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As of today, the SUN News network has officially shutdown. The network barely lasted 4 years.  In that entire time, they barely averaged over 5,000 viewers so it's no surprise the plug was pulled.  Also contributing to the network's demise were sensationalism, ambush attacks on guests, ethical violations, lack of actual news with too much emphasis on editorial segments. low production values and a lack of true star power (media personalities like Coren and Levant don't have a wide circle of followers outside a small group of conservatives).


Considering the low viewership numbers very few people in Canada will miss them.

  On 2015-02-13 at 11:37 PM, blueandgoldguy said:

As of today, the SUN News network has officially shutdown. The network barely lasted 4 years.  In that entire time, they barely averaged over 5,000 viewers so it's no surprise the plug was pulled.  Also contributing to the network's demise were sensationalism, ambush attacks on guests, ethical violations, lack of actual news with too much emphasis on editorial segments. low production values and a lack of true star power (media personalities like Coren and Levant don't have a wide circle of followers outside a small group of conservatives).


Considering the low viewership numbers very few people in Canada will miss them.

While the organization had it's share of critics, and rightfully so - Media folks losing their jobs is NEVER a good thing.


This was the network that the liberal and Lefts tried To convince the crtc that they shouldn't let them start up in the first place. They were hampered by not being on basic cable. I do agree they were more editorial than straight news but they also weren't being funded by taxpayers.

  On 2015-02-14 at 12:34 AM, Mr. Perfect said:


  On 2015-02-13 at 11:37 PM, blueandgoldguy said:

As of today, the SUN News network has officially shutdown. The network barely lasted 4 years.  In that entire time, they barely averaged over 5,000 viewers so it's no surprise the plug was pulled.  Also contributing to the network's demise were sensationalism, ambush attacks on guests, ethical violations, lack of actual news with too much emphasis on editorial segments. low production values and a lack of true star power (media personalities like Coren and Levant don't have a wide circle of followers outside a small group of conservatives).


Considering the low viewership numbers very few people in Canada will miss them.

While the organization had it's share of critics, and rightfully so - Media folks losing their jobs is NEVER a good thing.




Here's something else to remember: these young reporters launched their careers by contributing to a hate-machine that perpetuated prejudice, especially against Muslims, in a nation that's already highly suceptible to anti-Muslim sentiment.

It doesn't matter how many people lost their jobs or how many young and talented journalists Sun News Network took a chance on. Everyone who accepted a cheque from the network was complicit in spewing its hatred.

I'm sure it was a young and talented reporter who cobbled together this special report, "Islam's war on the world," which suggested that a religion of 1.6 billion people had declared battle on the planet's other 5.4 billion.

I'm sure a gifted video and sound editor thought to punctuate "The Arab Underground" bumper with the sound and graphics of an unsheathing sword.

And, surely, it took the best and brightest J-school graduates to trawl for violent disputes with which to portray Muslims as a sideshow, even if a story they came back with didn't appear to involve any Muslims at all.

  On 2015-02-14 at 3:15 AM, blueandgoldguy said:

Pretty funny that SUN media criticized the CBC for not letting the market determine their true demand by being excluded from a basic cable package, but yet they go crying to the CRTC demanding mandatory carriage. :rolleyes:

When the lefties whined to the crtc wanting Sun disallowed in the first place. Wanting to be on basic cable isn't poltoics, it's business

  On 2015-02-14 at 3:06 AM, blueandgoldguy said:


  On 2015-02-14 at 12:34 AM, Mr. Perfect said:


  On 2015-02-13 at 11:37 PM, blueandgoldguy said:

As of today, the SUN News network has officially shutdown. The network barely lasted 4 years.  In that entire time, they barely averaged over 5,000 viewers so it's no surprise the plug was pulled.  Also contributing to the network's demise were sensationalism, ambush attacks on guests, ethical violations, lack of actual news with too much emphasis on editorial segments. low production values and a lack of true star power (media personalities like Coren and Levant don't have a wide circle of followers outside a small group of conservatives).


Considering the low viewership numbers very few people in Canada will miss them.

While the organization had it's share of critics, and rightfully so - Media folks losing their jobs is NEVER a good thing.




Here's something else to remember: these young reporters launched their careers by contributing to a hate-machine that perpetuated prejudice, especially against Muslims, in a nation that's already highly suceptible to anti-Muslim sentiment.

It doesn't matter how many people lost their jobs or how many young and talented journalists Sun News Network took a chance on. Everyone who accepted a cheque from the network was complicit in spewing its hatred.

I'm sure it was a young and talented reporter who cobbled together this special report, "Islam's war on the world," which suggested that a religion of 1.6 billion people had declared battle on the planet's other 5.4 billion.

I'm sure a gifted video and sound editor thought to punctuate "The Arab Underground" bumper with the sound and graphics of an unsheathing sword.

And, surely, it took the best and brightest J-school graduates to trawl for violent disputes with which to portray Muslims as a sideshow, even if a story they came back with didn't appear to involve any Muslims at all.


What complete bullshit. What's next, they were paid in blood money? 


