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It's being handled internally


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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference.


I'd rather they be working, myself.


Impatience debatable, entitlement no.

If one says, impatient or not "I'd like to know, I need to know, We should know now" does not mean they think they are entitled. If however one starts to say things like "Management owes me an explanation' that's another story.

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Although I do not feel that we are in a melt down and it is the end of the world; I also do agree that I would like to know what is happening with the coaches?  Are we keeping them or not, are we looking at new coaches but the current ones still have a chance.  I do not want to hear the "We are still assessing the coaching situation" as I expect that we should have had it assessed already if they feel we are keeping them then great.  I want to see movement in this area so that we can see movement in forming our offensive and defensive playbook and as well get our roster together. 


I do not want to see like last year where it took so long to get our coaches lined up that our roster took a hit because we missed out on opportunities since we did not have the coaching in place to say yes I could yes that person or no I can not.  If we are sticking with Marcel and Etch another year although I would be disappointed at the very least it means that we can get moving on signing our guys that we want to keep, finding new ones and getting the holes that we have fixed.  My concern is I don't want to be the last one off the bus, picking up the scraps from the rest of their teams because they are already making announcements and making decisions and knowing what they need to do to move forward.


In reality if they were getting more players signed right now and locking up a roster and did nothing with the coaches that would be fine too but right now we are hearing almost nothing which means to a fan even if there is stuff going on it starts to feel like we are moving slowly, and nothing is being done.  It doesn't mean its true but it is what can be felt.


Your Post - - This is what I am trying to say.


I am looking for some sign of life from management .... not entitlement to every little detail.


This feels like the silent treatment to me ... and we as fans are just supposed to be good soldiers and endure whatever the generals send our way .... I have got better things to do with my life



Should the organization be expected to operate in the open?  Is it fair to those within the organization, for the organization to publicly be discussing their fate (with knowledge that fans on fanboards are doing it already)?  Fan entitlement is about the worst.  The Bombers front office is NOT closed for business.  They're playing their cards close to their vest. The way a professional organization does.


How do you say "We're waiting to see if we can improve at OC, DC, or anywhere else;" without telling people their jobs are in jeopardy?  "We're still evaluating the coaching situation" is about the most dignified way.


I think too many people over the years got used to really poor management operating really poorly for all to see.  Kelly spoke too much and too defiantly, Berry was known to fly off the handle at players, Mack hated the media and was well known to avoid trades or CFL free agents.  Burke threw players under the bus and spoke too freely honestly about things that should stay behind closed doors.


For years, the operations of this club were on public display, and spectacularly badly.  I for one applaud Miller/Walters/O'Shea for restoring some professionalism and dignity to the operation.

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


We're still a recovering organization though.  We've been the CFL's worst operation since 2009.  Other teams' scraps SHOULD interest us.  But should we scrap our co-ordinators, or worse yet throw their names in the wind as "potential to be replaced" before they've found a capable replacement?  What if we can't secure that guy?  Will the players in the locker room respect their DC if he's openly rumored to be replaced?


Good organizations "make their dominoes fall" because they have the luxury of being able to be ahead of their competition.  We're not a destination job right now... we can't do that.  The hardest thing about being charged with leading a losing organization, is that it's soooo hard to turn it around.  Look at Hamilton in the 2000's.  Took them over 10 years of futility.

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Let's see, if they are truly pursuing M. Benevides, as rumoured, do they have to go out of their way to stop, and tell us that?

Or any co-ordinator?

Keep busy..re-sign players…scout new guys…finish the evaluations…pursue, where you can, new possible coaching talent.

That's what I want.

I believe they are trying to get the Org. back on the right track, and if it takes a little longer this time to get it right, then so be it.

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 Until it's time for the fans to renew their tickets there is nothing that says they are in any need of knowing what is happening with the team. So let their interest go into hibernation and hope it wakes up at some point unless something else has by then become their more important ways of spending their money.


I'm fine with not feeling entitled to any of the news. If not getting off season Bomber news is the worst thing in my life I'm good. 

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


We're still a recovering organization though.  We've been the CFL's worst operation since 2009.  Other teams' scraps SHOULD interest us.  But should we scrap our co-ordinators, or worse yet throw their names in the wind as "potential to be replaced" before they've found a capable replacement?  What if we can't secure that guy?  Will the players in the locker room respect their DC if he's openly rumored to be replaced?


Good organizations "make their dominoes fall" because they have the luxury of being able to be ahead of their competition.  We're not a destination job right now... we can't do that.  The hardest thing about being charged with leading a losing organization, is that it's soooo hard to turn it around.  Look at Hamilton in the 2000's.  Took them over 10 years of futility.


