voodoochylde Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 Nanos Power Party index out today. http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/nanos-on-the-numbers/ndp-numbers-plateau-as-conservatives-have-strong-july-nanos-1.2502214 NDP: 55 points Cons: 53 Points Liberals: 50 points pollster Nik Nanos spoke of recent polling results and said: “What’s interesting is that the direction now is starting to favour the Conservatives, while the NDP and the Liberal tracking numbers are starting to look a little flat – flatter than they have been in the past. Nanos described the index as a sort of “advanced indicator” that reflects some of the underlying opinions that influence voter behaviour. Though the index isn’t a direct measurement of which party voters are leaning towards, Nanos said an index upswing could soon translate into increased support for Harper’s party. Harper has also climbed significantly in the individual leader categories, according to this week’s Nanos survey. The latest numbers show 31 per cent of those polled would prefer Harper as prime minister, compared to 28 per cent for Mulcair and 22 per cent for Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. Obviously early but interesting. Is this an indication that when its "for real" people who considered voting NDP swing back to the "safe" vote? Or just the power of the governing party? I would have thought with the media coverage being negative on the Cons and positive on NDP that the reverse of this would be true, with the NDP climbing early. Its also interesting that people continue to see Harper as the best person for the job among the leaders. This really flies in the face of the Anti-Harper crowd. It makes me wonder if the "Stop Harper" movement is ill-advised. Might be better to attack actual issues rather than a popular leader that is seen by the most people to be the best person for the gig. And what the heck happened to the Liberals? It actually warms my heart a bit that people want more in their politicians then "young, good looking, nice hair, rock star". The Libs might have to do a 180 as this progresses if something doesnt change. They've branded their party "Justin" more so than the liberal party. Might have to change that. Backlash from left leaning voters for the Liberal support of C-51.
basslicker Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 That poll puts the NDP within 10 seats of a majority, that is scary (see Ontario/Manitoba/BC).Are Canadians that blind?I hope Quebec wakes up and saves us...... ugh. ....I feel sick....... By turning to the Cons or by NDP voters voting BQ?I cant imagine the NDP do as well in Quebec this time... The thing about Mulcair is, he has been considered the potential weak link because he's prone to outbursts and coming across like an angry guy. His decision not to take questions caused backlash. He then did take questions and was well prepared in how he focused on the Cons and wouldnt even say Justin's name (amusingly it became a story when Harper kept calling him "Justin" rather than "Justin Trudeau"...). It will be interesting to see how Mulcair performs as the election wears on. As much as I like Harper, he can be his own worst enemy too. I think when he speaks and interacts, he comes across very likeable. But he seems to be so private or determined to not be caught "relaxing" that those moments are few and far between. I think Harper himself is the best tool against the "Stop Harper" crowd because he really does seem like a likeable person. I'm referring to Quebec in the hope they will stifle the 'orange wave' and realize electing mulcair would be a mistake.
iso_55 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 I don't know how much stock to put in polls, but if the election were held right now, some pollsters are saying we'd have a minority NDP government. That would be favorable to a majority NDP government, I guess.... http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poll-tracker-ndp-lead-widens-slightly-over-conservatives-1.3178079 Nightmare scenario. Elizabeth May & the Greens hold the balance of power. Shoot me now.
kelownabomberfan Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 Iso - saw the first Mulcair attack ad today by the Tories - same format, same actors. Looking forward to watching it 50 times per football game this weekend...ugh... iso_55 1
The Unknown Poster Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 I like the Trudeau attack ads. Pretty spot on really. basslicker and AtlanticRiderFan 2
iso_55 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 I like the Trudeau attack ads. Pretty spot on really Only kool aid drinking Tory nerds like those ads. Everybody else hates them. Goalie and Noeller 2
kelownabomberfan Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 I like the Trudeau attack ads. Pretty spot on really. I laughed the first 20 times at the "Nice Hair Though" comment, but really they have beat that whole thing to death.
Logan007 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 All the attack ads are absolutely stupid. Let's cut and paste his/her speech to make it sound like they are going to grind us into the dirt. I'd like to know who the morons are that fall for this. Then deport them to the U.S. where they belong. Goalie 1
iso_55 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 All the attack ads are absolutely stupid. Let's cut and paste his/her speech to make it sound like they are going to grind us into the dirt. I'd like to know who the morons are that fall for this. Then deport them to the U.S. where they belong. I said the same thing to my wife this morning. Only morons fall for these ads. We must be a country of morons.
