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Great, an election. Not impressed. No  guarantee I'll vote for Harper where I would have had he called this election in September. Now the attack  ads start on Mulcair for your CFL enjoyment. 


Smart strategy by Harper. But if today is any indication it's going to be an annoying two and a half months of fighting.

I see no reason to change my vote. Unless the Liberals make a big comeback and why would they, it's Cons vs NDP. And that's an easy decision for me.

  On 2015-08-02 at 6:07 PM, Mr Dee said:

I'm very surprised that people are still considering Harper as a viable candidate for our PM.


I think it's a function of the other choices being pretty weak, such that Harper is the best of a pretty bad lot.  Kind of like how the BC Liberals keep getting elected despite everyone hating them in BC.  The NDP is a no-go for many people for obvious reasons and I think Mulcair just triggered an NDP collapse with his brain-dead decision to double-cross the other parties and pull out of the debates.  So that leaves Justin to try and get back the support he lost earlier with some really dumb comments he made.  I think he can do it.  Enough so that Harper only gets a minority at best, which would be the best case scenario in my view.  It's time for Harper to step down.  I think the NDP will do what it always does, and stab Mulcair in the back.  Mulcair will move to the Liberals, and he will be part of a Liberal majority in two years time.


I am going fringe party or independent candidate none of the 3 party's really have my confidence. This after being a long time Conservative party member. What this country needs is 60-70 independent MPs who vote based on what's best for this country not just along party lines.

  On 2015-08-02 at 6:27 PM, kelownabomberfan said:
  On 2015-08-02 at 6:07 PM, Mr Dee said:

I'm very surprised that people are still considering Harper as a viable candidate for our PM.


... such that Harper is the best of a pretty bad lot.

There is no proof in that statement..just opinion.

There is more than enough evidence to show that Harper is a morally corrupt leader and someone we shouldn't settle for because of prejudices against the other parties.

I don't usually comment in politics...but that particular person just has to go.

  On 2015-08-02 at 6:41 PM, Mr Dee said:


  On 2015-08-02 at 6:27 PM, kelownabomberfan said:


  On 2015-08-02 at 6:07 PM, Mr Dee said:

I'm very surprised that people are still considering Harper as a viable candidate for our PM.


... such that Harper is the best of a pretty bad lot.

There is no proof in that statement..just opinion.

There is more than enough evidence to show that Harper is a morally corrupt leader and someone we shouldn't settle for because of prejudices against the other parties.

I don't usually comment in politics...but that particular person just has to go.



Well then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.  I could say that your comments are just opinion too, but then you'd just waste my time with a bunch of political babble-speak cut and pasted from NDP propaganda organs, which is just garbage and lies as much as anything coming out of the Conservatives.  If it is a Liberal minority I won't mind either, I just can't stand the NDP.  They are a disease on Canadian politics.

  On 2015-08-02 at 6:48 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

 Well then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.  I could say that your comments are just opinion too, but then you'd just waste my time with a bunch of political babble-speak cut and pasted from NDP propaganda organs, which is just garbage and lies as much as anything coming out of the Conservatives.  If it is a Liberal minority I won't mind either, I just can't stand the NDP.  They are a disease on Canadian politics.

You could have stopped at agree to disagree, but you have added your own anti-NDP gobblegook. Your anti NDP stance, notwithstanding, you must realize that there are enough facts to hang Harper..unless you did get bribed by his latest wealth re-distribution. Or were you just appointed to the fed. agency that helps decide if oil and gas pipelines go forward...like Calgary-based petroleum executive Steven Kelly was on Friday?

It's not all babble-speak, now is it?

But I will step out now, and just hope people vote on what's best for Canada...whomever that may be.


Why does Harper have to go?

Usually these threads turn nasty. The majority of anti Haroer sentiment still seems empty personal attacks or based on some strange belief he is a crazy agenda he's waiting to unleash.

Canada continues to ranked highly on the world stage. Last thing we need now is the old "change" routine for no legitimate reason.

  On 2015-08-02 at 7:08 PM, Mr Dee said:


You could have stopped at agree to disagree, but you have added your own anti-NDP gobblegook.



Of course I did, because the NDP sucks.  Just because people seem to hate Harper doesn't mean we should just hand over the government to the evil scumbags at the NDP.  Change is fine, but the change must be to something better, not worse.


Step out or step in, it won't matter.  We sit diametrically opposed I guess, though I won't cry if Harper loses, while I know you'll be crying crocodile tears if your beloved NDP goes down to the flaming defeat it so rightfully deserves.

  On 2015-08-02 at 8:56 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

Why does Harper have to go?

Usually these threads turn nasty. The majority of anti Haroer sentiment still seems empty personal attacks or based on some strange belief he is a crazy agenda he's waiting to unleash.

Canada continues to ranked highly on the world stage. Last thing we need now is the old "change" routine for no legitimate reason.


