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Depressing Thought

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I'm depressed that our running game is losing traction. Cotton is regressing as the season goes on.

I think it's time to forget the 'thunder and lightning' combo and maybe use 2 'thunder' combo (bigger backs) of Marshall and Scott instead?


Any time our backs get going East West .. the play is over.  The only time we have really had success running the ball is when the back has been decisive, plants his foot in the ground and gets up field as soon as he sees a seam.


Part of me wants to say that we've faced some exceptional defensive lines so far in Montreal, Edmonton and Hamilton .. but the realist in me says that it's not going to get any easier and that the interior of our offensive line needs to be better.  There are games where Greaves has played on his backside .. Picard runs the gamut from nasty to negligent .. and Chung, while a physical mauler, will still go through growing pains as a rookie.  All that said, none of our running backs are going to be successful if they are constantly being met in the backfield .. but I *DO* agree .. Marshall has looked most impressive so far.

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I'm depressed that our running game is losing traction. Cotton is regressing as the season goes on.

I think it's time to forget the 'thunder and lightning' combo and maybe use 2 'thunder' combo (bigger backs) of Marshall and Scott instead?

So far as I can recall, Cotton has been running as hard as he can and not hesitating, but as Saturday's game wore on, he was being met by 3 or 5 defenders right at the line.
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Is it possible the other teams know when the Bombers are going to run? And where it's going? good thing we were vanilla in preseason, so they wouldn't scope out all of our sneaky smart playbook stuff.


so far, we've had one good game running the ball. Cotton's had no chance, jumped on one second after he gets the ball.


first four games


cotton 108, 46, 20, 56


marshall 15, 6, 24, 0


44 yards rushing in one game.



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What SPUDS is suggesting is that by being more middle ground about how the Bombers are doing is that he's some how a better fan. At least my take. I can't imagine anything more insulting or inaccurate than calling Bomber fans fickle. Imagine how bad attendance would be for this club if it were in Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, or Calgary? Vancouver? Hell even the ***.

If Spuds has any integrity he should retract his comment and apologize.

It's not about being a better fan it's about being a more rational human being. I mean if you want to fly off the handle over a loss then go nuts but don't expect to be taken seriously when you do it.

Context is a fun. Your lack of it is not.

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What SPUDS is suggesting is that by being more middle ground about how the Bombers are doing is that he's some how a better fan. At least my take. I can't imagine anything more insulting or inaccurate than calling Bomber fans fickle. Imagine how bad attendance would be for this club if it were in Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, or Calgary? Vancouver? Hell even the ***.

If Spuds has any integrity he should retract his comment and apologize.

It's not about being a better fan it's about being a more rational human being. I mean if you want to fly off the handle over a loss then go nuts but don't expect to be taken seriously when you do it.

Context is a fun. Your lack of it is not.



Didn't want to say this outright, especially not here, but you are one piece of work. I seriously thought you came to riderfans to troll, but it seems this is your schtick to bash other members (especially veteran members) everywhere you go. Sad to see. You really should calm down. It's only a game afterall.


And voodochylde is right about SPUDs. By fickle, he means how quickly the fans attack the team. It's the exactly the same with the Riders. After loses on rf, the fans are out with their pitchforks waving them at the coaching, management, defence, etc. It has nothing to do with butts in seats at the games.

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What context is needed? You're a one note poster saying the same stuff every time there's a loss then you bugger off when the team wins and don't say anything.

Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim.

Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority.

Head in sand works for some, I guess.

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What context is needed? You're a one note poster saying the same stuff every time there's a loss then you bugger off when the team wins and don't say anything.

Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim.

Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority.

Head in sand works for some, I guess.



If you truly think callers to talk radio represent the majority of anything you're killing your own credibility.

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Those people are so drunk it's insane. Man its embarrassing to listen to post game shows. People rant and rave and say nothing but slurred words and garbage. You know what they do after they hang up? Pass out on the floor in their own vomit

And yet after that last game I can't think of a better post-game activity.

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What context is needed? You're a one note poster saying the same stuff every time there's a loss then you bugger off when the team wins and don't say anything.

Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim.

Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority.

Head in sand works for some, I guess.

Holio fack. "Listen to CJOB post game". Has got to be up up there with the best 3 legal arguments EVER! I actually pissed myself laughing reading that! Right up there with, I did not have sexual relations with that girl, and, I was only doing my job.

I just gots to keep an eye out for this resurecction poster. He's fackin hilarious!

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What SPUDS is suggesting is that by being more middle ground about how the Bombers are doing is that he's some how a better fan. At least my take. I can't imagine anything more insulting or inaccurate than calling Bomber fans fickle. Imagine how bad attendance would be for this club if it were in Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, or Calgary? Vancouver? Hell even the ***. 


If Spuds has any integrity he should retract his comment and apologize.

I'll tell you what you can do with an apology and then retract it...

But I'll keep it PG.

For the record, you assumed what i meant by my comment, I in no way said is person was a better fan then that person because he acts this way or that..

Like previously mentioned by my fellow posters, I was implying that the fanbase is fickle in regards to how quickly they turn on player, coach, team,etc after being so supportive and optimistic just a few weeks back..

So take your righteous indignation elsewhere please.

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What context is needed? You're a one note poster saying the same stuff every time there's a loss then you bugger off when the team wins and don't say anything.

Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim.

Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority.

Head in sand works for some, I guess.

You also realize that 9 times outta 10 it's the VOCAL MINORITY that cries out the loudest. The more even keeled, mellow fans of the fan base take a wait and see approach. I'd think that's evidenced by the other tens of thousands of fans that don't spaz out on Facebook, the sun, forums or cjob post game shows.. But hey, keep thinking you speak for so many silenced, angst ridden fans.

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