kelownabomberfan Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. And I would also advise ignoring the blathering of liars with zero integrity. ABTM
Mr Dee Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. And I would also advise ignoring the blathering of liars with zero integrity. ABTM What are you saying KBF?
kcin94 Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 There is more than enough evidence that proves Harper has not been a good PM for this country, nor should he have the opportunity to continue. But he still might get that chance, and that would be a shame. But that's my opinion. Notice - no ranting or raving or calling out any party followers idiots, morons or nutty-nuts. Believe what you choose to believe but, look at the facts, and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. One line to contradict yourself.
Mr Dee Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 There is more than enough evidence that proves Harper has not been a good PM for this country, nor should he have the opportunity to continue. But he still might get that chance, and that would be a shame. But that's my opinion. Notice - no ranting or raving or calling out any party followers idiots, morons or nutty-nuts. Believe what you choose to believe but, look at the facts, and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. One line to contradict yourself. ❓❓❓
kelownabomberfan Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 Yes, same here as I hate craziness as well. I think had Harper called the election in September after the Duffy trial he may have done a lot better. A 79 day election was a strategic move that didn't work. Yup, should have been a shorter election, for sure.
kelownabomberfan Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. And I would also advise ignoring the blathering of liars with zero integrity. ABTM What are you saying KBF? What are you saying Mr. Dee?
kcin94 Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 There is more than enough evidence that proves Harper has not been a good PM for this country, nor should he have the opportunity to continue. But he still might get that chance, and that would be a shame. But that's my opinion. Notice - no ranting or raving or calling out any party followers idiots, morons or nutty-nuts. Believe what you choose to believe but, look at the facts, and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. One line to contradict yourself. ❓❓❓ You say you won't call any party followers names, and then the next line call them "bigoted"
Mr Dee Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 There is more than enough evidence that proves Harper has not been a good PM for this country, nor should he have the opportunity to continue. But he still might get that chance, and that would be a shame. But that's my opinion. Notice - no ranting or raving or calling out any party followers idiots, morons or nutty-nuts. Believe what you choose to believe but, look at the facts, and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. One line to contradict yourself. ❓❓ You say you won't call any party followers names, and then the next line call them "bigoted" And did I name names?
kelownabomberfan Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 anyway, as I said, politics brings out the worst in people. Which is why the 19th can't come soon enough. You nailed it Iso, this election has gone on too long.
iso_55 Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 According to a Nanos poll released by CTV today, the Libs are at 36.1 % & rising with 1 week to go. This could mean a Liberal majority.
rebusrankin Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 According to a Nanos poll released by CTV today, the Libs are at 36.1 % & rising with 1 week to go. This could mean a Liberal majority. I'd rather see a minority regardless of the winner.
iso_55 Posted October 14, 2015 Report Posted October 14, 2015 Well, what you want & what you get are two different things. I don't like minority governments. Unstable & too many elections. Our dollar is low enough as it is & having a minority won't do it or the economy any good.
kelownabomberfan Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Well, what you want & what you get are two different things. I don't like minority governments. Unstable & too many elections. Our dollar is low enough as it is & having a minority won't do it or the economy any good. My company exports almost everything to the US so the low dollar is a real win for us. Come to think of it, I should be voting NDP! Doh...
Mark H. Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Well, what you want & what you get are two different things. I don't like minority governments. Unstable & too many elections. Our dollar is low enough as it is & having a minority won't do it or the economy any good. My company exports almost everything to the US so the low dollar is a real win for us. Come to think of it, I should be voting NDP! Doh... Priorities are mixed up, yo
The Unknown Poster Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Wait til the anti-Harper liberal voters find out Trudeau is just a less effective Harper. But at least the liberals are wasting no time in getting themselves into scandal and investigations. Picking up where they left off lol The Justin Trudeau Liberals couldn’t wait until after the 2015 federal election before inviting Big Oil to lobby the post-Stephen Harper government. The Canadian Press reports that Liberal Party’s campaign co-chair “sent a detailed email Monday to people behind the Energy East pipeline with advice on how and when to lobby a new government — including if it happened to be a Liberal minority. “In the email, Dan Gagnier tells five people at TransCanada Corp. to target the right people in a new government as quickly as possible so they can help shape either Liberal or NDP decisions on a national energy strategy.” Gagnier has since resigned “to avoid becoming a distraction to the campaign”. But he already faces possible lobbying investigation. Welcome to yet another glimpse into Big Oil’s grip on Canada’s political elite. As well, “a throwback to the dark days of Liberal scandals past.” Do you not smell the conflict of interest stench? As recently as the beginning of 2014, Gagnier was the president of the Energy Policy Institute of Canada (EPIC), the same energy industry-funded think tank Bruce Carson, Harper’s ex-adviser, illegally lobbied. Carson currently faces charges of illegal lobbying and influence peddling. RCMP alleges that EPIC benefited from Carson’ illegal lobbying.
