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I liked clerks 1 n 2, mallrats, dogma,  jay n silent bob strike back,  but i think a lot of it had to do with its supporting cast.  I like jason Lee, Jeff anderson,  and Jason Mewes and are probably what made those movies for me in their own respective roles.


Mewes is credited on Tusk as an associate producer but i think thats just a friend helping a friend.  I cant believe anyone who agree those this movie.  I mean usually with a horror/comedy there's a story concept then if the movie happens to miss its mark you can usually say well it had a good concept just failed for whatever reason,  but in this case the concept is batsh*t stupid, the horror isnt scary as much as its just disturbing and the humor is bad. Johnny depp's worst role ever and I think he wanted his name right taken off it.  the credits show "Guy Lapoint as Guy Lapoint" even tho everyone else kept their names on the credits. its just wow. :blink:  


even tho its supposed to take place in Winnipeg and Gimili, reason I dont think it actually was other then a shot of the airport, was i dont remember any kinda press saying Johnny Depp, Justin Long and Haley Joel Osment were here and that seems like big news. |I remember when Brad Pitt was here filming that western downtown how over the top the media was constantly with it

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Kevin smith is actually pretty awful. Probably the most famous and successful least talented writer/director in Hollywood.


I can't stand the guy.  I'll admit I liked Clerks and Mallrats, but Kevin Smith the man just seems like a total ******.


Kevin smith is actually pretty awful. Probably the most famous and successful least talented writer/director in Hollywood.


He has definitely dropped substantially since his early movies.   Clerks, Chasing Amy , Dogma and JSBSB are all great watches....    Clerks 2 I thought was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life.    Smith appears to be going through some kind of Uwe Boll like mid life crisis and has turned into a huge cry baby.    


I never got the hype with Clerks.  Mall rats was "okay" in a sort of amateur filmmaker sort of way.  I think thats the thing about Smith - he comes across like such an amateur.  Like a film student that somehow got a few decent budgets and a cult following.


Chasing Amy was, by far, his best work.  And unsurprisingly, probably his best cast where the amateur actors were bit players.  And even then, it had scenes that were so poor, his film class professor would have given him an F.  But the cast was charming.


I also didnt mind Dogma to be honest and I agree, the cast again, was charming.


Zack and Miri make a porno might be his most mainstream success.  And again...good cast saves an otherwise average at best script.


He's like Tarantino if Tarantino made crappy films.  Compare Reservoir Dogs to Clerks or Pulp Fiction to Mall Rats.  Not even close.  In a Hollywood where Bob Orci is considered a great writer, Kevin Smith can make a lot of money.  But he's no great talent.


I think it was more the connection with the characters then anything, there is nothing about reservoir dogs or pulp fiction i can sit there and say, at least at times,  yep been there before or totally get it from first hand experience where theres aspects of mall rats and clerks I can relate to having worked at a sev or crashed the mall as a teen with only a couple bucks in my pocket.  Not all of it is relatable but more so then the Tarantino movies.  That being said I agree Tarantino's movies are far better and would choose them over Smiths, From Dusk Till Dawn is probably the only movie I like George Clooney in,  but thats just me


(CNN)When the first issue of the relaunched "Spider-Man" series hits comic book stores this fall, the face behind the mask will no longer be Peter Parker's. The superhero's alter ego will be Miles Morales, a biracial teenager.


Morales was a popular character in Marvel Comic's "Ultimate" line of comics. In that series, he donned the mask after the death of Peter Parker.

The new Spider-Man, Miles Morales


The "Ultimate" Marvel series launched in 2000 and reimagined other notable superheroes, such as the X-Men, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Now, however, Morales will replace Parker in the main Spider-Man series.


***Can't say Im a fan of this...



(CNN)When the first issue of the relaunched "Spider-Man" series hits comic book stores this fall, the face behind the mask will no longer be Peter Parker's. The superhero's alter ego will be Miles Morales, a biracial teenager.


Morales was a popular character in Marvel Comic's "Ultimate" line of comics. In that series, he donned the mask after the death of Peter Parker.

