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My biggest issue is 3 hours of raw. It's an hour too long. It's like a ppv every week. It's too much. And fun fact with raw.. thus past week raw drew a 2.44 labour day rating. Way way down from last year's 2.8. Main event was Cena. The first and second hours drew a decent number but people tuned out the third hour.


I have to agree, I can't last the full 3 hours.  I remember when Raw was 2 hours and WCW Monday Nitro was 3 hours and I used to think "How can they go on for 3 hours???" and for that reason I never caught the main events and the real stars of WCW... I had already tuned out. When I think about it, I have very few memories of WCW really.  I always liked DDP but the rest of it I could take it or leave it.


Goalie I think you nailed it when you said it's like a PPV every week.  The "normal" PPV's I barely even enjoy anymore.  Stuff like Fastlane or Battleground.  It's just another episode of RAW!  The only PPVs worth watching seem to be Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank and Elimination Chamber... simply because they put effort into making those ones special.  For the rest of them they don't even bother getting creative anymore.  Remember stuff like boiler room brawls and everything they used to do for the Hardcore title??  Undertaker vs Mankind in the cage?  Shane McMahon jumping off the titantron??  The kind of stuff that really makes you get out of your seat because it's so awesome.  Just don't see it anymore.  How about Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boyz??  There's just nothing like that anymore.

  On 2015-09-12 at 8:15 AM, Heel Atomic said:

I have to agree, I can't last the full 3 hours.  I remember when Raw was 2 hours and WCW Monday Nitro was 3 hours and I used to think "How can they go on for 3 hours???" and for that reason I never caught the main events and the real stars of WCW... I had already tuned out. When I think about it, I have very few memories of WCW really.  I always liked DDP but the rest of it I could take it or leave it.


Goalie I think you nailed it when you said it's like a PPV every week.  The "normal" PPV's I barely even enjoy anymore.  Stuff like Fastlane or Battleground.  It's just another episode of RAW!  The only PPVs worth watching seem to be Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank and Elimination Chamber... simply because they put effort into making those ones special.  For the rest of them they don't even bother getting creative anymore.  Remember stuff like boiler room brawls and everything they used to do for the Hardcore title??  Undertaker vs Mankind in the cage?  Shane McMahon jumping off the titantron??  The kind of stuff that really makes you get out of your seat because it's so awesome.  Just don't see it anymore.  How about Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boyz??  There's just nothing like that anymore.

The only good thing to come out of WCW was the NWO. It was riveting tv. I remember one episode they took Ric Flair into a field & (kayfabe) beat the crap out of him. I was going WTF? 


nWo was an angle Bischoff saw in Japan. Lots of things came together to make it work. Getting Hall and Nash. Convincing Hogan to turn heel. Sting was plan B.

WCW really changed the business. Competitive matches on TV. International talent from Japan and Mexico. The idea smaller guys could be top guys.

  On 2015-09-12 at 3:48 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

nWo was an angle Bischoff saw in Japan. Lots of things came together to make it work. Getting Hall and Nash. Convincing Hogan to turn heel. Sting was plan B.

WCW really changed the business. Competitive matches on TV. International talent from Japan and Mexico. The idea smaller guys could be top guys.


I thought it was Hogan's idea to turn heel,  purely because of his ego and having to be the guy all the time.   


Supposedly it came from a Conversation between Bisch and Hogan. They wanted the third man to be a big deal. They teased it being Bret Hart (Hall referred to the third man being a "small" guy).

Hogan had to think about it. Sting was plan B. But the story that hogan hadn't decided til he walked out at the show isn't true. Sting was in the six man match. They wrote Luger out of the match but not as a plan B but as a red herring.

WCW also pushed the concept of monthly PPV's. They contributed a lot to the industry. And Bisch is very smart. But even he admits he made a lot of mistakes. He was very young. And he was playing with someone else's money. It made no sense that Turner would cancel WCW so they thought they'd never go out of business. But the Time Warner merger took the wrestling people out of decision making authority.

There is even speculation that the guy who cancelled WCW was friends with a top guy in WWE.... Allowing

Vince to buy a diminished asset with no TV. Vince then Tried to turn around and get nitro back on Turner but his own network activated their non-compete.

  • 2 weeks later...

Night of Champions was last night.  I thought it was an above-average PPV.