FrostyWinnipeg Posted October 15, 2015 Author Report Posted October 15, 2015 There is more than enough evidence that proves Harper has not been a good PM for this country, nor should he have the opportunity to continue. But he still might get that chance, and that would be a shame. But that's my opinion. Notice - no ranting or raving or calling out any party followers idiots, morons or nutty-nuts. Believe what you choose to believe but, look at the facts, and ignore the blathering of bigoted posters. And again, ABH. I think people have reasons if that's their political perspective. And I am cool with that. Its the craziness that drives me nuts. Yes, same here as I hate craziness as well. I think had Harper called the election in September after the Duffy trial he may have done a lot better. A 79 day election was a strategic move that didn't work. Thought the senate scandal would be bigger. It really has not been mentioned at least from what I've seen/heard outside of Parliament where Mulcair scored bofo points. How soon after the election will Wallin be in the same place as Duffy?
Rich Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Deleted a number of posts in here. Please try to keep the discussion to the topic at hand or discussing / refuting the opinions people post. No need to get personal and insulting other posters. A few days left people....
Fraser Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 1 comment from one person consitiutes a complete an utter disgusting lack of integrity from an entire politcal party and its supporters? Hardy har har One comment. Oh good grief. Now you are lying too. As always I find, when cornered, the result is deliberate obtuseness as a defense. Fine, just pretend that the NDP idiots in this thread only made one stupid comment full of lies. Not true, but whatever floats your denial boat. As I said, you can't bully me or tell me how to post, and your tactics and willful blindness disgust me. I can't wait for this election to finally be over. It definitely brings out the worst in a lot of people. Frankly while i don't agree with the ndp supporters in this thread on politics, Every single one of them has supported their arguments better than you. All you've done is call the ndp names (not even clever ones)and post memes. You inspire people to vote against the cons by poorly representing their supporters. I don't even think you've posted why you're voting for the cons. Just a bunch of made up drivel about the ndp
Fraser Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 I don't even like the NDP, nor will I ever vote for them but I'll say it again you and KBF both epitomize the types of behaviours that you detest so much that "only exist in the NDP" Wonderful. I am going to check my care-o-meter. I'll say it again. I'll never understand why giant whopping lies are tolerated here. It just boggles the mind. not sure why you bring up the same one point twenty times, starting to get forgetful? Get over it. There are plenty of legitiamte reasons to want Harper out of office. Quit crying about the same comment someone made ten pages ago. anyone voting for the conservatives pretending that harper is a good economic steward is living with a giant wopping lie. Its not unique to one side of the spectrum. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to want Harper IN office too. And pretending the opposition didnt heavily influence the Conservative's initial deficit is burying your head in the sand. Yeah, I want good economic stewardship so I should vote for deficit-mad Trudeau or smilin 'liar Mulcair who will "balance the budget" and destroy the oil and gas industry and the same time? Sure.Harper is the right choice is the economy is your issue. There are political ideological reasons to vote for him or for the others. But unless Harper personally came to your house, kicked your cat and pee'ed in your cereal, why do you get so angry? I don't like how you present your opinion as fact when it is so flawed. I'm also really sick of the way you perpetuate that there are some double standards against the cons when it's just the way politics is for every party. Finally I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Since every time you cant come up with a logical argument (which is a lot) you resort to contrite insults. For example lets hear a coherent argument about why Harper is the best person to manage the economy that isn't "the other guys would have done way worse" and is based his body of work given he's been in power for the better part of a decade. sweep the leg, Fatty Liver, HardCoreBlue and 1 other 4
The Unknown Poster Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 If you are more likely to vote for Any Body but Conservative because of how an anonymous person on a sports themed forum relates to you then I respectfully call ahem bullsnot. The Conservatives take a lot of flak over the economy and rightfully so considering its generally their bread and butter. But Im at a point where Im not overly enthused about link digging on the subject since nobody is changing anyones mind at this point. But for me personally, when you consider the opposition hangs the recession on the Cons when in reality it was a global recession, that's disingenuous. They lowered taxes and brought us back to surplus. Should they have done it sooner? Sure, why not. But ultimately, if people say it was bad under the Cons, I shudder to think what it would be like under the Liberals or NDP one of whom wants to keep running deficits and the other who cannot reasonably pay for his promises without someone getting their tax jacked. But I have an agenda ;-)
