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Someone asked what he thought of Volnys comments after he was cut and showed a picture of an article with a headline - Volny on O'shea - "he is a terrible coach" I can't find the article. And that's the first I've heard of him saying anything like this. Anyone have any idea about it? Is it a fake?


Also...he never answered my damn questions!!! 


My1st question (in two parts) was going to be,


"Etcheverry?  Seriously?"


and my second would have been,


"You said during the season that the run defense was fine, then after the season you said we need to get better at stopping the run.  So for 2015, which opinion are you going to start the season with and when do you think you'll move to the other one?"


I find it very difficult to follow along without looking at every question being asked.


Anyone want to summarize the most interesting things?


The only interesting thing (I thought) was that they want to continue with Lirim handling all kicking duties and have a backup kicker.


Teaching skills, building team, looking good to win the cup.

Watch for DC's blog on this in a couple days... :)



I find it very difficult to follow along without looking at every question being asked.


Anyone want to summarize the most interesting things?


The only interesting thing (I thought) was that they want to continue with Lirim handling all kicking duties and have a backup kicker.





Someone asked what he thought of Volnys comments after he was cut and showed a picture of an article with a headline - Volny on O'shea - "he is a terrible coach" I can't find the article. And that's the first I've heard of him saying anything like this. Anyone have any idea about it? Is it a fake?

Also...he never answered my damn questions!!!

Never heard of it or seen it ever so one has to wonder how real it is but if real makes one question the character and integrity of a backup Canadian rb who if wasn't Canadian wouldn't be in the league


Honestly thought most questions asked including the ones by the media were ridiculous. Gbill had a good one asking if wylie would be full time and coach said he would be. That's about the most interesting thing I got from it.


Again, as with the blog, it's highly sanitized with zero hard news content. I'm trying to figure what, exactly, the team gains from all this....is there anyone out there (even casual-at-best fans) that enjoys this stuff?


Again, as with the blog, it's highly sanitized with zero hard news content. I'm trying to figure what, exactly, the team gains from all this....is there anyone out there (even casual-at-best fans) that enjoys this stuff?


Considering the amount of people who asked questions, I'd say ... obviously.


We got a few interesting pieces of info.

Wylie being full-time. Lirim being pegged to carry all kicking roles. O'Shea telling Wiecek he doesn't like reporters. ;)

  1. @Wpg_BlueBombers How will you stop your players from taking so many late hit and unsportsmanlike conduct penalties this year? #AskOShea

    0 retweets0 favorites

    .Keep coaching proper techniques and keep building the "team"



I had hoped to get some insight into his thoughts on accountability for on-field actions that hurt the team, but but got pretty much nothing. At least he responded! 




I find it very difficult to follow along without looking at every question being asked.


Anyone want to summarize the most interesting things?


The only interesting thing (I thought) was that they want to continue with Lirim handling all kicking duties and have a backup kicker.






Right, emergency would be the correct word.



  1. @Wpg_BlueBombers How will you stop your players from taking so many late hit and unsportsmanlike conduct penalties this year? #AskOShea

    0 retweets0 favorites

    .Keep coaching proper techniques and keep building the "team"



I had hoped to get some insight into his thoughts on accountability for on-field actions that hurt the team, but but got pretty much nothing. At least he responded! 


I told you, Kuale was cut already :)


Someone asked what he thought of Volnys comments after he was cut and showed a picture of an article with a headline - Volny on O'shea - "he is a terrible coach" I can't find the article. And that's the first I've heard of him saying anything like this. Anyone have any idea about it? Is it a fake?


Yes it's fake. First thing, Glen Suitor would never write something like that. Second, Carl Volny would never say anything like that.



  1. @Wpg_BlueBombers How will you stop your players from taking so many late hit and unsportsmanlike conduct penalties this year? #AskOShea

    0 retweets0 favorites

    .Keep coaching proper techniques and keep building the "team"



I had hoped to get some insight into his thoughts on accountability for on-field actions that hurt the team, but but got pretty much nothing. At least he responded! 



Not sure how much insight a person can expect to find on Twitter.

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