Atomic Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 agree with Goalie, on issues like gay rights, the two American parties are different. On economic issues, issues concerning foreign wars, invasions, and such, they are identical. Rather than Arnold I would like to see President Megan Fox. She has no qualifications!!!! Mark F 1
17to85 Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 In a newspaper op-ed, Peter Morici, an economist at the University of Maryland, faulted loose immigration policies for what he called the economy’s "lackluster performance." Morici cited a number of factors, including this striking statement about immigrants. "(They) have captured all of the nearly 9 million jobs created since 2000," Morici wrote. "Illegal immigrants hold many of these positions, and now the president threatens to legalize their status by executive action if the Republican Congress won't cave to his demands." Professor Morici is not Left or right wing. article analyzes his position says he's wrong. beats me whose right. The American chamber of commerce loves granting rights to illegal immigrants. Talks only about jobs created, what kinds of jobs were created? Did someone open up a bunch of new fast food joints and the illegals worked there when regular americans didn't want to? I will repeat, until these illegals are taking jobs that aren't menial labour or shitty min wage jobs it's all just an excuse for people not earning as much as they'd like. CodyT 1
The Unknown Poster Posted August 18, 2015 Author Report Posted August 18, 2015 What, like rounding up illegal aliens? I'm cool with that. If you're not paying taxes, I want you to. Trying to stop illegal aliens is one thing, calling them all a bunch of drug lords and rapists is quite another though. Sure he can be obnoxious. And a lot of rhetoric. But why issue do you have with his plan? You don't see a difference between "I want to stop illegal immgration because it's a drain on the system" and "I want to keep this criminal scum out of our country"? That makes all the difference in the world to me. One person is a sensationalistic bigot, the other is simply trying to enact sensible strategies. He was very clear in wanting to fast track legal entry for law-abiding immigrants who contributed to the country in a positive way. Not to split hairs but every single immigrant who enters America illegally is technically a criminal. Im not saying he isnt overly bombastic in his verbiage but the thing is, you know what Donald Trump thinks. Do you know what any of the other candidates think when they speak in politically correct platitudes?
The Unknown Poster Posted August 18, 2015 Author Report Posted August 18, 2015 In a newspaper op-ed, Peter Morici, an economist at the University of Maryland, faulted loose immigration policies for what he called the economy’s "lackluster performance." Morici cited a number of factors, including this striking statement about immigrants. "(They) have captured all of the nearly 9 million jobs created since 2000," Morici wrote. "Illegal immigrants hold many of these positions, and now the president threatens to legalize their status by executive action if the Republican Congress won't cave to his demands." Professor Morici is not Left or right wing. article analyzes his position says he's wrong. beats me whose right. The American chamber of commerce loves granting rights to illegal immigrants. Talks only about jobs created, what kinds of jobs were created? Did someone open up a bunch of new fast food joints and the illegals worked there when regular americans didn't want to? I will repeat, until these illegals are taking jobs that aren't menial labour or shitty min wage jobs it's all just an excuse for people not earning as much as they'd like. I think you'd have to back that statement up. How can you say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs American's dont want? How many illegals work for less than minimum wage? If your boss replaced you with an illegal working under the table for half the wage, would you say "hey, ill keep that job" or would you refuse and get accused of not wanting to do it? We're all immigrants. But you cant have let people stream into the country illegally whenever they please. It has to be done within a reasonable balance. Trump is correct about that. Also, Trump is two years older than Hilary and younger than both Bush and Regan when they were president. Age isnt really a factor until you get into the nittygritty and begin talking about the quality of the VP and him being "a heartbeat away".
