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5 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:



was spielberg involved with crystal skull? that movie was all kinds of wrong. I hope if they are insistent on including Indy's kid now that he's been introduced, for the love of all that is black and unholy, just say no to Labeouf, I'd rather see the type of kid Fraser got in the 3rd Mummy movie, then a smart ass unbelievable shia

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32 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

was spielberg involved with crystal skull? that movie was all kinds of wrong. I hope if they are insistent on including Indy's kid now that he's been introduced, for the love of all that is black and unholy, just say no to Labeouf, I'd rather see the type of kid Fraser got in the 3rd Mummy movie, then a smart ass unbelievable shia

Spielberg directed it, but didn't want to do most of what George wanted him to do.  George begged him to do it and he said yes, but George had complete control over everything and Spielberg couldn't say no.  He made the mistake of saying yes to doing this, but then wouldn't walk out on the movie because he and George are really good friends.  It's too bad, because apparently they had a really good script beforehand from some other guy, and George tossed it and said, no we're doing it this way instead.

I think they'll get rid of Mutt in the next movie.  Not sure what a 76 year old is going to do to excite us but we'll see.  Even Sean Connery wasn't that old when he was playing Indie's dad.

Posted (edited)

From Comic Book Resources:

Disney Narrows Young Han Solo Search To Three Finalists

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 at 11:32am PST - by Brett White


The Hollywood Reporter has learned that the search for the lead in Disney’s upcoming “Han Solo” Star Wars anthology film has been narrowed down to three finalists: Alden Ehrenreich (“Hail, Caesar!”), Jack Reynor (“Transformers: Age of Extinction”) and Taron Egerton (“Kingsman: The Secret Service”). The information comes from multiple unnamed sources, who also clarify that there may still be a few more actors in contention for the role.

According to THR’s report, tests — posisbly either costume tests or screen tests — were conducted in London over the weekend and these three actors have emerged from a previous pack of ten as the lead contenders for the anthology film. Besides these three leading candidates, it’s been reported that Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort and Emory Cohen also tested for the coveted role.

“LEGO Movie” directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are attached to direct the Han Solo anthology film. Back in December it was reported that around 2,500 actors auditioned for the part of Han Solo. Of these three current leads, only Jack Reynor was on the previous shortlist of contenders that surfaced in January.

Written by Lawrence Kasdan and Jon Kasdan, the untitled movie opens May 25, 2018.

Edited by Logan007
Posted (edited)

Im about to rewatch Transformers age of extinction, cuz ive been watching the other 3 last few nights trying to psyche myself up (and failing) for a trailer of Transformers 5, rise of Unicron, so ill keep jack reynor in mind while i watch and think of han solo.  I havent seen Hail caesar, but I didn't mind Taron Egerton in Kinsmen, He'd be a good pick from what i remember of the movie and him as an actor

Edited by Taynted_Fayth

they are really committed to making transformers a ongoing thing




Paramount Sets Annual Release Dates for Transformers 5, 6 and 7!

ON FEBRUARY 12, 2016
 14.1K  30  


image: http://cdn2-www.comingsoon.net/assets/uploads/1970/01/file_608270_transformers-china.jpg

Paramount Sets Annual Release Dates for Transformers 5, 6 and 7!


Annual release dates set for Transformers 5, 6 and 7

UPDATE: It has been confirmed that the 2018 Transformers film will be a Bumblebee spin-off movie.


We hope you packed extra Energon cubes, because the Transformers franchise is taking you on a three-year journey. Paramount Pictures has not only set the official release date forTransformers 5, but also for Transformers 6 and Transformers 7!

Transformers 5, featuring a script by Iron Man scribes Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Ken Nolan (Black Hawk Down), will be directed once again by Michael Bay and is set to crash into theaters on June 23, 2017, where it will open against Warner Bros.’ upcoming Wonder Womanmovie. Mark Wahlberg has also confirmed he will return for the film.

Transformers 6 will drop in the next year on June 8, 2018, where it will clash with Legendary’sGodzilla sequel; with Transformers 7 landing the next year on June 28, 2019. Details on both of these films have not been confirmed.

Last year, Paramount began forming a Transformers “writers room” with the purpose of planning out both multi-part sequels in the main franchise and character spin-offs. The only other film confirmed to be in-development out of the franchise brain trust is an animated “origin story” film that will be set on the Transformers’ homeworld of Cybertron.