Well said.  I would like to see a minority though, the Conservatives need to be slapped down, they've grown too arrogant for my tastes.

  On 2015-08-02 at 7:08 PM, Mr Dee said:

But I will step out now, and just hope people vote on what's best for Canada...whomever that may be.



  On 2015-08-02 at 8:59 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

I know you'll be crying crocodile tears if your beloved NDP goes down to the flaming defeat it so rightfully deserves.

Read again KBF...but you do have an irrational fear of those 3 letters...

Generally no government should stay in power too long. Look what happened to the Cretien liberals. I knew a girl who was in a young liberals group and she said the party had grown tired of him and wanted Martin to take over but Cretien stayed too long.

However I don't see a strong party waiting in the wings. I do think if Harper wins he will step down. So one more victory and hopefully passes the reigns on.

  On 2015-08-02 at 9:38 PM, Mr Dee said:

Read again KBF...but you do have an irrational fear of those 3 letters...

If you lived in Manitoba during the reign of terror of Howard Pawley, no one could ever accuse anyone of fearing an NDP government of being "irrational". I do like Mulcair though, he's the best they've had in a long time, if you are looking at an experienced leader who actually cares about pulling the party to the middle. I just don't trust all of the crap that is beneath and behind him in that party. Far too much union influence and money. If you look at most of the current NDP policy, you can see the big union dirty fingers all over it. National Daycare plan? Gee, I wonder how much the HEU is salivating over that one. And pumping hundreds of millions into Canada Post to bring back door to door mail delivery to a bunch of lazy bums who whine and complain? Give me a break. Talk about the CUPW bozos just bending over the Canadian taxpayer on that one. It just goes on and on. NDP - should be NFW.


They are all repacious bastards. They all owe someone, either big companies or trade unions or both.


Folks want change, but will the Liberals and NDP split the left vote and give Harper a majority? Think a 76 cent dollar's bad, that would be a high point with NDP policies in place. Don't want to go there at all. Trudeau the PM was bad enough, his son only has the name, not the political smarts. Looked great to the liberals until he opened his mouth a few times and has lost a lot of his lustre. 


I'm not a Harper fan, but I'll hold my nose and vote conservative again. The other two parties don't have enough things on their agenda's that I support.

  On 2015-08-02 at 10:41 PM, TBURGESS said:

They are all repacious bastards. They all owe someone, either big companies or trade unions or both.


Folks want change, but will the Liberals and NDP split the left vote and give Harper a majority? Think a 76 cent dollar's bad, that would be a high point with NDP policies in place. Don't want to go there at all. Trudeau the PM was bad enough, his son only has the name, not the political smarts. Looked great to the liberals until he opened his mouth a few times and has lost a lot of his lustre. 


I'm not a Harper fan, but I'll hold my nose and vote conservative again. The other two parties don't have enough things on their agenda's that I support.

In my riding in West Kelowna, you could run a road-kill squirrel as a Conservative, and it would win by 6,000 votes. Kind of like those NDP candidates in Quebec last election that won, despite not speaking French or ever being in the riding. Canadian politics is a funny business.

So my point is, it doesn't matter who I vote for, my MP will be Conservative. Unless there is a split on the right, I don't see much changing in the way the voting goes this election.

  On 2015-08-02 at 11:06 PM, iso_55 said:

Don't like a 79 day election campaign announced on a Sunday of a long weekend. That just smells bad.

why, because it caught you by surprise? It's not like we haven't already been watching election ads now for two months already.


A near 3 month campaign isn't needed. It wastes taxpayer money. Yes, there has been 3rd party advertising but I've seen a lot more Trudeau attack ads from  the Conservatives since April than any special interest group with a political agenda attacking the government on television & radio. Same friggin losers sitting around a table mocking Trudeau. Hey you Conservative assholes , I want to watch the football game & not your same attack ad over & over & over  & over & over & over & over.. Now it'll just get worse. How is having to be forced to watch the same stupid commercial going to make me want to vote for Harper? Nah, I'm turned off enough to vote for Trudeau just out of spite. Which is as good a reason as anything else.

  On 2015-08-02 at 11:55 PM, iso_55 said:

A near 3 month campaign isn't needed. It wastes taxpayer money. Yes, there has been 3rd party advertising but I've seen a lot more Trudeau attack ads from  the Conservatives since April than any special interest group with a political agenda attacking the government on television & radio. Same friggin losers sitting around a table mocking Trudeau. Hey you Conservative assholes , I want to watch the football game & not your same attack ad over & over & over  & over & over & over & over.. Now it'll just get worse. How is having to be forced to watch the same stupid commercial going to make me want to vote for Harper? Nah, I'm turned off enough to vote for Trudeau just out of spite. Which is as good a reason as anything else.

Those ads have driven me over the edge. You can tell those ads were written by someone who is almost at retirement age they have no connection of any sort of youth voters. I'll be damned if I take any voting advice from that room of poindexers ,

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