basslicker Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 The man is a lunatic, plain and simple, and I question how he was raised. I like to think I was taught better than to think people are created unequally... News flash. We're not all equal.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 18, 2015 Author Report Posted August 18, 2015 Its easy to follow the mainstream media lead of "he's a racist blowhard that hates women". Since neither of us know him, you have to dig a little deeper. I've not seen anything yet that would tell me he either hates women or minorities. I think he's politically incorrect. I think he's certainly misogynistic to a degree. I doubt he hates women but he sees himself as the "breadwinner". I think his comments about immigrants being rapists was not politically correct but surely illegal immigrants do commit rapes. Legal immigrants probably do too. We know naturally born Americans commit rapes also. His point was that there is likely a significant criminal aspect to the illegal immigrant population. I dont know if that is true. I dont really care enough to research it. But it sounds reasonable. And really, why should people, especially from a highly criminalized nation like Mexico, simply stream across the border whenever they feel like it? It isnt about a minority stealing a job...its about the legality of it and the inequality of it. Its too early for me to say if I'd vote for Trump if I could vote in the US. But he's not crazy and he speaks for a large segment of the population right now. It will be interesting to see if that continues. And someone mentioned Arnold. I agree wholeheartedly. Even if you dont support Arnold, it's absolutely ridiculous that he is not allowed to run for President. I understand the reason for that rule, but there should be exceptions made for exceptional Americans. And like him or not, he's a pretty exceptional American. I dont think you'd have to worry about him turning treasonous if he was President. On another hand, Jesse Ventura has said he'd consider being Trump's running mate.
17to85 Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 In a newspaper op-ed, Peter Morici, an economist at the University of Maryland, faulted loose immigration policies for what he called the economy’s "lackluster performance." Morici cited a number of factors, including this striking statement about immigrants. "(They) have captured all of the nearly 9 million jobs created since 2000," Morici wrote. "Illegal immigrants hold many of these positions, and now the president threatens to legalize their status by executive action if the Republican Congress won't cave to his demands." Professor Morici is not Left or right wing. article analyzes his position says he's wrong. beats me whose right. The American chamber of commerce loves granting rights to illegal immigrants. Talks only about jobs created, what kinds of jobs were created? Did someone open up a bunch of new fast food joints and the illegals worked there when regular americans didn't want to? I will repeat, until these illegals are taking jobs that aren't menial labour or shitty min wage jobs it's all just an excuse for people not earning as much as they'd like. I think you'd have to back that statement up. How can you say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs American's dont want? How many illegals work for less than minimum wage? If your boss replaced you with an illegal working under the table for half the wage, would you say "hey, ill keep that job" or would you refuse and get accused of not wanting to do it? We're all immigrants. But you cant have let people stream into the country illegally whenever they please. It has to be done within a reasonable balance. Trump is correct about that. Also, Trump is two years older than Hilary and younger than both Bush and Regan when they were president. Age isnt really a factor until you get into the nittygritty and begin talking about the quality of the VP and him being "a heartbeat away". My job requires a certain level of education, no one is going to just come across the border and do my job for half the price. I see that argument about taking jobs from americans the same as I see the TFW issue up here. they're mostly in unskilled work that is difficult to find locals to work in anyway. In North American we have a real sense of entitlement about our jobs. We demand high wages and don't want to take work beneath us. Those are the jobs immigrants, whether legal or illegal are taking. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make people immigrate in legal channels, but there is a problem with phrasing it in a way that makes it sound like they're all worthless criminals. Brandon Blue&Gold 1
Mark F Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 agree with Goalie, on issues like gay rights, the two American parties are different. On economic issues, issues concerning foreign wars, invasions, and such, they are identical. Rather than Arnold I would like to see President Megan Fox. She has no qualifications!!!! yes she does!!!
The Unknown Poster Posted August 19, 2015 Author Report Posted August 19, 2015 You're being selective if you think Trump has only categorized illegal immigrants as criminals.
Brandon Blue&Gold Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 You're being selective if you think Trump has only categorized illegal immigrants as criminals. That's right. Some, he assumes, are good people.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 19, 2015 Author Report Posted August 19, 2015 You're being selective if you think Trump has only categorized illegal immigrants as criminals. That's right. Some, he assumes, are good people. Probably a safe assumption. But let's not forget that "illegal" immigrants are, by definition, acting counter to the law. One could make an argument that by the letter of the constitution, Obama is not eligible to be President. If Arnold was younger, perhaps he'd make his case to be permitted to do so. But his marriage scandal and his age probably soured him on it. Had he remained married, a popular Republican who is also a Kennedy? Could have been an intriguing campaign.
iso_55 Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 I don't wanna know the type of people who think what Trump is saying... Donald Trump as President? OMFG! Noeller 1
The Unknown Poster Posted August 19, 2015 Author Report Posted August 19, 2015 CNN Washington (CNN)Since announcing his campaign in late June, Donald Trump has quickly leapt to the top of the Republican field, leading recent polls nationally, in Iowa and in New Hampshire. And now, for the first time in CNN/ORC polling, his gains among the Republican Party have boosted him enough to be competitive in the general election. The poll finds Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump by just 6 points, a dramatic tightening since July.