The new Spider-Man, Miles Morales

The "Ultimate" Marvel series launched in 2000 and reimagined other notable superheroes, such as the X-Men, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Now, however, Morales will replace Parker in the main Spider-Man series.


***Can't say Im a fan of this...


Why are you talking about comic books in a Movie thread?


I dont think i'll be a fan either. Unless they go Spider-Man 2099 styles (and similar to Batman Beyond) where its not so much the person,  but the suit thats the source to the superhero like abilities. Other then a few alternates like Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl (daughter of peter and mary jane named May Parker after his aunt) they've been pretty non wavering that Peter's powers are extremely unique and not easily duplicated or attainable. Its not like its the Green lantern that can pass off the torch from one person to the next because it's the ring and the lantern that gift the chosen people their powers like Hal Jordan then John Stewart


The movie version of Spiderman, to relaunch in a couple years, will have a young white British kid, fwiw...


Kevin smith is actually pretty awful. Probably the most famous and successful least talented writer/director in Hollywood.

Kevin Smith is a lousy director and even he will admit to that, but he's a solid writer with regards to dialogue. That's what made his good movies good was the dialogue. I personally enjoy his movies but I can understand why people would not appreciate them. Lots of people want more from movies than a back and forth between characters. 


Dogma great, Clerks (both) great, Zac and Miri great, Jay/Silent Bob great.....he's done some really fun movies, for sure.


The movie version of Spiderman, to relaunch in a couple years, will have a young white British kid, fwiw...

Yeah, welcome to yesterday's news.  Pshh...  ;)


His name is Tom Holland.  Looks pretty good I think as Peter Parker.  Kid can actually do a bunch of flips too.


My daughter and I went to see Inside Out on Saturday. If anyone has kids this is a great movie to take them to. If you don't have kids, it's still a great movie. Pixar hits it out of the park again.


like Taylor Lautner type flips or hey look at me im a cheerleader no hand cartwheel 

Weirdo.  No, like a somersault flip through the air.  He can even do a somersault while twisting in the air.  He's pretty good.


My daughter and I went to see Inside Out on Saturday. If anyone has kids this is a great movie to take them to. If you don't have kids, it's still a great movie. Pixar hits it out of the park again.

I wanted to see this last week, but we had some wedding to go to and then my wife went to see her dad on father's day.  WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!?!?!  I mean, what's more important!??  Geez.  She needs to get her priorities straight.


I goofed.  I mis-read the article and applied it to the Spider-man film (since they featured a big pic of the new actor).  There had been a lot of chatter about the film going with Miles as opposed to Parker as well.  If its the comic, I dont really care.  For the film, it would make no sense to go with a Spiderman other than the original.  I sort of feel the same way about Green Lantern but John Stewart is more well known, I think, then Miles.


Im sort of on two sides.  I dont think every iconic white character is racist for being white.  On the flip side, when we're talking about characters or actors from a by-gone era, they were almost always white for a reason...and that reason shouldnt apply now.  So if someone argues we should be diversifying some of these popular and iconic characters, Im cool with that.  But I still think its okay for Peter Parker to be a white kid from New York.


With Green Lantern, at least there is an in-universe explanation for multiple Lanterns.  In fact there hot rumour this week was that Justice League would include both Hal Jordan and John Stewart.


Apparently Holland is on his way to the set of Civil War, where Spidey will finally make an appearance. Based on the background I've read, it sounds like Stark's finally doing some recruiting for his "team"...


Star Trek Beyond begins filming in Vancouver shortly.  Cast members are in town.  Production people in trouble for cutting down trees in a provincial park.  The usual.


This film likely ends the Trek film revival for a few years.  The Bad Robot produced Trek have been somewhat of a disaster.


Star Trek Beyond begins filming in Vancouver shortly.  Cast members are in town.  Production people in trouble for cutting down trees in a provincial park.  The usual.


This film likely ends the Trek film revival for a few years.  The Bad Robot produced Trek have been somewhat of a disaster.

Vancouver? Ewww cheap.


Loved first film, not much cared for second.

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