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I was one of the original posters on that site many years ago and have not really been around football boards over the last few years.. I logged on there today and no one posts there anymore. I enjoy reading this board to get all my Blue Bomber info but what the hell happened over there?




Hey GT, nice to see you. They burned a lot of bridges with posters that are here now that used to be there. I'd say a good percentage of us here are banned from there. They have a mod who has single handedly killed that site as well. Colin could have done more to save OB like booting out that mod but he didn't get involved & it is dying. I think it's sad but things change. I also think having three Bomber fan sites is too much & at least one has to go. Where's Grumpy Old Man? 


It's  a shame but can not argue the point. I go way back to Total-CFL days when Mookie (Colin) use to post over there and then started up OurBombers. Just about everyone that use to post there has left for one reason or another. I am not sure who the mod is that everyone was referring to above as I really don't know the moderators by handle or name etc.


The only good banning I supported was Nasty Nate (who has found a home over on the Riderfans.com site and uses any excuse to complain about anything related to the Bombers). I actually found this site by accident and now post here as everyone else I remember seems to be here.


It's  a shame but can not argue the point. I go way back to Total-CFL days when Mookie (Colin) use to post over there and then started up OurBombers. Just about everyone that use to post there has left for one reason or another. I am not sure who the mod is that everyone was referring to above as I really don't know the moderators by handle or name etc.


The only good banning I supported was Nasty Nate (who has found a home over on the Riderfans.com site and uses any excuse to complain about anything related to the Bombers). I actually found this site by accident and now post here as everyone else I remember seems to be here.

Wasnt Nate posting here too?  Havent seen him for awhile.  What did he do this time?


Personally, all the ads on ourbombers got a little crazy, posted there a few times, not often but did have an account and for the most part, i found, quite honestly, just like this site but it's way better, that most of the same people were on the bombers official site and said the same stuff there as they did on OB. com


Guess, maybe the mod banning people left right and center didn't help but surely there are other reasons.


The simplest reason, this site and the official site are just better. 


I was a staunch loyalist at the time of the schism but realllllly got jaded by how sluggish the site got and how ornery the mods were over there.. I tried to reason with Colin a couple times after the split and got tired of banging my head against the wall.

Mercifully, most if not all of the exceptional posters there found their way here one way or another so alls well that ends well.. As for TEP. BLECH, I tried to post there for awhile but the banter between all the juveniles, the uninformed and the overly sensitive made me reconsider posting there..


It's  a shame but can not argue the point. I go way back to Total-CFL days when Mookie (Colin) use to post over there and then started up OurBombers. Just about everyone that use to post there has left for one reason or another. I am not sure who the mod is that everyone was referring to above as I really don't know the moderators by handle or name etc.


The only good banning I supported was Nasty Nate (who has found a home over on the Riderfans.com site and uses any excuse to complain about anything related to the Bombers). I actually found this site by accident and now post here as everyone else I remember seems to be here.

Yeah unless you got the address of this place in the first couple days or from a person already here you'd have to find it by accident. the folks at ourbombers filtered the name of this place even in PMs. It's that kind of attitude that is why so many people abandoned ship when a better alternative showed up. 


I was a staunch loyalist at the time of the schism but realllllly got jaded by how sluggish the site got and how ornery the mods were over there.. I tried to reason with Colin a couple times after the split and got tired of banging my head against the wall.

Mercifully, most if not all of the exceptional posters there found their way here one way or another so alls well that ends well.. As for TEP. BLECH, I tried to post there for awhile but the banter between all the juveniles, the uninformed and the overly sensitive made me reconsider posting there..


I am sure some have said the same about you. Juvenile is calling down an entire forum, uninformed is doing the same....oversensitive...well guilty as charged I guess. What a completely needless and classless potshot to take at a fellow BlueBomber forum. Shame on you.


I occasionally posted on TEP a couple of years back. Trigger happy mods at the time (not sure if it's changed) soured my opinion. Maybe it's changed, maybe it hasn't. Either way, I think this place has outstanding discussion in all aspects. It's a great place to be a part of.


Ok for the uninformed! What is TEP? Is it a site


I almost never go to TEP.....it's a really weird board not meant for the hardcore fans.


Ok for the uninformed - what is TEP? Is that a CFL site somewhere?


Ok for the uninformed! What is TEP? Is it a site


I almost never go to TEP.....it's a really weird board not meant for the hardcore fans.