Noeller Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 All the attack ads do is tell me how scared Harper is of his opponents and, because of how transparently shitty they are, make me want to vote for anyone but him... iso_55 and robynjt 2
Mr Dee Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 According to Gregory Thomas... Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation Under Harper's leadership, Conservatives became the first to routinely use personal attacks ads outside an election writ period. Their ads often used quotes deliberately taken out of context. Incidence of attack ads by Harper Conservatives was heavier than by any other government.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 I like the Trudeau attack ads. Pretty spot on really. I laughed the first 20 times at the "Nice Hair Though" comment, but really they have beat that whole thing to death. I don't watch many commercials so I'm still in the lol phase
The Unknown Poster Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 All the attack ads do is tell me how scared Harper is of his opponents and, because of how transparently shitty they are, make me want to vote for anyone but him... I guess you don't want to vote for anyone then.
iso_55 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 Harper saying he called the election early because the opposition were attacking him is just a lie. When did those Justin Trudeau, "He's Just Not Ready" ads appear? April or May?? Mr Dee 1
The Unknown Poster Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 According to Gregory Thomas... Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation Under Harper's leadership, Conservatives became the first to routinely use personal attacks ads outside an election writ period. Their ads often used quotes deliberately taken out of context. Incidence of attack ads by Harper Conservatives was heavier than by any other government. Good strategy!
iso_55 Posted August 5, 2015 Report Posted August 5, 2015 All the attack ads do is tell me how scared Harper is of his opponents and, because of how transparently shitty they are, make me want to vote for anyone but him... I guess you don't want to vote for anyone then. Those are dumbass commercials. And only dumbasses believe them. They make me want to vote for Trudeau just out of spite. Noeller and sweep the leg 2
Fatty Liver Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 If Harper didn't have such a venomous hatred for "Red Tories" and would have learned to get along, he wouldn't be trailing Mulcair in the polls. The following article sums it up pretty well. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/the-disappearance-of-the-moderate-conservative/article25836587/
iso_55 Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Yep, the Conservative party changed no doubt. Nothing at all like the PCP of Canada which had swung too far left. We can thank Brian Mulroney for the rise of Reform in western Canada & the merge of the Canadian Alliance with the Tory Party over a decade ago.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 All the attack ads do is tell me how scared Harper is of his opponents and, because of how transparently shitty they are, make me want to vote for anyone but him...I guess you don't want to vote for anyone then. Those are dumbass commercials. And only dumbasses believe them. They make me want to vote for Trudeau just out of spite. Only dumbasses believe Justin isn't ready to be PM? Lol. I'd say you've got that backwards but I'm not here to insult people. basslicker 1
Fraser Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Pretry sure he was saying those commercials cater to the lowest common denominator
iso_55 Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Pretry sure he was saying those commercials cater to the lowest common denominator Yep, mostly people with thick foreheads & who walk on their knuckles.
Logan007 Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Pretry sure he was saying those commercials cater to the lowest common denominator Yep, mostly people with thick foreheads & who walk on their knuckles. I hope Dee's not looking at this thread too much. He might feel insulted at those remarks. But you never know considering... iso_55 1
Mr Dee Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 Pretry sure he was saying those commercials cater to the lowest common denominatorYep, mostly people with thick foreheads & who walk on their knuckles. I hope Dee's not looking at this thread too much. He might feel insulted at those remarks. But you never know considering... Somebody's been inhaling too much stain.... Fatty Liver and Mark F 2
sweep the leg Posted August 6, 2015 Report Posted August 6, 2015 All the attack ads do is tell me how scared Harper is of his opponents and, because of how transparently shitty they are, make me want to vote for anyone but him...I guess you don't want to vote for anyone then.Those are dumbass commercials. And only dumbasses believe them. They make me want to vote for Trudeau just out of spite. Only dumbasses believe Justin isn't ready to be PM? Lol. I'd say you've got that backwards but I'm not here to insult people. You're insulting our intelligence by defending that ad. Only "dumbasses" believe his main priority is legalizing pot, or that his only thought on foreign policy is sending winter jackets to Syria. Logan007 and Noeller 2
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