Yes we should scrap any coordinator we find lacking.  As soon as you make the decision that they are lacking, they've already got one foot out the door.  We should not in any way name folks as "potential to be replaced".  Cut them and replace them.  There's always more than one guy who can replace them even if we miss out on the top prospect, especially when you're talking about MB and Etch.


Good organizations make things happen, not because they are ahead of their competition, but because they have they make the right decisions more often than not.


Sure it's hard to turn a losing organization around, but it's even harder if you keep the dead wood employed because you're too scared that you might get even worse.

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The only reason they haven't announced anything yet is because they haven't made a decision on Etch's future yet.  Otherwise we would have heard.  And taking this much time to make that decision is totally ridiculous.


Once again, not true.  Which is why the premise of the original post and all those claiming how wonderful it was is ridiculous.


Because, once again, people are dealing in absolutes.


Their wonderfully closed minds only see two possibilities - we decide to keep (pick a coordinator/coach) OR we decide to fire (pick a coordinator/coach).


In reality there are far more possibilities than that and all of these other possibilities will still take time to unfold.  Such as the Bombers were not entirely happy with (pick a coordinator/coach) and would like to try and upgrade that position, but were not so dissatisfied that the possibility of (pick a coordinator/coach) returning next season was ruled out entirely if no upgrade is available.


By my count there are only 3 coaches in the league who are no longer with the team who employed them at season's end - Cortez, Benevides, and Gibson.


So all you kings of impatience who want Etchevery gone - what is it the Bombers should do RIGHT NOW, TODAY?  Talk to Benevides?  Apparently they've done that.  So have 2 other teams, apparently.  What does that tell you?  That 2 other defensive coordinators may be available shortly.  Perhaps coordinators that they would like more.  Perhaps from places that Benevides would like to go to more.  Perhaps the new head coach of the BC Lions decides not to retain Mark Washington, whom the Bombers were rumoured to be interested in for the DC job last year.  Why on earth do we NEED to commit to anything today, December 5th?


But lets skip past all the possibilities, and I could easily think of dozens more, and go to the one that seems to be the biggest hangup - why not just announce that they are firing Etch today?  Well, perhaps they have enough vision to see an outcome where the only DC's available are ones they consider downgrades.  What if Barker fires Burke and Benevides takes that job, and the only DC of note was Tim Burke?  Tim Burke, back in town, one year later.


And then the Bombers realize the best option available to them is to re-hire the guy they fired a month ago, because Etchevery is the best option and all other options are worse.  That would be the most ridiculously unprofessional thing this organization has ever done, and that's saying something.


Instead, they are behaving like a professional organization.  Why some fans continue to insist they should make poorly thought choices - I am confused.  Maybe they've always been closet Rider fans and are engaging in subterfuge.  Well played.


(And most of this topic has been about the coaches, but some have implied the Bombers are outright doing nothing.  Their heads must be far down in the sand, because I have never seen this many potential FA's get wrapped up in new contracts before December.  Ever.  Walters has been a very busy GM.)

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


We're still a recovering organization though.  We've been the CFL's worst operation since 2009.  Other teams' scraps SHOULD interest us.  But should we scrap our co-ordinators, or worse yet throw their names in the wind as "potential to be replaced" before they've found a capable replacement?  What if we can't secure that guy?  Will the players in the locker room respect their DC if he's openly rumored to be replaced?


Good organizations "make their dominoes fall" because they have the luxury of being able to be ahead of their competition.  We're not a destination job right now... we can't do that.  The hardest thing about being charged with leading a losing organization, is that it's soooo hard to turn it around.  Look at Hamilton in the 2000's.  Took them over 10 years of futility.


Yes we should scrap any coordinator we find lacking.  As soon as you make the decision that they are lacking, they've already got one foot out the door.  We should not in any way name folks as "potential to be replaced".  Cut them and replace them.  There's always more than one guy who can replace them even if we miss out on the top prospect, especially when you're talking about MB and Etch.


Good organizations make things happen, not because they are ahead of their competition, but because they have they make the right decisions more often than not.


Sure it's hard to turn a losing organization around, but it's even harder if you keep the dead wood employed because you're too scared that you might get even worse.


backwards as usual. Replace first cut second. If they're waiting to make sure they get their choices before firing anyone what good does it do to air all your dirty laundry in public? You seem to be one of the people who just wants the coordinators fired no matter who they are replaced with but that's a silly attitude that isn't going to be shared by the team. Honestly I'd suggest you only want a press conference so you have something new to ***** about. Probably just want to know if you cna really start in on the bitching about keeping the coordinators or not. 


