.... glad it's not with the Bombers ... they would automatically lose their jobs so I highly doubt that. Calm down with the hate, eh? You don't even know what hate is sister. This is not hate. It's opinion I'm not trashing the guy in this. I'm saying we don't need the distraction. And I don't care what anyone says, it is a distraction for any team Sam joins. If anything I'm hating on Lawless and that super idiot Westwood Agree with idea that th edistraction would be the last thing this team needs. Agree with Sam's lifestyle or not, it would take focus off football. Our team has enough problems. And Westwood would be nauseating on the subject. Anyone remember his awkward comment a couple years back about the superbowl and people who can't afford a t.v.? uggghhhh
basslicker Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Two days ago, a 19 year old black university student in the US was stopped by the police because he had his hands in his pockets "suspiciously" and was "frightening people". You can see the video of that confrontation on the net.- the temperature was below freezing. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............................oh what? sorry were you talking. All I heard is "white people are evil"
NotoriousBIG Posted December 3, 2014 Report Posted December 3, 2014 Two days ago, a 19 year old black university student in the US was stopped by the police because he had his hands in his pockets "suspiciously" and was "frightening people". You can see the video of that confrontation on the net.- the temperature was below freezing. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............................oh what? sorry were you talking. All I heard is "white people are evil" So... I guess what you're saying is .... you're not too bright?
voodoochylde Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 Guys, please do not let this degenerate into pettiness .. this has been an otherwise interesting conversation and I'd hate to have to intervene in the ongoing discussion. NotoriousBIG 1
Rids Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 And yesterday this showed up -
bearpants Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 I'm not really sure about Dallas but I know St Louis is very deep at D-line... he was a long-shot to make the team, no matter what his sexual orientation is... from day one they knew it would likely come down to Sam vs Ethan Westerbrooks... and Westerbrooks was very good in camp and pre-season... that was truely a football decision robynjt and basslicker 2
basslicker Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 And yesterday this showed up - I used to give him credit for being brave (or crazy enough) to come out and try to join the NFL. It's a ballsy move...not like when an actor/actress comes out. (that's easy and expected lol) Had to be hard to do. But now, he's pulling the 'gay' card so I'm out. Everyone else seems to realize that he's not in the NFL because he's too small to play DE and not athletic enough to play OLB, so why can't he realize that? Sounds like sour grapes.
basslicker Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 Guys, please do not let this degenerate into pettiness .. this has been an otherwise interesting conversation and I'd hate to have to intervene in the ongoing discussion. Sorry, got the better of me.
NotoriousBIG Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 Sorry, watched that video -- Sam did not say anything out of line. He WAS the SEC d-player of the year. Facts a fact. Those TMZ guys were just on him too. Total no-win situation for him there. Head north Sam!
max power Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 Sorry, watched that video -- Sam did not say anything out of line. He WAS the SEC d-player of the year. Facts a fact. Those TMZ guys were just on him too. Total no-win situation for him there. Head north Sam! Sam was a middling NFL prospect long before he publicly came out. Even with the great season he had in the SEC. There's lots of undersized players with prestigious NCAA awards in the CFL too. And lots that even fail up here. Westy Sucks and basslicker 2
robynjt Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 Guys, please do not let this degenerate into pettiness .. this has been an otherwise interesting conversation and I'd hate to have to intervene in the ongoing discussion. Sorry, got the better of me. FWIW, I feel this is as good a time as any to let you know I often read your SN without the 'b'
robynjt Posted December 4, 2014 Report Posted December 4, 2014 ? No homophobic in the least. Ironic...... maybe.
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