The left is just as intolerant of the right, as witnessed by their outrage over this network to begin with. I told all the wing nuts to stop worrying about sun news network, that there weren't enough people with a desire for that kind of sensationalistic network in Canada and that it would fade into obscurity, but no we can't even have anyone voice an opinion that has a right slant to it. Sun News Network was trash but the market judged it and found it unsustainable so away it goes.

  On 2015-02-14 at 2:44 PM, 17to85 said:

The left is just as intolerant of the right, as witnessed by their outrage over this network to begin with. I told all the wing nuts to stop worrying about sun news network, that there weren't enough people with a desire for that kind of sensationalistic network in Canada and that it would fade into obscurity, but no we can't even have anyone voice an opinion that has a right slant to it. Sun News Network was trash but the market judged it and found it unsustainable so away it goes.

I think the outrage was over the sensationalism of the SUN newpaper and those associated with it like Ezra Levant and Michael Coren.  Most knew where this was going...more of the same.  It tried to pass itself off as an impartial news source when in reality it was a Canadian version of Russian Today.  A little insulting and most Canadians realized this.


If by intolerant you mean the left won't tolerate those important matters like equal rights for women, denying real science, and equal rights for gays and lesbians than your right.  Such views should not influence in a political atmosphere because they are morally wrong.


They really didn't have any credible personalities on the air.Ezra was Ezra & was bombastic. Michael Coren came across as crotchety & know it all. And some of the other personalities were like, "Look at how stupid the Libs & NDP are...".Not being on basic cable really hurt them. The other thing that ticked me off was paleadeau a separatist still has shares in  the Sun chain even though he sold to Post Media. 


Anyone who think the CBC is "left wing" hasn't been listening to it much for the last few years.



The CTV has Craig Oliver, who favours nobody, says what he thinks, and asks smart questions.


He's our only hope these days, for honesty and critical thinking in tv news and opinion.

  On 2015-02-14 at 5:37 AM, iso_55 said:


  On 2015-02-14 at 3:06 AM, blueandgoldguy said:


  On 2015-02-14 at 12:34 AM, Mr. Perfect said:


  On 2015-02-13 at 11:37 PM, blueandgoldguy said:

As of today, the SUN News network has officially shutdown. The network barely lasted 4 years.  In that entire time, they barely averaged over 5,000 viewers so it's no surprise the plug was pulled.  Also contributing to the network's demise were sensationalism, ambush attacks on guests, ethical violations, lack of actual news with too much emphasis on editorial segments. low production values and a lack of true star power (media personalities like Coren and Levant don't have a wide circle of followers outside a small group of conservatives).


Considering the low viewership numbers very few people in Canada will miss them.

While the organization had it's share of critics, and rightfully so - Media folks losing their jobs is NEVER a good thing.




Here's something else to remember: these young reporters launched their careers by contributing to a hate-machine that perpetuated prejudice, especially against Muslims, in a nation that's already highly suceptible to anti-Muslim sentiment.

It doesn't matter how many people lost their jobs or how many young and talented journalists Sun News Network took a chance on. Everyone who accepted a cheque from the network was complicit in spewing its hatred.

I'm sure it was a young and talented reporter who cobbled together this special report, "Islam's war on the world," which suggested that a religion of 1.6 billion people had declared battle on the planet's other 5.4 billion.

I'm sure a gifted video and sound editor thought to punctuate "The Arab Underground" bumper with the sound and graphics of an unsheathing sword.

And, surely, it took the best and brightest J-school graduates to trawl for violent disputes with which to portray Muslims as a sideshow, even if a story they came back with didn't appear to involve any Muslims at all.


What complete bullshit. What's next, they were paid in blood money? 


I won't say I agree with the author's viewpoint, but I can certainly understand his frustration with the SUN media.  Several of the SUN commentators are very divisive.


All those people who lost their jobs should be able to find work elsewhere provided they are reasonably good at what they do, in traditional media or otherwise.


I generally don't mind ctv. I gravitate to a variety of opinions because I don't fit into one specific political moolld though I'm a Harper supporter.

Ezra certainly is bombastic which is too bad because he often makes a lot of sense. I posted a show he did here and most replies were ripping him without watching it.

I think the right leaning media like fox are less afraid of calling a spade a spade which is refreshing to a degree. But too many people are entrenched in their party rather than the message.

  On 2015-02-14 at 9:11 PM, iso_55 said:

They really didn't have any credible personalities on the air.Ezra was Ezra & was bombastic. Michael Coren came across as crotchety & know it all. And some of the other personalities were like, "Look at how stupid the Libs & NDP are...".Not being on basic cable really hurt them. The other thing that ticked me off was paleadeau a separatist still has shares in  the Sun chain even though he sold to Post Media. 

Always amusing how the SUN criticized the Edmonton Oilers arena deal with Katz yet nary a peep about the $400 million in taxpayers money being used in building the new Quebec City arena.  I'm sure Peladeau's potential ownership of the future Nordiques has nothing to do with that though.