Kevin Owens is the new IC champ after beating Ryback in a solid match.  I'm happy to see that.  Bit of a dirty finish (eye rake by KO while being set up for the shell shock) so I'm sure there will be a rematch.  This rivalry might last for a bit.


New Day retained their titles when they got DQ'd against the Dudley Boyz.  I'm guessing we will see a "No DQ" match between them at Hell in a Cell.  Just a guess.  This was a good match though... New Day are endless entertainment.  Bubba took a splash to the head off the side of the apron from Big E, man that looked painful, I don't understand how that move works without killing Bubba.


Charlotte won the Diva's Championship to the surprise of no one.  Average diva match, nothing too crazy in this one, Charlotte won with the figure eight.  I hope she goes on a run defending against different stars rather than a big rivalry with the Bellas.  I'd love to see her defending against Sasha Banks and even Paige and Becky Lynch, I don't think Team PCB really needs to exist anymore.


Mystery partner for Reigns and Ambrose was...... Chris Jericho!  Awesome!  He wasn't enough to beat the Wyatts however as Braun Strowman choked him out for the win.  Then Jericho stormed off, maybe setting up some kind of storyline involving he and Ambrose/Reigns.  Not sure.  Another solid match though.


Finally it's Rollins time.  Rollins vs Cena was the match of the night for sure.  Back and forth for 15 minutes or so until Cena got the pin.  They beat the **** out of each other, Cena pulled out some pretty good "indie" style moves.  After the match Rollins tried to walk out but Cena reminded him he had another match coming up and gave him an AA on the outside of the ring and left him lying there as Sting came out.


Sting vs Rollins was solid as well.  Rollins is a hell of an athlete to be able to work these two matches back to back.  Sting was going all out including a cross body off the top rope to the outside.  Rollins put Sting through the announcer table as well.  Sting appeared to be legitimately injured halfway through and the doctors had to check him out.  Rollins won on a nice pin counter out of the Scorpion deathlock.


Time for Sheamus to cash in.  He gives the briefcase to the ref and delivers a brogue kick to Rollins.... but wait!  Out comes MASKED KANE and chokeslams Rollins.  Sheamus loves it until Kane chokeslams him too.  Sheamus didn't actually end up cashing in so he's still got the briefcase.  Overall, good PPV, I was satisfied.  I actually gave in and ordered the WWE network yesterday so I'm glad it was worth it.

  On 2015-09-21 at 2:57 PM, Heel Atomic said:

Night of Champions was last night.  I thought it was an above-average PPV.


Kevin Owens is the new IC champ after beating Ryback in a solid match.  I'm happy to see that.  Bit of a dirty finish (eye rake by KO while being set up for the shell shock) so I'm sure there will be a rematch.  This rivalry might last for a bit.


New Day retained their titles when they got DQ'd against the Dudley Boyz.  I'm guessing we will see a "No DQ" match between them at Hell in a Cell.  Just a guess.  This was a good match though... New Day are endless entertainment.  Bubba took a splash to the head off the side of the apron from Big E, man that looked painful, I don't understand how that move works without killing Bubba.


Charlotte won the Diva's Championship to the surprise of no one.  Average diva match, nothing too crazy in this one, Charlotte won with the figure eight.  I hope she goes on a run defending against different stars rather than a big rivalry with the Bellas.  I'd love to see her defending against Sasha Banks and even Paige and Becky Lynch, I don't think Team PCB really needs to exist anymore.


Mystery partner for Reigns and Ambrose was...... Chris Jericho!  Awesome!  He wasn't enough to beat the Wyatts however as Braun Strowman choked him out for the win.  Then Jericho stormed off, maybe setting up some kind of storyline involving he and Ambrose/Reigns.  Not sure.  Another solid match though.


Finally it's Rollins time.  Rollins vs Cena was the match of the night for sure.  Back and forth for 15 minutes or so until Cena got the pin.  They beat the **** out of each other, Cena pulled out some pretty good "indie" style moves.  After the match Rollins tried to walk out but Cena reminded him he had another match coming up and gave him an AA on the outside of the ring and left him lying there as Sting came out.


