Rich Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Kenney is one of the slimiest pricks in Canadian politics. He's a Harper right-hand-man, so I'd hope the party faithful, after seeing how rabidly Canada voted out Stephen Harper (I really feel people were voting against him, not the party in general), won't elect one of his cronies as leader. They really need someone more progressive if they're going to continue to compete.... I know nothing about Kenny, but as you can see from some of the posters here, there are quite a few people who think Harper was excellent, and a great Prime MInister. Therefore, they will probably also think Jason Kenny is acceptable. I don't think we'll be seeing another PM from Alberta for quite a while. As Canadians now are much different than Canadians then....... I agree. Today's young people are quite different from their boomer parents, and face a much more difficult, uncertain future. I heard an interview this am saying that the Liberals espouse proportional representation. I hope they bring it in. Too many people are unrepresented under the current system. The most obvious thing to keep in mind is the sheer volume of immigrants now compared to then and how society is so much more multi-cultural and, therefore, living life differently and expecting different things. It's a completely different landscape now, and today's PM has to understand and celebrate that. I think JPTs first speech, last night, hinted that he can be that guy... Canada has always been known for and relied on immigrants and multi cultural-ism, I don't think this is anything new. The details and specific issues may change but the overall patterns generally stay the same and repeat. The longer you are around, the more you see that. kelownabomberfan 1
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Fraser - the only person seemingly sour here is you, odd given the result. My remark about the popular vote was a joke because it was the position of a lot of non-cons. I don't subscribe to that opinion OBVIOUSLY. Lol Try to keep up. People like you are so focused on being rude to other posters here you miss context. It's a shame Anyway, my thoughts which I tweeted a few minutes ago are @PCWAndrew: Great campaign by @JustinTrudeau He's the PM now. Deserves congrats and respect and good wishes. Make Canada proud. I would have thought you'd be smart enough to know your comment was a snide remark towards the ndp. Apparently I was wrong. That whooshing sound was the point going right over your head, Fraser. How was it a snide remark towards your precious NDP? And how would you know my intent better than me? You're a real piece of work. lol Lighten up, Francis. It's over. If you don't understand how this is a snide remark? @CBCAlerts: #NDP Leader #TomMulcair speaking now, reacting to #elxn42 results. Has congratulated #Liberal Leader #JustinTrudeau. @stephen_taylor: Mulcair thanks Harper for his service to the country. Classy. More so than many of his supporters. Then you have some kind of mild? version of aspergers and for the record the tory's would have been my second choice in the election. Well Francis, your original reply was to a different post I made. Also that was not a snide remark at all, it was an observation. Do you know the difference? Or do you want to keep pretending you're offering anything of value here when in reality you are personally troubled by me and seek out my posts to reply to...which in turn says a lot more about you than me.
Goalie Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 There is a woman in Ontario who ctv was talking about as a potential candidate for the PC leadership. Can't recall her name tho but well liked, smart, hard working and innovative are some of the words used to describe her.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 The SUN had a story about Doug Ford being a possibility too. I didnt even bother reading the story. bigg jay 1
Noeller Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Picking a young, smart woman would be a really nice progressive move for the CPC to show they're not just stodgy old white boys....
bigg jay Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 There is a woman in Ontario who ctv was talking about as a potential candidate for the PC leadership. Can't recall her name tho but well liked, smart, hard working and innovative are some of the words used to describe her. Dr. Kellie Leitch (who was born in Winnipeg)? I saw her getting asked the leadership question (not sure which station) which she avoided.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Picking a young, smart woman would be a really nice progressive move for the CPC to show they're not just stodgy old white boys.... Im a feminist as much as the next guy, but pick the best person, not a woman for the sake of being a woman. Elizabeth May doesnt fill me with confidence. Kim Campbell didnt either. And the same could be said about all the parties who have male leaders. But government should work to be inclusive and promote capable, talented women on merit. Look at the US. I think Hilary is popular regardless of being a woman. Whereas Palin was the death blow for McCain's campaign.
17to85 Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 I am not overly familiar with Jason Kenney but he seems to have a lot of goodwill with people. I dont know about the slimy-ness of him but he seems the odds on favorite at this point. Prior to ridings being re-organized this election I used to be in Jason Kenneys riding, the best part of this election is that I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for that greasy bugger. You think Harper had an issue with corruption, Kenney just screams corruption. He's too much of a lifer and attached to Harpers hip. It would be more of the same. I do not like the guy despite how big his margins of victory have been. The Conservatives would be smart to distance themselves from Harper and his cronies because Canada just finished rejecting Harper and his ways in a big way. Give Trudeau credit for appealing to all of Canada, ever since 93 it seems the country has been fractured regionally but the Liberals even won seats in Calgary, that's a break through for them despite most of alberta being blue still. Too many times the country has broken along regional lines and it's good to see an actual coast to coast government, let's hope that he lives up to his election talk of uniting Canadians. Mark F, sweep the leg and Noeller 3
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Well, 39% of Canada (is that the correct number), not all of Canada...