sweep the leg Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 At what point does Trump stop being a joke and actually become something to be afraid of? As president he would be a foreign affairs disaster. blueandgoldguy, Noeller and iso_55 3
The Unknown Poster Posted August 19, 2015 Author Report Posted August 19, 2015 At what point does Trump stop being a joke and actually become something to be afraid of? As president he would be a foreign affairs disaster. If you're a Republican that doesnt like Trump, you should be afraid. Its pretty early though. If he maintains his support and polls high against Clinton as they get closer, then the Republicans have some serious decisions to make. They cant afford to have him run as a 3rd party candidate. I doubt he'd accept being the running mate of a more traditional Republican candidate. Im not sure if he'd be a disaster to be honest. He's a "brand" and part of that is his tough, blustery persona. But he has a lot of deals out there and is obviously successful. When he is working with other strong, wealthy, powerful people can he be a bombastic bully? Probably not. He's likely a tough negotiator but surely respectful and respected in making deals. I could see him having some success on the world stage for that reason. Though I could see him saying offensive things too. But if is serious, he will eventually add experts to his team that will be chief advisers on things like foreign affairs. There was a time when Ronald Reagan was considered a joke candidate too. He cut his teeth in California which probably alleviated some fears. Interestingly, he also flip flopped from the left to the right which is what some try to accuse Trump of doing.
Mark F Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 At what point does Trump stop being a joke and actually become something to be afraid of? As president he would be a foreign affairs disaster. There are two things on earth visible from the space station, the great wall of china and donald trump's hair. Johnny Carson.
The Unknown Poster Posted August 19, 2015 Author Report Posted August 19, 2015 Not sure this supports the idea Trump hates women and minorities: Donald Trump has a new target for his criticism of the nation's immigration policies - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.Zuckerberg is one of the leading tech executives who has called for a more open immigration policy. Specifically, he wants to make more H-1B visas available to tech employers so they can hire foreign skilled workers. Trump said he wants to require employers to pay H-1B workers much more money, which he said would discourage companies from hiring them and boost job prospects for Americans. He also wants to have tech jobs offered to unemployed Americans before they can be filled by workers with H-1B visas. "This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg's personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities," Trump wrote in his immigration plan Trump says that there are plenty of graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, known as STEM, to fill tech jobs. That means that employers don't need H-1B visas to fill jobs, and are using them instead to keep wages low. Employers are supposed to pay a typical wage to anyone hired under a H-1B visa. But in reality, employees on these visas are typically paid 20 to 45% less than U.S. workers who they are are often replacing, said Ron Hira, a Howard University public policy professor who has studied the visa's pay scale.
kelownabomberfan Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 I'm not sure why Trump is picking on Heidi Klum. Like WTF?
iso_55 Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 I'm not sure why Trump is picking on Heidi Klum. Like WTF? Because he is The Donald & he can.
Logan007 Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 Maybe it's because most of the IT tech's in the U.S. aren't too bright. That would explain why MZ wants to look elsewhere for talented people.
Mark F Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 I don't agree logan the immigrant visa tech people work for much less money is what I've read. All the original work for microsoft, apple wasn't done by immigrant visa workers it was done by Americans. I remember how the meat packers in winnipeg busted the unions….. wage went from 20 bucks an hour to 12 bucks an hour. then they were able to say, "nobody wants these jobs," which was true, at 12 dollars an hour. now a lot of their work force is immigrants on the work visa, cause they can't get any Canadians to do that (horrendous, dangerous) job, for 12 bucks an hour, which is a lot of money to someone from Mexico or some other poverty stricken central american hell hole country. same thing at play in tech in the USA. The Unknown Poster 1
Atomic Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 Maybe it's because most of the IT tech's in the U.S. aren't too bright. That would explain why MZ wants to look elsewhere for talented people. Surely you don't actually believe that
johnzo Posted August 19, 2015 Report Posted August 19, 2015 Looking at North Carolina, the pollsters find what I asserted before, that people who currently support other GOP candidates won't migrate to Trump when their favorites fall:
The Unknown Poster Posted August 25, 2015 Author Report Posted August 25, 2015 @CBCAlerts: Top #Republican pollster warns #GOP to wake up, says #DonaldTrump nomination win 'totally conceivable.' Frank Luntz says 'legs are shaking.'
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