The Unknown Poster Posted August 8, 2015 Report Posted August 8, 2015 The Justin photos with the young topless girls has got some play too. It doesn't bother me but it's pretty silly thing to do when it can be used to question judgement. Is he going to win more votes with that demo then he loses from people who find it creepy or unbecoming?
The Unknown Poster Posted August 8, 2015 Report Posted August 8, 2015 I'd take Trudeau over Mulcair in a heartbeat. Mulcair is the devil. Yeah but Mulcair is looking the part in ways justin isn't. Still early though.
blueandgoldguy Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Elizabeth May and the green party support homeopathy (aka quackery) and she thinks wifi is bad. How can you take someone seriously when these are positions they take? That seems strange. Why is she against WIFI? If she supports homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medicine no harm in that.
Mark H. Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Elizabeth May and the green party support homeopathy (aka quackery) and she thinks wifi is bad. How can you take someone seriously when these are positions they take?That seems strange. Why is she against WIFI? If she supports homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medicine no harm in that. Homeopathy actually does help some people. It has it's pros and cons just like anything else
RagingIce Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Elizabeth May and the green party support homeopathy (aka quackery) and she thinks wifi is bad. How can you take someone seriously when these are positions they take?That seems strange. Why is she against WIFI?If she supports homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medicine no harm in that. Homeopathy actually does help some people. It has it's pros and cons just like anything else Well I mean it's essentially a placebo effect. Not harmful, but I wouldn't support spending taxpayer money on it.
Logan007 Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Elizabeth May and the green party support homeopathy (aka quackery) and she thinks wifi is bad. How can you take someone seriously when these are positions they take? That seems strange. Why is she against WIFI? If she supports homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medicine no harm in that. I think when 17 says she says Wifi is bad, she means that it's bad for you I'm guessing? Which is true, if that's what she means. Any electronic or wireless signals can disrupt the cells in our body. If she just means wifi is a bad thing...well...who knows why she's against it.
rebusrankin Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 About 4 years ago, May made some interesting comments about WIFI. She felt it might be a health risk, mentioned it may be the cause of the loss of pollenating insects, mentioned she does not have it in her home and worried about it being so quickly adopted into the school system. She's also presented petitions in the HOC supporting 9/11 Truthers and has spoken in support of Kadhar and Gomeshi.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 The problem with people like May is they are so nutty that even if they occasionally stumble upon something that mighty mKe sense it's a fluke. She will buy and swallow every far left loonie idea. She kept agreeing with other leaders at the debate because her goal isn't in trying to win anything it's in tearing down Harper. The Green Party isn't a real party and she shouldn't have standing at the debates. kelownabomberfan 1
RagingIce Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Wifi isn't ionizing radiation, so it doesn't have the same effect on cells. I believe there have been several studies debunking it as harmful to the human body.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 The Green Party is waging war against WiFi pollution, and Elizabeth May is leading by example. Ms. May, who was the first Green candidate to win a seat in the House of Commons in the last election, took to Twitter on Wednesday lay out her concerns over “electromagnetic frequencies.” The Green Party’s main targets are so-called wireless “smart meters,” which are set to come into use in British Columbia to monitor the use of electricity. Writing on her Twitter account ( @ElizabethMay), the Green Party Leader said she was glad not to have WiFi at home, and joined ranks with parents who are concerned about the increased access to wireless Internet hookups in schools across Canada. “It is very disturbing how quickly WiFi has moved into schools as it is children who are the most vulnerable,” said Ms. May. Faced with critical reactions from some of her 28,700 followers, Ms. May said the World Health Organization lists electromagnetic frequencies as a “possible human carcinogen.” “I do not act without scientific info,” she said, as she called on Canadian authorities to adopt stronger controls on WiFi that are in place in Europe. However, Ms. May’s comments on the fact that the use of WiFi might be related to the “disappearance of pollinating insects” fuelled attacks over the soundness of her views. Still, the Green Party issued a news release shortly after Ms. May took on the issue in social media, calling for the cancellation of plans to introduce smart meters in British Columbia. “Wireless technology poses a potential risk to health and the environment and further research that is independent of industry funding is needed,” the Green Party said in its news release. The federal Greens are supporting the B.C. Greens on this file, relying on the studies of Magda Havas, an Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University. “With more frequencies being used, with the levels of radiation increasing, and with so little research on the long-term, low-level effects of this technology, we are creating a potential time bomb,” Ms. Havas said. “If smart meters are placed on every home, they will increase our exposure to radio frequency radiation -- a potential human carcinogen -- and this is both unwise and unsafe.” BC Hydro recently received its first shipment of smart meters, which transmit information about energy use several times a day. The smart meters will replace electro-mechanical meters in every home and business in the province by the end of 2012. Given health concerns, BC Hydro has decided to allow customers to relocate the meters on their properties at their own cost. “There are people who adamantly believe there are [health concerns.]They are our customers and we want to be respectful and ... responsive. We will do what is reasonable and, to the best of our ability, try to find a mutually acceptable solution,” Gary Murphy, chief project officer for the $930-million program, said earlier this month.
