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Can someone paste the text of this article into the thread?

Please don't post full articles on the site.
That sucks. I can't read it now. Can someone PM it to me?



You can signup to the Free Press and read it for free or buy a newspaper.


(Personally I won't sign up to read it either, but you don't have to pay)


Can someone paste the text of this article into the thread?

Please don't post full articles on the site.
That sucks. I can't read it now. Can someone PM it to me?

You can signup to the Free Press and read it for free or buy a newspaper.

(Personally I won't sign up to read it either, but you don't have to pay)

I've refused to go along with the Free Press's new format/system.

Dave's angry about that too, but I figure that while it's not ideal, Tait's articles are worth it for me.


Your complaints are noted but futile, this is the way online newspapers and magazines are all headed. At least it is still free and they let you stay logged in so you don't have to log in every time.


Your complaints are noted but futile, this is the way online newspapers and magazines are all headed. At least it is still free and they let you stay logged in so you don't have to log in every time.

I read it's only free for a month after you create an account.

Your complaints are noted but futile, this is the way online newspapers and magazines are all headed. At least it is still free and they let you stay logged in so you don't have to log in every time.

I read it's only free for a month after you create an account.

Well that would be surprising and disappointing. I can't remember how long ago I signed up but I feel like its been more than a month.


In a truly Canadian fashion I actually wrote them an email when they put the login wall up.  Telling them that an online news organization that relies on ads to supplement their income is foolish to put up a block like that and that I wouldn't signup and login so they can track what I read, I would simply not read their content.  


I was surprised I actually got a reply from them, but I of course didn't change their mind.


I feel for the news organizations in this day and age. They are in a tough place economically as their subscribers transition more and more from a print model to an electronic model, but there have been very few online news sites that have successfully put their content behind a pay wall and succeeded long term.


On the other hand, I'm sure the online advertising revenue they are getting isn't covering the bills either.... 


But I still won't signup.


Bah. There is soooo many avenues to find news these days that this will kill them off eventually... Shame as one thing that isn't readily available is local sports.. Stupid catch 22s..


I've missed the Free Press a little like Lawless, Tait, Kives and Mrs Lonleyheart, but I can get 95% of the news for free from CBC, CTV, CJOB etc. I'm actually probably much smarter now since I've stopped reading Lawless's articles too ;)


The free press continually is changing how they run the online business model...   I've had my account for the current iteration for easily over a month and it still works.


The sun is also hilarious....  10 articles per month...  or you can delete your cookies or open the articles in incognito mode and it will bypass the limit.


It's complete and utter bullshit that they want an account. 



You can read the New York Times without an account, but not the Wpg Free Press.  :rolleyes:


I'm not up for loging in for any news sites, but that being said I have to login to this site on my mobile or that horrible message from morning big blue telling me to make and account takes up my whole screen. And when if I do try to login, the message is so large I can't easily type in thy account details.

I'm all about getting things for free but also realize that the content I want to read costs a lot to produce, manage and host. If I have to creat an account one time to login so be it. When i start having to pay for the content I will most likely find similar (sometimes much better content) from other sources for free. But We would suffer a large loss from losing the free press locally. The Winnipeg sun has become a tabloid and I question why I read their online site or newspaper when I forget why I stopped reading it and pick it up.

If you want things for free then you better be willing to read bloggers who have their own agendas or biases that will spew out whatever they feel like( like I'm doing now, is anyone reading this?) . Would I really want to get my sports coverage from Tuscaloosa blue? No, but without career reporters getting paid to cover something more in depth then I can afford to do on my own, I have to accept the cost.

Would you go to work every day if you were expected to do more for less money or operate at a loss? No. You would change your business model to make a profit or atleast break even or go out of business. It sucks that online ad revenues alone don't cover the cost of free access to their site, but I can't fault them for trying to recoup costs.

Cjob is free in the sense that you don't have to pay to gain access to their station, but you pay for it by having to sit through all their commercials. With the cbc everyone is paying for it through taxes but its not all that noticeable as everyone is paying whether they are listening/reading it or not.

But what do I really know? I'm a pirate and have been since I was a lee wad., arrrrgh.


I'm not up for loging in for any news sites, but that being said I have to login to this site on my mobile or that horrible message from morning big blue telling me to make and account takes up my whole screen. And when if I do try to login, the message is so large I can't easily type in thy account details.

Ok grandpa. ;)



I'm not up for loging in for any news sites, but that being said I have to login to this site on my mobile or that horrible message from morning big blue telling me to make and account takes up my whole screen. And when if I do try to login, the message is so large I can't easily type in thy account details.

Ok grandpa. ;)






I'm not up for loging in for any news sites, but that being said I have to login to this site on my mobile or that horrible message from morning big blue telling me to make and account takes up my whole screen. And when if I do try to login, the message is so large I can't easily type in thy account details.


Sounds like you aren't using the mobile version... I would highly recommend it!


The mobile version of this site is one of the best mobile versions of any site out there. Seriously, it is top notch...

Absolutely agree, the mobile version of this site is fantastic. 


If you've turned off the mobile version on your mobile device, click Change Theme at the bottom (footer) of the website then pick IP.Board Mobile.


It should work where if you visit the site on your mobile device, the mobile theme comes up and if you visit the site on your PC, the full version theme comes up.

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