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So underwhelming.  I watched it, so excited (hitting refresh for an hour waiting for it) and when it was over I felt....not even sure what.  Watched it again.  And again.  And I realised I was disappointed.


I dont know if they showed too much for a tease but they showed enough that the things they didnt show were glaring.  No original cast members.  No original droids.  No hint of Like or Vader.


The hilted lightsaber is stupid.  The CGI everywhere is a huge disappointment.  It looked too slick and sterile. 


It looks like JJ is going to do for Star Wars what he did for Star Trek.  And thats not a good thing.


I wouldn’t say he kills everything he touches, you can’t deny the successes he has had and the credits to his name, especially with his TV properties.  It could be argued that he has had much greater success as a producer and writer over director.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:13 PM, Rich said:

I wouldn’t say he kills everything he touches, you can’t deny the successes he has had and the credits to his name, especially with his TV properties.  It could be argued that he has had much greater success as a producer and writer over director.


I'd still list Lost as a success for him. The cultural impact and audience size it gathered makes it as such. I've also heard rumours that the network forced them to draw it out longer then originally intended to milk it for all that they could. Then they were forced to come up with side stories and plots.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:23 PM, Rich said:

I'd still list Lost as a success for him. The cultural impact and audience size it gathered makes it as such. I've also heard rumours that the network forced them to draw it out longer then originally intended to milk it for all that they could. Then they were forced to come up with side stories and plots.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:27 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:23 PM, Rich said:

I'd still list Lost as a success for him. The cultural impact and audience size it gathered makes it as such. I've also heard rumours that the network forced them to draw it out longer then originally intended to milk it for all that they could. Then they were forced to come up with side stories and plots.

I read an article a few months ago where the writers admitted they wrote themselves into a corner from day one.  They seemed to be amused at it actually.  I found it very unprofessional.  And I think they had the end date confirmed with about three seasons left so they had plenty of time to plot out a satisfying conclusion.  I seem to be in the minority that I really liked the finale and felt it was highly emotional.  But most of the plot developments in the middle of the series were just awful.



Agreed.  First couple of seasons were really good.  The middle seemed to have have no direction (like the show was "Lost").  I also liked the ending, though it really wasn't that much of a surprise for me by that time.  


Would have been a much better show if it was 4 seasons of 6.  A show like that relies combines the compelling stories (and flash backs) of the cast with suspense, cliff hangers and surprise to keep the audience guessing and coming back each week.  Can only do that for so long, especially with the flash backs.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:36 PM, Rich said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:27 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:23 PM, Rich said:

I'd still list Lost as a success for him. The cultural impact and audience size it gathered makes it as such. I've also heard rumours that the network forced them to draw it out longer then originally intended to milk it for all that they could. Then they were forced to come up with side stories and plots.

I read an article a few months ago where the writers admitted they wrote themselves into a corner from day one.  They seemed to be amused at it actually.  I found it very unprofessional.  And I think they had the end date confirmed with about three seasons left so they had plenty of time to plot out a satisfying conclusion.  I seem to be in the minority that I really liked the finale and felt it was highly emotional.  But most of the plot developments in the middle of the series were just awful.



Agreed.  First couple of seasons were really good.  The middle seemed to have have no direction (like the show was "Lost").  I also liked the ending, though it really wasn't that much of a surprise for me by that time.  


Would have been a much better show if it was 4 seasons of 6.  A show like that relies combines the compelling stories (and flash backs) of the cast with suspense, cliff hangers and surprise to keep the audience guessing and coming back each week.  Can only do that for so long, especially with the flash backs.


I was lucky in that I never watched it when it first ran.  I binge watched it on Netflix.  There is no way I would have stuck with it or been able to make sense of it if I watched it when it ran.


I find Bad Robot's fingerprints on Star Trek and Super 8, Cloverfield etc all the same.  Compelling ideas but just poor writing.  STID especially was something that, had you read the script online you'd think it was good, albeit convoluted fan fiction.  And then they actually made it.  Ugh.


I hope Star Wars doesnt fall into that trap.  I have faith in Kennedy.


Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:51 PM, Logan007 said:

Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.

I really hates that Falcon shot.  Its getting a lot of love online but to me its the opposite of what JJ promised - he said they were going to tone down the CGI and the trailer features a goofy CGI action shot of the Falcon.  I would have preferred a more majestic shot of it rather then spinning all unnaturally.