Atomic Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Interesting article from Forbes about WiFi health risks:
Mark H. Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Elizabeth May and the green party support homeopathy (aka quackery) and she thinks wifi is bad. How can you take someone seriously when these are positions they take?That seems strange. Why is she against WIFI?If she supports homeopathy in conjunction with traditional medicine no harm in that. Homeopathy actually does help some people. It has it's pros and cons just like anything else Well I mean it's essentially a placebo effect. Not harmful, but I wouldn't support spending taxpayer money on it. You should research further...
Logan007 Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Wifi isn't ionizing radiation, so it doesn't have the same effect on cells. I believe there have been several studies debunking it as harmful to the human body. Whether or not studies show wifi is bad for the human body is of no concern to me. Mine and my family's health is. So I try and err on the side of caution in this case and try to limit the amount of exposure when I can, especially for the kids. Cancer is rising too fast all over the world, so I'm trying just trying to limit as much exposure as I can personally. But to get back on the subject. Just because you don't agree with May, doesn't mean she's a nut case. Everyone has different beliefs. You laugh at her using homeopathy, yet in 50-100 years from now, I bet we as a people are going to look back at Doctors of today and go "omg...I can't believe they were using that quackery back then. What kind of archaic medicine were they using." Mark F, StevetheClub and Mr Dee 3
Mark F Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Have to lol at the dislike for Elizabeth May, and the cherry picking about what she does and doesn't think. can't trust her cause she accepts homeopathy. That's it. every other thing she says, thinks, does, is irrelevant. lack of logical thinking on this site is impressive. Logan007, Fatty Liver, Mr Dee and 1 other 4
kelownabomberfan Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 I think Elizabeth May plays a valuable role in sucking enough support from the NDP to ensure neither of them ever have any chance of accessing the federal purse. They have to both be kept as far away from the corridors of power as possible. That's why I didn't get why she just attacked Harper all night and wouldn't shut her fat yap when he was trying to speak (Trudeau wasn't much better). The guy she should have been going after was Mulcair, as that's the guy that she is battling with for the nutty leftist enviro-bonehead vote that doesn't care if the entire economy explodes and we become Venezuela north thanks to crappy radical leftist social experiments.
rebusrankin Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 How about NDP candidate Linda McQuaig stating on CBC on Friday that oil in Alberta may have to stay in the ground? Sure, kill that industry but it'll be ok because the magic unicorns will fart out good jobs for all. kelownabomberfan 1
The Unknown Poster Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 How about NDP candidate Linda McQuaig stating on CBC on Friday that oil in Alberta may have to stay in the ground? Sure, kill that industry but it'll be ok because the magic unicorns will fart out good jobs for all. That's something the NDP will eventually have to answer to. They want to be the party for jobs and economy while not supporting the oil and gas sectors. Not sure that flies in Canada. The NDP victory in Alberta should end up hurting the Feds.