Read more at http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/656581-paramount-sets-annual-release-dates-for-transformers-5-6-and-7#VxBoQOdxofyFAheR.99



I'd be interested to see Bay's take on Unicron, they might have jumped the gun a little introducing Galvatron in age of extinction then if Unicron is in #5 as hes the one who basically resurrects a dead megatron and giving him more power.  That's probably the biggest let downs of these movies for me,  is the way they handle the characters/robots.  One of my all time favorite decepticons was when the 5 constructicons created devastator.


certainly not this with 2 wrecking ball testicles hanging from his chin

Devistator_ROTF.jpg Ive also had issue with others like Soundwave and his minion tapes.  watching dark of the moon again last night, i just felt totally put off by what they did to laser beak



I dont know if its an attempt to make the robots look more "realistic" but it just doesnt work for me.  They all seemed too alike.  The force-fed humor didnt help ofcourse.  Prime is the best partly because they use the original voice actor.  What they did to Megatron was criminal.  And Starscream.  He seemed like just another evil robot.

They need to take more inspiration from the cartoon, make the Robots easier to "see" and understand the differences.  And fight scenes where you cant tell who's who or what they're doing just dont work (same with Superman vs Zod in MoS). The first Transformers movie wasnt bad.  The military aspect was really good.  The others just went downhill.

The one good thing though, even though the movies kept making money, Paramount acknowledged that creatively they were lacking and it would eventually impact their revenues and have set out to fix that aspect, assembling a "writers room" of acclaimed talent to chart a course for the future of the Franchise.  its a shame they didnt do that with Star Trek!


a little colour goes a long way in distinguishing them, while im not a big fan of their faces specifically,  you could always tell the autobots apart by their size and colour. watching dark of the moon yesterday they have sooo many forgettable silver monster decepticons,  you really cant tell them apart other then with close ups or dialog which many didnt have, just a cluster **** of robots.

I think i saw mark walhberg is pegged to return in #5 and Peter cullen (voice of Optimus) but thats about it.  

and interesting thing about those voice actors, it's amazing how many characters these guys have played over the years and what programs. I never put much thought into it before,  until my baby mama #1, who was obsessed with Beast Wars, went to a transformers convention in lexington kentucky and met a bunch of them, when she got back and schooled me on it,  i was pretty surprised at the credentials these guys have, like Scott McNeil, Garry Chaulk, Venus Terzo.  Voice over work is a very under rated craft

1 minute ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

a little colour goes a long way in distinguishing them, while im not a big fan of their faces specifically,  you could always tell the autobots apart by their size and colour. watching dark of the moon yesterday they have sooo many forgettable silver monster decepticons,  you really cant tell them apart other then with close ups or dialog which many didnt have, just a cluster **** of robots.

I think i saw mark walhberg is pegged to return in #5 and Peter cullen (voice of Optimus) but thats about it.  

and interesting thing about those voice actors, it's amazing how many characters these guys have played over the years and what programs. I never put much thought into it before,  until my baby mama #1, who was obsessed with Beast Wars, went to a transformers convention in lexington kentucky and met a bunch of them, when she got back and schooled me on it,  i was pretty surprised at the credentials these guys have, like Scott McNeil, Garry Chaulk, Venus Terzo.  Voice over work is a very under rated craft

I believe the Megatron voice actor from the cartoons is alive and should have been cast.  I think he auditioned.  Shocked he "failed" his audition compared to what they used.  I believe he was used in more recent animated work though.  Unfortunately, I believe the Starscream voice actor has died.  Yeah it was Chris Latta.  He did Cobra Commander too.  Should have had someone mimic his voice to give Starscream some personality.


i agree, they could go whatever direction they wanted with the movies, but the voices should have stayed in sync with the origins of the franchise.  I think they tried to at least keep Soundwaves monotone computerized voice in tact, it's just kinda dumb they made him a fricken satellite from #2+ lol

Just now, Taynted_Fayth said:

i agree, they could go whatever direction they wanted with the movies, but the voices should have stayed in sync with the origins of the franchise.  I think they tried to at least keep Soundwaves monotone computerized voice in tact, it's just kinda dumb they made him a fricken satellite from #2+ lol

Yeah I agree.  I had forgotten about Soundwave.  I knew they couldnt make him a boombox I guess.  But they could have come up with something more creative.  Its like they chose to make the Decepticons all plain villains.  I imagine it was by design.  Good guys had personalities, bad guys were just evil.  But having bad guys with personality enhances the story and their relation to the good guys.  Also, the whole Matrix or whatever the called it seemed pretty convoluted.

If they just remade the Transformers movie (the animated one from the 80's) but with life action actors and CGI robots, it would probably be better than all but the first film.


well here's hoping the backlash of the previous movies hits home with michael Bay, and while he's still got the opportunity to make more transformer movies, he takes it into serious consideration what people liked and disliked and tries to make a better product.

I'm not against 3 more transformer movies, but if they dont get any better it'll be tough to get excited for. after revenge of the fallen, i just waited for dark of the moon and age of extinction to come out on dvd. AoE might have piqued my interest with the inclusion of the dinobots and galvatron, same way Unicron does in this new movie, but that novelty has been abused a few times now with devastator and the disappointment that was AoE entirely.