Too much entitlement and impatience here. 

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


We're still a recovering organization though.  We've been the CFL's worst operation since 2009.  Other teams' scraps SHOULD interest us.  But should we scrap our co-ordinators, or worse yet throw their names in the wind as "potential to be replaced" before they've found a capable replacement?  What if we can't secure that guy?  Will the players in the locker room respect their DC if he's openly rumored to be replaced?


Good organizations "make their dominoes fall" because they have the luxury of being able to be ahead of their competition.  We're not a destination job right now... we can't do that.  The hardest thing about being charged with leading a losing organization, is that it's soooo hard to turn it around.  Look at Hamilton in the 2000's.  Took them over 10 years of futility.


Yes we should scrap any coordinator we find lacking.  As soon as you make the decision that they are lacking, they've already got one foot out the door.  We should not in any way name folks as "potential to be replaced".  Cut them and replace them.  There's always more than one guy who can replace them even if we miss out on the top prospect, especially when you're talking about MB and Etch.


Good organizations make things happen, not because they are ahead of their competition, but because they have they make the right decisions more often than not.


Sure it's hard to turn a losing organization around, but it's even harder if you keep the dead wood employed because you're too scared that you might get even worse.


backwards as usual. Replace first cut second. If they're waiting to make sure they get their choices before firing anyone what good does it do to air all your dirty laundry in public? You seem to be one of the people who just wants the coordinators fired no matter who they are replaced with but that's a silly attitude that isn't going to be shared by the team. Honestly I'd suggest you only want a press conference so you have something new to ***** about. Probably just want to know if you cna really start in on the bitching about keeping the coordinators or not. 


Too much entitlement and impatience here. 


You never seem to tire of being wrong and argumentative.


I don't want them to air their dirty laundry in public.  I want them to make their decisions and let the coaches/media/fans know what those decisions are.  As I've stated many times, I think those decisions have already been made because they'd be incompetent to not have made them by now and I don't think Walters/O'Shea are incompetent.  I also don't think that signing our FA's is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week job or that our GM can only do one thing at a time.


I don't want them to replace MB and Etch with just anybody.  I want to see them replaced with the best candidates for the jobs.  I believe there is more than one coach available for both OC and DC who fit that description and I want us to have a chance at signing the best available candidate rather than the guys who are left over.


It's not entitlement.  It's not impatience.  It's moving forward and putting last season behind us.   It's selling the vision of a winning Bomber team next year to the fans.  It's selling the brand right before Xmas.  My guess is that MB and Etch will both be back and announcing that wouldn't help sell the vision or the brand. 

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I feel like I missed something. Wasn't the Grey Cup only 5 days ago? There's a long offseason ahead of us.


I assume it would be a bad move for the team to announce what (if any) coaches they were going after before they'd even fired the old guys. What if they don't hire anyone new?


I can't help but notice the announcements of contract extensions to players that we've been getting quite regulary. And there was a press conference today about the Grey Cup festival.

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference.


I'd rather they be working, myself.


They had a presser at the beginning of November, and people thought it was pointless.  Now the same people want the same presser, just a month later?


W#ell,you'd think they'd have progressed from then, don't you think? Tell you what, fans can vote with their wallets & not go to games anymore. That'll end the talk of fan entitlement.

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference.


I'd rather they be working, myself.


They had a presser at the beginning of November, and people thought it was pointless.  Now the same people want the same presser, just a month later?


W#ell,you'd think they'd have progressed from then, don't you think? Tell you what, fans can vote with their wallets & not go to games anymore. That'll end the talk of fan entitlement.



So then do that. But let me guarantee you one thing - the fan that isn't going to go to a game anymore because they don't like the assistant coach is a unicorn.

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I want to see them replaced with the best candidates for the jobs.  I believe there is more than one coach available for both OC and DC who fit that description




 I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate.  How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? 

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I want to see them replaced with the best candidates for the jobs.  I believe there is more than one coach available for both OC and DC who fit that description




 I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate.  How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? 






I want to see them replaced with the best candidates for the jobs.  I believe there is more than one coach available for both OC and DC who fit that description




 I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate.  How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? 






I want to see them replaced with the best candidates for the jobs.  I believe there is more than one coach available for both OC and DC who fit that description




 I was thinking that there are more than one coach who could be considered the best candidate.  How about more than 1 available coach who are better than what we have? 


That's what I thought you said too.

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You never seem to tire of being wrong and argumentative.


pot this is kettle, you're black!