17to85 Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Have to lol at the dislike for Elizabeth May, and the cherry picking about what she does and doesn't think. can't trust her cause she accepts homeopathy. That's it. every other thing she says, thinks, does, is irrelevant. lack of logical thinking on this site is impressive. Wanting federal money to support homeopathy is a big deal because it shows a willingness to waste public money on something with no benefit. The only effect it has is the placebo effect and there is no way quackery should be funded by the government. That the party policy supports this tells me that a vote for that party is wasted because it shows how poor their judgement is in a significant area. What else do they have these kinds of poor judgement on?
Mark H. Posted August 9, 2015 Report Posted August 9, 2015 Have to lol at the dislike for Elizabeth May, and the cherry picking about what she does and doesn't think. can't trust her cause she accepts homeopathy. That's it. every other thing she says, thinks, does, is irrelevant. lack of logical thinking on this site is impressive. Wanting federal money to support homeopathy is a big deal because it shows a willingness to waste public money on something with no benefit. The only effect it has is the placebo effect and there is no way quackery should be funded by the government. That the party policy supports this tells me that a vote for that party is wasted because it shows how poor their judgement is in a significant area. What else do they have these kinds of poor judgement on? FYI blue cross covers homeopathy. But I guess it's all a placebo effect just because you say it is. Mark F, Mr Dee and Logan007 3
kelownabomberfan Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 How about NDP candidate Linda McQuaig stating on CBC on Friday that oil in Alberta may have to stay in the ground? Sure, kill that industry but it'll be ok because the magic unicorns will fart out good jobs for all. That's going to hurt the NDP for sure. It was only a matter of time. Mulcair can fool some of the people all of the time, but he can't fool all of the people all of the time. There are too many leftist nutbars in the NDP who are out of touch with reality. They will keep tanking the NDP with these kinds of slips, just as the BC NDP got too arrogant during the provincial campaign here in BC in 2013 and started showing their true colors,causing them to get killed on election day.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 Have to lol at the dislike for Elizabeth May, and the cherry picking about what she does and doesn't think. can't trust her cause she accepts homeopathy. That's it. every other thing she says, thinks, does, is irrelevant. lack of logical thinking on this site is impressive. Wanting federal money to support homeopathy is a big deal because it shows a willingness to waste public money on something with no benefit. The only effect it has is the placebo effect and there is no way quackery should be funded by the government. That the party policy supports this tells me that a vote for that party is wasted because it shows how poor their judgement is in a significant area. What else do they have these kinds of poor judgement on? FYI blue cross covers homeopathy. But I guess it's all a placebo effect just because you say it is. To be fair, most people say it is. basslicker and Noeller 2
The Unknown Poster Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 That Linda McQuaig also defended and endorsed Brit MP George Galloway who is anti-Isreal and once address Saddam and saluting his courage.
Mark H. Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 Have to lol at the dislike for Elizabeth May, and the cherry picking about what she does and doesn't think. can't trust her cause she accepts homeopathy. That's it. every other thing she says, thinks, does, is irrelevant. lack of logical thinking on this site is impressive. Wanting federal money to support homeopathy is a big deal because it shows a willingness to waste public money on something with no benefit. The only effect it has is the placebo effect and there is no way quackery should be funded by the government. That the party policy supports this tells me that a vote for that party is wasted because it shows how poor their judgement is in a significant area. What else do they have these kinds of poor judgement on? FYI blue cross covers homeopathy. But I guess it's all a placebo effect just because you say it is.To be fair, most people say it is. How about medical professionals? The Mayo Clinic for example:
The Unknown Poster Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 I don't really have a dog in the fight so I don't care. But the vast majority of people and experts come down on the side of "placebo".
kelownabomberfan Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 That Linda McQuaig also defended and endorsed Brit MP George Galloway who is anti-Isreal and once address Saddam and saluting his courage. That Galloway is a real tool. The Unknown Poster 1
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