17 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

If they just remade the Transformers movie (the animated one from the 80's) but with life action actors and CGI robots, it would probably be better than all but the first film.

I think it would even be better then the first film.

Posted (edited)

well it says in that article they plan to make an animated origins story back on cybertron. imo that should be a live action movie but only partially on cybertron showcasing the war, then have the arc and nemesis battle in space until the inevitable collision with earth. I'd be ok with that concept as one of the 3 movies set to come out.

I dont think I'm too excited about #6 being a bumble bee spin off in 2018.  what will it be dubbed Bumble Bee: Bot who lost his Voice

Only issue I would have with cybertron is with the way they make the robots look.  If it wasnt bad enough at times trying to distinguish the decepticons from one another,  it would be 10x worse on cybertron where they dont need to take other vehicles or objects to disguise themselves

Edited by Taynted_Fayth
12 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

well it says in that article they plan to make an animated origins story back on cybertron. imo that should be a live action movie but only partially on cybertron showcasing the war, then have the arc and nemesis battle in space until the inevitable collision with earth. I'd be ok with that concept as one of the 3 movies set to come out.

I dont think I'm too excited about #6 being a bumble bee spin off in 2018.  what will it be dubbed Bumble Bee: Bot who lost his Voice

Only issue I would have with cybertron is with the way they make the robots look.  If it wasnt bad enough at times trying to distinguish the decepticons from one another,  it would be 10x worse on cybertron where they dont need to take other vehicles or objects to disguise themselves

I cant quite remember the backstory in the first film, but they arrived in present day, right?  I liked the animated version better where the war was millions of years ago and they crashed on earth and weren't awakened until present day.  Splitting hairs I guess.  But the cartoon really nailed it.  If I recall, they werent even going to use Prime's voice until a fan backlash. 

30 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

I cant quite remember the backstory in the first film, but they arrived in present day, right?  I liked the animated version better where the war was millions of years ago and they crashed on earth and weren't awakened until present day.  Splitting hairs I guess.  But the cartoon really nailed it.  If I recall, they werent even going to use Prime's voice until a fan backlash. 

IIRC in the 2007 it is present day, I cant remember if it's just bumble bee originally that lands, and then signals out for the rest of the autobots to come, after he saves LaBeouf and Fox from barricade (decepticon cop car). I do know he meets Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz and Iron Hide all together after you see their pods descend from the sky. But they've kinda gone all over the map in the Bay movies, from what the original concept was with the cartoon. 

I remember i rented season 1 of transformers 1st generation from the st. vital library when my kid was 4 or 5 - so about 6-7 years ago, cuz for whatever reason that was one cartoon teletoon retro dropped the ball in not airring.  It was amazing how deep the storylines were for transformers compared to other cartoons, past and present. Like we'd watch an episode of thundercats or he-man together and once the day was saved and the episode was over, it was like nothing had happened at all or no consequence from that episode carried over.  the original transformers and even beast wars and beast machines are connected and really well written to connect the 3, but the original transformers, hands down one of the best cartoons, i dare even say still to this day

1 minute ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

IIRC in the 2007 it is present day, I cant remember if it's just bumble bee originally that lands, and then signals out for the rest of the autobots to come, after he saves LaBeouf and Fox from barricade (decepticon cop car). I do know he meets Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz and Iron Hide all together after you see their pods descend from the sky. But they've kinda gone all over the map in the Bay movies, from what the original concept was with the cartoon. 

I remember i rented season 1 of transformers 1st generation from the st. vital library when my kid was 4 or 5 - so about 6-7 years ago, cuz for whatever reason that was one cartoon teletoon retro dropped the ball in not airring.  It was amazing how deep the storylines were for transformers compared to other cartoons, past and present. Like we'd watch an episode of thundercats or he-man together and once the day was saved and the episode was over, it was like nothing had happened at all or no consequence from that episode carried over.  the original transformers and even beast wars and beast machines are connected and really well written to connect the 3, but the original transformers, hands down one of the best cartoons, i dare even say still to this day

if I recall, the original cartoon was a three episode mini series to test the concept.  Then it was picked up.  So those original three episodes are really good.

I also enjoyed the series after the movie came out when they used the Autobots from the animated film (Rodimus, Magnus etc).  They did several multi-episode archs (Return of Optimus Prime etc).  They were really good.

Posted (edited)

Hot Rod was always a fav autobot of mine, making him Rodimus Prime was just icing on the cake, can't believe he hasnt been in the movies yet. or Cliffjumper 



seems like those 2 were just as known as bumble bee and ratchet

Edited by Taynted_Fayth
17 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

Hot Rod was always a fav autobot of mine, making him Rodimus Prime was just icing on the cake, can't believe he hasnt been in the movies yet. or Cliffjumper 



seems like those 2 were just as known as bumble bee and ratchet

I was more of an Ultra Magnus fan.

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