Ok for the uninformed - what is TEP? Is that a CFL site somewhere?


I'd long forgotten that it had a name - the official Bombers chat roomy thing is called The Extra Point.


I left a couple years ago due to a mod interaction I didn't care for.  I'm not going to blame him over that; it was more that I'm already here wasting my time - I don't want my time wasting to be a waste of my time.  Deleting my posts better have a much better reason than the totally valid point I made eventually led to other posters getting into a fight.


Guess I have a few thousand posts over there lying dormant.  Anyone know if I can convert them to aeroplan points or redeem them for luggage?



Ok for the uninformed! What is TEP? Is it a site


I almost never go to TEP.....it's a really weird board not meant for the hardcore fans.


Ok for the uninformed - what is TEP? Is that a CFL site somewhere?


I'd long forgotten that it had a name - the official Bombers chat roomy thing is called The Extra Point.


I left a couple years ago due to a mod interaction I didn't care for.  I'm not going to blame him over that; it was more that I'm already here wasting my time - I don't want my time wasting to be a waste of my time.  Deleting my posts better have a much better reason than the totally valid point I made eventually led to other posters getting into a fight.


Guess I have a few thousand posts over there lying dormant.  Anyone know if I can convert them to aeroplan points or redeem them for luggage?




LOL   you have about 9000 posts over there.


Bit weird over there the mods kinda make stuff up as they go along.


I was a staunch loyalist at the time of the schism but realllllly got jaded by how sluggish the site got and how ornery the mods were over there.. I tried to reason with Colin a couple times after the split and got tired of banging my head against the wall.

Mercifully, most if not all of the exceptional posters there found their way here one way or another so alls well that ends well.. As for TEP. BLECH, I tried to post there for awhile but the banter between all the juveniles, the uninformed and the overly sensitive made me reconsider posting there..

I am sure some have said the same about you. Juvenile is calling down an entire forum, uninformed is doing the same....oversensitive...well guilty as charged I guess. What a completely needless and classless potshot to take at a fellow BlueBomber forum. Shame on you.

I'm entitled to my opinion and thats how I feel about the place. You a mod there or something cuz you just go awfuly butthurt for no apparent reason.. Why u mad bruh.

(Edit) seems like im not the only one.. ;)


I understand they position they are in, or at least that they think they are in - it's the official team chat room found on the official team site, so they want everything there to be on the up and up.  But no one expects that of them, no one is going to blame them for the content of the individual posters.  Lighten up.




Great, I don't have the time in my day to get a notarized document from Walters every time we're about to sign a player.  Relax.  No one will mistake the ramblings of mbrg or new earth mud for the Blue Bombers mission statement.


There's a difference between wasting $20 on a movie and burning a $20 bill.  If I waste 20 minutes of time just to look up some stats or make an extra-long post, well that's different than if that post gets deleted a day later.  Yes, both involved wasting 20 minutes.  In the former I at least feel like I'm getting something out of it.


It got a bit Roger Goodellian over there, with the randomness and arbitrariness of the rules.  I know why they do it, but they just don't have to.  No one is holding them to that standard.


I understand they position they are in, or at least that they think they are in - it's the official team chat room found on the official team site, so they want everything there to be on the up and up.  But no one expects that of them, no one is going to blame them for the content of the individual posters.  Lighten up.




Great, I don't have the time in my day to get a notarized document from Walters every time we're about to sign a player.  Relax.  No one will mistake the ramblings of mbrg or new earth mud for the Blue Bombers mission statement.


There's a difference between wasting $20 on a movie and burning a $20 bill.  If I waste 20 minutes of time just to look up some stats or make an extra-long post, well that's different than if that post gets deleted a day later.  Yes, both involved wasting 20 minutes.  In the former I at least feel like I'm getting something out of it.


It got a bit Roger Goodellian over there, with the randomness and arbitrariness of the rules.  I know why they do it, but they just don't have to.  No one is holding them to that standard.


Agree with you.


What i really find odd and embarrassing over there is some rumors and chat about some players is deleted for whatever reason they seem to pick that hr or day or week that does not break any of the rules they have set other then they come out and say its not official or whatever.


Yet if a player is released or signs with another team in FA then its all good to bash the player to no end.


That said... If a player leaves for whatever reason and has harsh words about our team on his way out then ya i can see fans wanting to somewhat protect our team.... but just going off and bashing players to no end for reasons unknown i find to be embarrassing to our team and fan base.


Yet its allowed.  weird.  

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