There are some story curiosities like Storm Troopers existing 30 years after the fall of the Empire but cant really be critical until the entire story unfolds.  I thought it was silly to not feature anything that grounds the new film with the origionals.  Even showing the image of Vader burning or the droids would have been better.  immediately showing "young" actors in very uncompelling shots makes it seem a lot more like Episode 1 than Episode IV.


Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

  On 2014-11-28 at 4:51 PM, Logan007 said:

Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.


I would argue this point.  Darth Maul's double light saber opened the door for modifications in The Phantom menace so I don't think you can lay the blame on JJ for that one.  Not saying that his hilted version is a good idea, just that it's been done before.

  On 2014-11-28 at 5:22 PM, bigg jay said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:51 PM, Logan007 said:

Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.


I would argue this point.  Darth Maul's double light saber opened the door for modifications in The Phantom menace so I don't think you can lay the blame on JJ for that one.  Not saying that his hilted version is a good idea, just that it's been done before.


A double light saber has been in cannon for a long time, it's not actually new, so I don't mind that.  I just think it looks dumb with it coming out the sides like that.  As long as it serves some kind of purpose then I won't mind it.

  On 2014-11-28 at 5:06 PM, Atomic said:

Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

Change is good, but change for the sake of change is not always good.


And unfortunately for you, all the old actors WILL be in this movie in case you didn't know.  Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, etc... will be in this.  What they're trying to do is tie in the old with the new, which I think is a great way to keep it going.

  On 2014-11-28 at 5:05 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:51 PM, Logan007 said:

Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.

I really hates that Falcon shot.  Its getting a lot of love online but to me its the opposite of what JJ promised - he said they were going to tone down the CGI and the trailer features a goofy CGI action shot of the Falcon.  I would have preferred a more majestic shot of it rather then spinning all unnaturally.


There are some story curiosities like Storm Troopers existing 30 years after the fall of the Empire but cant really be critical until the entire story unfolds.  I thought it was silly to not feature anything that grounds the new film with the origionals.  Even showing the image of Vader burning or the droids would have been better.  immediately showing "young" actors in very uncompelling shots makes it seem a lot more like Episode 1 than Episode IV.


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:35 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:22 PM, bigg jay said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 4:51 PM, Logan007 said:

Yeah, I don't like that he has to always "improve" on things that don't need improving.  Lightsabers have been a certain way for thousands of years in the Star Wars universe, and now all of a sudden they need to be changed?  Just keep it basic man.  He's a guy that makes change for the sake of change, and it can ruin things.  Kind of like his Klingons in Star Trek.  They were fine the way they were, but he had to make them look completely different because why?


And the shaky cam of his...uggh.  I didn't mind his iStormtroopers, but as soon as I saw the shaky came when it focused on the troopers, I was like...geez not again.  STOP TRYING TO CHANGE WHAT MADE IT SUCCESSFUL!  Same shot with the Falcon going all upside down and the camera following the turns but at a slower pace just seemed so unnecessary.


I did like the new uniforms and the upgraded X-Wings.


But yeah, can't tell a lot from 1 minute of sporadic footage.  I hope it's good.  I don't need it to look exactly like the originals, but I sure hope it feels like them.


I would argue this point.  Darth Maul's double light saber opened the door for modifications in The Phantom menace so I don't think you can lay the blame on JJ for that one.  Not saying that his hilted version is a good idea, just that it's been done before.


A double light saber has been in cannon for a long time, it's not actually new, so I don't mind that.  I just think it looks dumb with it coming out the sides like that.  As long as it serves some kind of purpose then I won't mind it.


Is JJ's a whole lot different than a forked lightsaber though (just the angle and blade size imo)?  There have been modifications to lightsabers for a long time and not all of them look good, but they still exist.





  On 2014-11-28 at 5:37 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:06 PM, Atomic said:

Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

Change is good, but change for the sake of change is not always good.


And unfortunately for you, all the old actors WILL be in this movie in case you didn't know.  Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, etc... will be in this.  What they're trying to do is tie in the old with the new, which I think is a great way to keep it going.



I know they will be in it, but I'd hate for them to be the main characters, and I really don't think they will be the focus.  It's not unusual to me to not see them appearing in a teaser trailer, in fact I'm glad because that tells me they will be secondary characters rather than Luke and Han vs the universe part 2.