Sting vs Rollins was solid as well.  Rollins is a hell of an athlete to be able to work these two matches back to back.  Sting was going all out including a cross body off the top rope to the outside.  Rollins put Sting through the announcer table as well.  Sting appeared to be legitimately injured halfway through and the doctors had to check him out.  Rollins won on a nice pin counter out of the Scorpion deathlock.


Time for Sheamus to cash in.  He gives the briefcase to the ref and delivers a brogue kick to Rollins.... but wait!  Out comes MASKED KANE and chokeslams Rollins.  Sheamus loves it until Kane chokeslams him too.  Sheamus didn't actually end up cashing in so he's still got the briefcase.  Overall, good PPV, I was satisfied.  I actually gave in and ordered the WWE network yesterday so I'm glad it was worth it.

You'll like the WWE Network. especially the documentary series "The Monday Night Wars" which is outstanding. if you lived thru that era watching both Monday Nitro & Raw then you'll know what Imean. 


I agree with Mike.  Nothing special.  And in fact, I thought the booking was the usual sub-par.  Maybe Im jaded about wrestling now lol


WWE seems intent on not letting anyone get over.  Kevin Owens wins (the right decision) but via an eye rake and roll up?  Terribly lame.


New Day is a good act but they are a good example of what WWE does when they stumble on something fun or cool or unique - they beat us over the head with it until we're sick of it while the announces do their fake laugh and tell you whats trending.


Charlotte vs Nikki was just awful on many levels.  The only thing good was the fact Charlotte won the title and Steph didnt make an appearance.  Another example of no one is allowed to get over.  Nikki dominates the match in such a way the crowd isnt given any opportunity to get into Charlotte's chase.  And the "emotional" finish was complete muted by the fact they did the exact same thing six days earlier and reversed it.  What they did on RAW was rob Charlotte and the fans of the experience of winning.


Chris Jericho as the mystery partner was good.  Much better than Randy Orton or Rowan.  I was hoping for Samoa Joe.  Jericho has sort of jumped the shark to me but he was a good surprise for the fans.  Notice the fan hit the ring before Jericho's entrance?  That's 5 incidents of fans hopping the barricade, all on former Shield members in the last few weeks.  WWE better up their security before someone gets hurt.  I assume the Jericho psuedo heel turn is the latest attempt to get Roman over.  Good luck.


Rollins is the best worker in the world right now (or at least North America where it matters to most of us).  Tremendous talent.  Cena needed to win the US title and it was a good match.


Rollins vs Sting.  Well... I would have put the belt on Sting.  They booked Sting under again and its clear they see him as a name to exploit for a few bucks before putting out to pasture.  Seth was virtually unconscious when the match began and Sting still lost.  Sting is in great shape and worked very hard.  56 years old, worked 1 time in the past couple of years and still took a bump through a table, a plancha off the top and a powerbomb into the turnbuckles...he was a gamer for sure.


I think he cracked or bruised his ribs, had the wind knocked out of him.  Good on him for continuing though.  Bad on WWE for doing another roll up finish.  In their minds it "protects" Sting.  it doesnt.  And it doesnt do anything for Rollins either.


And dont get me started on Kane.  Good that he returned with his old gimmick.  Bad that in 2015 Kane is seemingly going into an angle with Seth.  And I actually love Kane.  But this is as bad as Big Show being a top guy.  Sheamus is a big bag of suck too.  I was hoping Sheamus would cash in after the Cena match, win the title and then lose to Sting.  But alas....


It exposes one of WWE's problems right now.  They have no top faces.  They pulled Ambrose down to try and get Roman over.  They wont put the strap on Brock.  And no one else is over enough.  They want to do Seth/HHH which will probably be good but again, Hunter should not be a top guy in 2015.  They should do a double turn with Seth and Roman or push Ambrose back up.

  On 2015-09-21 at 3:09 PM, Mike said:

PPV yesterday seemed like it was just a really average version of Raw.

Nothing that got me fired up. Having Kane close out a PPV? LOL. Come on.

Yeah but he was wearing the mask!!!

  On 2015-09-21 at 4:09 PM, Goalie said:

Sting in an interview with Slam Wrestling said he's there to put guys over.