The Unknown Poster Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 The nightly tracking is based on a rolling average of 1,200 voters polled on Oct 11, 13, and 14, 2015. The numbers released Oct. 15 show: the Liberals at 37.1 per cent support the Conservatives at 29.4 per cent support the NDP at 23.7 per cent support the Green Party at 4.3 per cent support the Bloc Quebecois at 5 per cent support
17to85 Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Momentum is strong in politics and the Liberals are going strong with it right now. Appears like they're headed to a majority and I say good. I actually like majority governments, a lot less bullshit and the string of minorities we had really did contribute to how utterly childish the parties have become. I have hated the Conservative campaign from day one. It's made me not want to vote for them honestly and I'm a guy that would self identify as more conservative than anything. I'll likely end up voting for the Conservative candidate because I like him better than the Liberal one but still, the way they've gone about campaigning this year the Conservatives deserve to lose. kelownabomberfan, iso_55 and Brandon Blue&Gold 3
The Unknown Poster Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Momentum is strong in politics and the Liberals are going strong with it right now. Appears like they're headed to a majority and I say good. I actually like majority governments, a lot less bullshit and the string of minorities we had really did contribute to how utterly childish the parties have become. I have hated the Conservative campaign from day one. It's made me not want to vote for them honestly and I'm a guy that would self identify as more conservative than anything. I'll likely end up voting for the Conservative candidate because I like him better than the Liberal one but still, the way they've gone about campaigning this year the Conservatives deserve to lose. Its funny that parties all make the same mistakes. They hit that 8-10 year mark and seem to believe its their right to govern and then behave accordingly. You'd think they'd learn. kelownabomberfan 1
kelownabomberfan Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Well, what you want & what you get are two different things. I don't like minority governments. Unstable & too many elections. Our dollar is low enough as it is & having a minority won't do it or the economy any good. My company exports almost everything to the US so the low dollar is a real win for us. Come to think of it, I should be voting NDP! Doh... Priorities are mixed up, yo why do you say that?
kelownabomberfan Posted October 15, 2015 Report Posted October 15, 2015 Frankly while i don't agree with the ndp supporters in this thread on politics, Every single one of them has supported their arguments better than you. All you've done is call the ndp names (not even clever ones)and post memes. Frankly I don't agree with the NDP supporters because they lie their asses off and have no integrity. Not one of them as supported their arguments with any facts, just lies. If you feel that "supporting arguments" with lies means they supported them better than me (I didn't realize that this was a contest) then I feel sorry for you. I honestly don't think all I've done is call the NDP names, but if that's how you feel, I feel sorry for you again. This is supposed to be an internet forum, and I have a lot of issues with how the NDP has governed in various regions of Canada. I think they are a terrible party, and when I see their supporters lying blatantly, spouting sheer garbage, and no one saying anything, that just shows why they continue to exist in this country. People tolerate pure malfeasance, and that bothers me. If you don't like it, just put me on ignore. But I won't change. I've seen too much. And it sickens me. You inspire people to vote against the cons by poorly representing their supporters. Great! I honestly don't care, as you keep making this flawed assumption that I am a Conservative supporter. I am pretty much made up in my mind to vote for the Liberal candidate in my riding, because she's pretty awesome, and my current Conservative MP is a total jack-ass. So if I am poorly representing the Conservatives in your mind, I honestly don't care. I don't even think you've posted why you're voting for the cons. Just a bunch of made up drivel about the ndp I haven't said because I'm not voting for them. As for "made up drivel" about the NDP, I just don't know how someone who's been living under the NDP for so long in Manitoba and watched them ring up massive deficits for 7 years in a row can accuse anybody who doesn't like their economic policies and poor money management skills of made up drivel. You really need to check your reality. I don't know why you continue to target TUP and myself, and make silly comments like the ones above, but perhaps you should be practicing what you preach, and instead of posting "made up drivel" yourself, tell us who you are voting for and why. Attacking us just gives NDP supporters a bad name (oh right, you don't support the NDP, yeah ok).
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