  On 2014-11-28 at 6:56 PM, Atomic said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:37 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:06 PM, Atomic said:

Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

Change is good, but change for the sake of change is not always good.


And unfortunately for you, all the old actors WILL be in this movie in case you didn't know.  Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, etc... will be in this.  What they're trying to do is tie in the old with the new, which I think is a great way to keep it going.



I know they will be in it, but I'd hate for them to be the main characters, and I really don't think they will be the focus.  It's not unusual to me to not see them appearing in a teaser trailer, in fact I'm glad because that tells me they will be secondary characters rather than Luke and Han vs the universe part 2.


I also see them as more supporting roles than lead ones while still clearly being important (much like Obi Wan was in A New Hope),  Given that the story is set 30 years after Return Of The Jedi (and the age of the actors - especially Harrison Ford), I can't see them being the main focus.  The 1st movie of each trilogy has used the biggest "name" actor (Alec Guiness & Liam Neeson) mainly in a mentor type role so I can see them doing the same kind of thing here.

  On 2014-11-28 at 6:56 PM, Atomic said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:37 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:06 PM, Atomic said:

Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

Change is good, but change for the sake of change is not always good.


And unfortunately for you, all the old actors WILL be in this movie in case you didn't know.  Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, etc... will be in this.  What they're trying to do is tie in the old with the new, which I think is a great way to keep it going.



I know they will be in it, but I'd hate for them to be the main characters, and I really don't think they will be the focus.  It's not unusual to me to not see them appearing in a teaser trailer, in fact I'm glad because that tells me they will be secondary characters rather than Luke and Han vs the universe part 2.


Hmmm well, Ive heard it described as Ford's movie and he's supposedly the star of the first one.  I think, from spoilers and speculation I've read that Luke wont show up til the end and will have a larger role in the second one.  Im fine with them having big roles.  Just because they are older actors doesnt mean they arent good.  Will be interesting to see if they deviate from the idea that the saga is about the Skywalkers if if Luke and his family still play central roles.

  On 2014-11-28 at 8:22 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 6:56 PM, Atomic said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:37 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 5:06 PM, Atomic said:

Loved it.  Can't wait.


Glad they don't appear to be catering to the purists.  Change is good.


Last thing I would have wanted is just Episode 4 revisited with a bunch of 60 year old actors.  Old people suck.

Change is good, but change for the sake of change is not always good.


And unfortunately for you, all the old actors WILL be in this movie in case you didn't know.  Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, etc... will be in this.  What they're trying to do is tie in the old with the new, which I think is a great way to keep it going.



I know they will be in it, but I'd hate for them to be the main characters, and I really don't think they will be the focus.  It's not unusual to me to not see them appearing in a teaser trailer, in fact I'm glad because that tells me they will be secondary characters rather than Luke and Han vs the universe part 2.


Hmmm well, Ive heard it described as Ford's movie and he's supposedly the star of the first one.  I think, from spoilers and speculation I've read that Luke wont show up til the end and will have a larger role in the second one.  Im fine with them having big roles.  Just because they are older actors doesnt mean they arent good.  Will be interesting to see if they deviate from the idea that the saga is about the Skywalkers if if Luke and his family still play central roles.


I heard the same rumors.  I just hope the one about Luke only showing up later is not true.  I want to see some trained Jedi in this thing.

  On 2014-11-28 at 7:41 PM, Brandon said:

As a non star wars nerd it looked good. The hilted light sabre only makes sense. The action scenes look great. And no stupid characters like jar jar.

Did you miss the uni-ball robot?



  On 2014-11-28 at 8:29 PM, Logan007 said:


  On 2014-11-28 at 7:41 PM, Brandon said:

As a non star wars nerd it looked good. The hilted light sabre only makes sense. The action scenes look great. And no stupid characters like jar jar.

Did you miss the uni-ball robot?




I was going to mention that too.  Looks lame.  Maybe there is a greater purpose to it but looks designed to sell toys.


You make a good point about trained Jedi though.  In A New Hope, it was a quest of a rag tag bunch of people with little fighting skill.  We had the one very tame "fight" between Vader and OB1 but nothing like Episodes I-III.  I'd highly suspect they will have some sweet Jedi action but I doubt it will involve Luke...if what I hear is correct though, there might be an exciting action scene for him at the end.

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