Noeller Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 I am not overly familiar with Jason Kenney but he seems to have a lot of goodwill with people. I dont know about the slimy-ness of him but he seems the odds on favorite at this point. Prior to ridings being re-organized this election I used to be in Jason Kenneys riding, the best part of this election is that I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for that greasy bugger. You think Harper had an issue with corruption, Kenney just screams corruption. He's too much of a lifer and attached to Harpers hip. It would be more of the same. I do not like the guy despite how big his margins of victory have been. The Conservatives would be smart to distance themselves from Harper and his cronies because Canada just finished rejecting Harper and his ways in a big way. Give Trudeau credit for appealing to all of Canada, ever since 93 it seems the country has been fractured regionally but the Liberals even won seats in Calgary, that's a break through for them despite most of alberta being blue still. Too many times the country has broken along regional lines and it's good to see an actual coast to coast government, let's hope that he lives up to his election talk of uniting Canadians. ^^^ This...
kelownabomberfan Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 There is a woman in Ontario who ctv was talking about as a potential candidate for the PC leadership. Can't recall her name tho but well liked, smart, hard working and innovative are some of the words used to describe her. I hope she runs!
kelownabomberfan Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Canada has always been known for and relied on immigrants and multi cultural-ism, I don't think this is anything new. The details and specific issues may change but the overall patterns generally stay the same and repeat. The longer you are around, the more you see that. I think every generation thinks "we have it way harder", and "times are totally different now then they used to be", but in reality, as you said, things do repeat. I look at how hard my dad had it, and he had it great compared to his dad. I honestly don't know why there is this persisting myth that the future is so bleak. The sky is the limit for kids today. It really is. And that's a great thing.
kelownabomberfan Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Welcome to Camelot. Camelot 2.0.
FrostyWinnipeg Posted October 20, 2015 Author Report Posted October 20, 2015 Been waiting almost three months to post this... DOWN GOES HARPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOPPED HARPER Think all the anti-Harper thing started with the Parliament page did it not? Noeller 1
rebusrankin Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 1. I think the Liberals rethink bringing in proportional representation after getting a majority with under 40% of the vote. 2. Brad Wall seemed like a good choice, too bad. 3. Is this new government illegitimate since they got under 40% of the vote as Harper did?
basslicker Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 I am not overly familiar with Jason Kenney but he seems to have a lot of goodwill with people. I dont know about the slimy-ness of him but he seems the odds on favorite at this point.Prior to ridings being re-organized this election I used to be in Jason Kenneys riding, the best part of this election is that I didn't have to hold my nose and vote for that greasy bugger. You think Harper had an issue with corruption, Kenney just screams corruption. He's too much of a lifer and attached to Harpers hip. It would be more of the same. I do not like the guy despite how big his margins of victory have been. The Conservatives would be smart to distance themselves from Harper and his cronies because Canada just finished rejecting Harper and his ways in a big way. Give Trudeau credit for appealing to all of Canada, ever since 93 it seems the country has been fractured regionally but the Liberals even won seats in Calgary, that's a break through for them despite most of alberta being blue still. Too many times the country has broken along regional lines and it's good to see an actual coast to coast government, let's hope that he lives up to his election talk of uniting Canadians. Funny.....I couldn't wait to vote for him. Liked his little spat with nenshi too.
basslicker Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Been waiting almost three months to post this... DOWN GOES HARPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOPPEDHARPER Think all the anti-Harper thing started with the Parliament page did it not? Wrong. The anti-harper started when the Laurentian elitists didn't like that harper didn't follow their ivory tower hoopla. Trudeau however, is the perfect puppet to be made to dance. rebusrankin, The Unknown Poster and 17to85 3
Mark F Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Very impressed with Justin's demeanour, he is not like his fiery dad at all. He seems calm, kind, and decent. went to the subway to meet people today, after becoming PM last night. like that a lot. Mr Dee 1
Mr Dee Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Wrong. The anti-harper started when the Laurentian elitists didn't like that harper didn't follow their ivory tower hoopla. Trudeau however, is the perfect puppet to be made to dance. OR, Harper fuddled up on his own, with his cronies, and finally had been exposed, and then expunged. We'll wait on word on the new guy...
Jpan85 Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Harpers demise started with airing of the he's just not ready ads 6 months ago iso_55 1
iso_55 Posted October 20, 2015 Report Posted October 20, 2015 Harpers demise started with airing of the he's just not ready ads 6 months ago Agreed as it just made people angry. And it never stopped. Over & over. The Chinese guy who could barely speak English & old the blue haired guy pissed me off. I still voted Conservative as the candidates in my riding did nothing to make me vote for them. No door knocking & no campaign literature. Had the Liberal candidate did one thing I may have voted for him but he never earned my vote. Then again, Jason Kenney won by 20,000 votes so it was hopeless anyway. But still try godammit.
Taynted_Fayth Posted October 21, 2015 Report Posted October 21, 2015 i always joked those ads did JT a favor, that if the opponents slander ad was saying basically, he's good enough to be your prime minister, just not right now.... oooooooh sick burn
Mark H. Posted October 21, 2015 Report Posted October 21, 2015 Harpers demise started with airing of the he's just not ready ads 6 months ago Agreed as it just made people angry. And it never stopped. Over & over. The Chinese guy who could barely speak English & old the blue haired guy pissed me off. I still voted Conservative as the candidates in my riding did nothing to make me vote for them. No door knocking & no campaign literature. Had the Liberal candidate did one thing I may have voted for him but he never earned my vote. Then again, Jason Kenney won by 20,000 votes so it was hopeless anyway. But still try godammit. I'm also in one of the 'safe con' ridings. The Lib candidate didn't come around, but she did have a good website with pertinent info. Her background is broadcast journalism, which would be an asset to an MP, IMO. Very good candidate - she got my vote. In the end, cons retained the riding easily - by 10 000 votes.
kelownabomberfan Posted October 21, 2015 Report Posted October 21, 2015 Looks like Justin's first act was to call Obama and tell him that Canada is pulling our six flying museum artifacts out of bombing missions in Iraq. He gave no timelines as to when, and they were scheduled to be pulled out in five months anyway. I am sure Obama got a good laugh about that one. Anyway, Justin is keeping his promises.
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