Wellll, he said he understands his role and is fine with it.  Which ofcourse he will be considering he's making good money.  It doesnt change the fact they could use him a lot better.  I'd have done the nostalgia run for a month to cement Sting as a "WWE" legend as well as WCW.  I also think it makes Seth more interesting to lose both his belts especially with the idea he's not as good as Hunter.  Its a way to transition Seth face.  I assume WWE doesnt want to make him face though.  I wont crap all over the story yet...have to see how it unfolds tonight I guess.

  On 2015-09-21 at 4:37 PM, Goalie said:

He's 56. He shouldn't be champ.

I'd argue that story, fan response trumps age.  What age should someone stop being considered for champion?  38?  44?  50?  He looks younger.  I'd have done it for the pop...certainly not long term.  When Hogan won the title in 2002, it seemed like a great idea on paper (massively over at the time) but ultimately wasnt.  But in this day and age, you could do it.  Would pop a rating on RAW (which is needed) and gets you one more PPV buy rate with Sting where he drops it back to....whomever.


Its not a big deal either way, but since Sting lost to Hunter, I wouldnt have had him lose again in his second match.  If the idea if to monetize Sting, they are going about it the wrong way.

  On 2015-09-21 at 4:52 PM, Heel Atomic said:

Crazy that he is taking that kind of punishment at 56.


FIFTY SIX.  That's pretty old.  I cant imagine my dad getting in the ring right now.

And funny, the Undertaker is only 50 and looks about 15 years older than Sting.


The Lawler heart attack really scared WWE off of using older guys, unfortunately.  Apparently, the heart attack wasnt even an age-related scenario and he's been cleared to wrestle and does so on the indy scene.


Ric Flair worked into his 60's and now, at 66, said he's been medically cleared to wrestle but WWE doesnt want to do that.

  On 2015-09-21 at 4:56 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2015-09-21 at 4:52 PM, Heel Atomic said:

Crazy that he is taking that kind of punishment at 56.


FIFTY SIX.  That's pretty old.  I cant imagine my dad getting in the ring right now.

And funny, the Undertaker is only 50 and looks about 15 years older than Sting.


The Lawler heart attack really scared WWE off of using older guys, unfortunately.  Apparently, the heart attack wasnt even an age-related scenario and he's been cleared to wrestle and does so on the indy scene.


Ric Flair worked into his 60's and now, at 66, said he's been medically cleared to wrestle but WWE doesnt want to do that.




Ric Flair is the greatest of all time so I'd watch it if it happened.  He had a couple of "ok" matches in TNA, the one with Mick Foley standing out.  But even he admits he's not in cosmetic shape.  But they could use him a lot better.  The problem with a "manager" is, if they cant "bump", its hard to get heat on them.  Thats why Heenan was moved to the broadcast booth when he was too beat up to keep bumping.  And guys like Blassie and Fuji were mostly useless.


So Flair being cleared to bump, I'd use him in non-match angles.

  On 2015-09-21 at 6:42 PM, The Unknown Poster said:



Sting's injury was legitimate and we're trying to get more information on it.  The early reports we have is that the injury was significant.


Also, word is its a neck injury.


It did look legit.  I didn't think he would finish the match to be honest.  But good on him for toughing it out... however this is the risk with a guy who is that old.  Just far more prone to injury.

  On 2015-09-21 at 7:06 PM, Heel Atomic said:


  On 2015-09-21 at 6:42 PM, The Unknown Poster said:



Sting's injury was legitimate and we're trying to get more information on it.  The early reports we have is that the injury was significant.


Also, word is its a neck injury.


It did look legit.  I didn't think he would finish the match to be honest.  But good on him for toughing it out... however this is the risk with a guy who is that old.  Just far more prone to injury.


Yeah, look at Kevin Nash.  Blew his quad simply by *walking* in his first match back in WWE.

  On 2015-09-21 at 7:08 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2015-09-21 at 7:06 PM, Heel Atomic said:


  On 2015-09-21 at 6:42 PM, The Unknown Poster said:



Sting's injury was legitimate and we're trying to get more information on it.  The early reports we have is that the injury was significant.


Also, word is its a neck injury.


It did look legit.  I didn't think he would finish the match to be honest.  But good on him for toughing it out... however this is the risk with a guy who is that old.  Just far more prone to injury.


Yeah, look at Kevin Nash.  Blew his quad simply by *walking* in his first match back in WWE.



Remember when McMahon tore both his quads entering the ring?

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