Seriously you're just impatient. What's wrong with letting the team get everything lined up and making announcements all at once rather than doing what you want, tying the can to the coordinators and then hoping they can get someone they view as a replacement to take the job. As we saw last season wanting to get someone here isn't the same as actually getting them. The disconnect here is how YOU view the coordinators the team has and how the TEAM views the coordinators they have. Safe to say the team holds them in higher regard than you do. 

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It's not about a wailing press conference or feeling entitled or even a sense of satisfaction.  It's about the Bombers including the fans in the plan going forward to fix the obvious problems that kept us out of the playoffs this year.  I'm not talking about every little detail.  I'm talking about the big picture stuff, like which coordinators we'll retain.


Good organizations don't wait for the dominoes to fall.  They make the dominoes fall. They make decisions quickly and effectively and get out in front of the other teams.  Waiting to see how things shake out is the way to end up with the guys no one else wanted.  The Bombers had a 3 week head start on every team not called the Redblacks.  If they don't have a plan in place by now, they are incompetent.    


IF O'Shea/Walters/Miller have realized that coaching changes need to be made and have defined where they want to upgrade, there's no advantage to waiting to tell the coordinators or the press.  As soon as they reach out to prospective candidates the CFL community, including the coaches they want to replace, will know anyway.  As soon as management decides they need to upgrade a spot, keeping the old coach around 'just in case' is counter productive.  It's time for them to move on if they are going to.


If they've decided to keep our current coaches, which is what I suspect has happened, then call a presser and let everyone know.  If they've decided to replace one or more, then call a presser and let everyone know who's being replaced.  There's no need to keep anyone twisting in the wind.  If they haven't made a decision yet, then make one and let everyone know what's going on.


What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference.


I'd rather they be working, myself.


Impatience debatable, entitlement no.

If one says, impatient or not "I'd like to know, I need to know, We should know now" does not mean they think they are entitled. If however one starts to say things like "Management owes me an explanation' that's another story.



This thread isn't about entitlement or impatience ... never was ... some want to frame it as that but that is just plain missing the point


Since MOS took over this ball club,  his communication with the fan base has been ... well, I don't know: lets say limited (or inadequate, politically correct ... rarely frank) ... that's the point


Walters & Miller have not made up for O'Shea's shortcomings in this matter


The other original point was about our fear based on last year's tardiness in grabbing coaching talent ... no one wants to experience the same problem twice


We are hoping for better but fearing the same ... that's the 2nd point


We are looking for some communication of confidence .... not being some little impatient school girls


Condescending  .... sheesh

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Although I do not feel that we are in a melt down and it is the end of the world; I also do agree that I would like to know what is happening with the coaches?  Are we keeping them or not, are we looking at new coaches but the current ones still have a chance.  I do not want to hear the "We are still assessing the coaching situation" as I expect that we should have had it assessed already if they feel we are keeping them then great.  I want to see movement in this area so that we can see movement in forming our offensive and defensive playbook and as well get our roster together. 


I do not want to see like last year where it took so long to get our coaches lined up that our roster took a hit because we missed out on opportunities since we did not have the coaching in place to say yes I could yes that person or no I can not.  If we are sticking with Marcel and Etch another year although I would be disappointed at the very least it means that we can get moving on signing our guys that we want to keep, finding new ones and getting the holes that we have fixed.  My concern is I don't want to be the last one off the bus, picking up the scraps from the rest of their teams because they are already making announcements and making decisions and knowing what they need to do to move forward.


In reality if they were getting more players signed right now and locking up a roster and did nothing with the coaches that would be fine too but right now we are hearing almost nothing which means to a fan even if there is stuff going on it starts to feel like we are moving slowly, and nothing is being done.  It doesn't mean its true but it is what can be felt.


Your Post - - This is what I am trying to say.


I am looking for some sign of life from management .... not entitlement to every little detail.


This feels like the silent treatment to me ... and we as fans are just supposed to be good soldiers and endure whatever the generals send our way .... I have got better things to do with my life


Then for heavens sake why don't you go do them? Really not a good idea to lay all our cards on the table at this point in time. Then the media will jump all over it and turn it into a circus...you impatient folks just don't seem to be able to see the big picture!

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The other original point was about our fear based on last year's tardiness in grabbing coaching talent ... no one wants to experience the same problem twice


What tardiness is that? Other candidates they had interest in choosing to go somewhere else rather than sign in a coaching graveyard? 

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O'Shea has done way more media than he's required to, as have Walters and Miller.  For instance, calling into 1290 once a week.  For some reason O'Shea's professionalism and unwillingness to stand at the podium and shame his players or coaching staff is a lightning rod for some.  Get over it, it's not going to happen.


Are we going to have a different version of this thread everyday?

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