There is a similar situation happening with the Winnipeg Free Press, Mark Chipman and the new mayor Bowman.  Bowman was championed as someone who campaigned on transparency at city hall and the Free Press seemed to go along with that idea after the shenanigans pulled by Sam Katz in his relationship with Shindico amongst other transgressions.  Free Press went after Katz pretty hard and deservedly so.  However, the minute that Chipman questions True North on the relationship with CentreVenture and possibly favouritism such as different terms and conditions regarding the land on the site of the former Calrton Hotel, the Free Press proceeds to write a serious of scathing articles on Bowman accusing him of endangering a True North $400 million proposal in the SHED district.  The thing is, it's just a proposal at this point, nothing more, and we don't know how many millions in subsidies it would require nor do we know if it will look anything like that render and who will actually occupy all that floor space.


Pretty funny though that the newspaper champions a guy who was endorsed by Chipman prior to the election  on the strength of his promise for transparency and rapid transit.  Now that he is questioning the dealings of True North he is getting taken to task in a series of editorials by that same newspaper.  I'm sure the heavy advertising that Chipman's auto dealerships have in the Winnipeg Free Press have nothing to do with it though.

  On 2015-02-14 at 9:16 PM, Mark F said:

Anyone who think the CBC is "left wing" hasn't been listening to it much for the last few years.



The CTV has Craig Oliver, who favours nobody, says what he thinks, and asks smart questions.


He's our only hope these days, for honesty and critical thinking in tv news and opinion.

CBC is still left wing, but certainly nowhere as far left on the political spectrum as SUN News is right.


CBC also had Kevin O'Leary on the network for a very long time.  SUN news did not even attempt to have a regular on their network to provide an opposing viewpoint.


what's left wing about the CBC?


just curious. 


Got an example of something? 


I just don't see it. If you mean on labour issues, 


Outside of the temporary foreign workers issue, which the CBC covered,



canadian labour issues are rarely in the news, outside of mentioning the official unemployment rate.

  On 2015-02-14 at 9:00 PM, blueandgoldguy said:


If by intolerant you mean the left won't tolerate those important matters like equal rights for women, denying real science, and equal rights for gays and lesbians than your right.  Such views should not influence in a political atmosphere because they are morally wrong.


No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. 

  On 2015-02-14 at 9:16 PM, Mark F said:

Anyone who think the CBC is "left wing" hasn't been listening to it much for the last few years.



The CTV has Craig Oliver, who favours nobody, says what he thinks, and asks smart questions.


He's our only hope these days, for honesty and critical thinking in tv news and opinion.

Oliver just keeps getting more grumpy the older he gets. 

  On 2015-02-14 at 9:39 PM, blueandgoldguy said:


  On 2015-02-14 at 9:11 PM, iso_55 said:

They really didn't have any credible personalities on the air.Ezra was Ezra & was bombastic. Michael Coren came across as crotchety & know it all. And some of the other personalities were like, "Look at how stupid the Libs & NDP are...".Not being on basic cable really hurt them. The other thing that ticked me off was paleadeau a separatist still has shares in  the Sun chain even though he sold to Post Media. 

Always amusing how the SUN criticized the Edmonton Oilers arena deal with Katz yet nary a peep about the $400 million in taxpayers money being used in building the new Quebec City arena.  I'm sure Peladeau's potential ownership of the future Nordiques has nothing to do with that though.


There is a similar situation happening with the Winnipeg Free Press, Mark Chipman and the new mayor Bowman.  Bowman was championed as someone who campaigned on transparency at city hall and the Free Press seemed to go along with that idea after the shenanigans pulled by Sam Katz in his relationship with Shindico amongst other transgressions.  Free Press went after Katz pretty hard and deservedly so.  However, the minute that Chipman questions True North on the relationship with CentreVenture and possibly favouritism such as different terms and conditions regarding the land on the site of the former Calrton Hotel, the Free Press proceeds to write a serious of scathing articles on Bowman accusing him of endangering a True North $400 million proposal in the SHED district.  The thing is, it's just a proposal at this point, nothing more, and we don't know how many millions in subsidies it would require nor do we know if it will look anything like that render and who will actually occupy all that floor space.


Pretty funny though that the newspaper champions a guy who was endorsed by Chipman prior to the election  on the strength of his promise for transparency and rapid transit.  Now that he is questioning the dealings of True North he is getting taken to task in a series of editorials by that same newspaper.  I'm sure the heavy advertising that Chipman's auto dealerships have in the Winnipeg Free Press have nothing to do with it though.


Not living in Winnipeg anymore & not knowing the issue I can't really comment on it. 

  On 2015-02-15 at 1:27 AM, 17to85 said:


  On 2015-02-14 at 9:00 PM, blueandgoldguy said:


If by intolerant you mean the left won't tolerate those important matters like equal rights for women, denying real science, and equal rights for gays and lesbians than your right.  Such views should not influence in a political atmosphere because they are morally wrong.


No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. 


Alberta needs a PST as we haven't enough revenue when oil prices tank like now. I hate taxes but this seems like a no brainer to me, 17. 

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