mbrg Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 I'm cheap and like weekend games. I like walks on the beach before a Bomber game and a romantic dinner afterwards. If you buy me any Bomber gear you MAY get a little extra something something. Call me. How did you get a hold of my wedding vows? Lousy paparazzi. Logan007, ALuCsRED and SPuDS 3
Chaosmonkey Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 I'm cheap and like weekend games. I like walks on the beach before a Bomber game and a romantic dinner afterwards. If you buy me any Bomber gear you MAY get a little extra something something. Call me. How did you get a hold of my wedding vows? Lousy paparazzi. I thought these were the standard wedding vows? I've heard them at pretty much every one I've gone to......
17to85 Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 The people of Winnipeg have changed, This isn't the 1980's anymore. Things have changed. This whole idea of -40 weather in the winter and being cheap is so just... It's so old it's not even funny anymore. I don't mind when people make fun of Winnipeg or whatever but.. try to at least be a tiny bit creative about it and not rehash things that were said 50 years ago. Winterpeg? Not creative. Cheap? Not creative. Try harder. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? This is seriously an argument that you bring up? Household debt is climbing at an alarming rate all across Canada, that's not a specific thing to WInnipeg it's just a function of how society has changed. More people use credit to buy things it doesn't speak to cheapness, simply a societal trend for people to charge more.
Atomic Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Calgarians will actually go out of their way to pay more for stuff. "Hey Bob I got this new TV for 499!!" "Oh Bill you're so quaint. I found the same TV for 599. Do you want to see my last pay stub?" MOBomberFan, blueandgoldguy and Judd 3
iso_55 Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Winnipeggers can call themselves cheap but nobody else can say that. We can talk trash but nobody else can.
bearpants Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Winnipeggers can call themselves cheap but nobody else can say that. We can talk trash but nobody else can. true, only Winnipeggers can talk trash about Winnipeg... kinda like I can call my brother an idiot but if someone else says it I would immediately jump to his defense... SPuDS 1
blueandgoldguy Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 The people of Winnipeg have changed, This isn't the 1980's anymore. Things have changed. This whole idea of -40 weather in the winter and being cheap is so just... It's so old it's not even funny anymore. I don't mind when people make fun of Winnipeg or whatever but.. try to at least be a tiny bit creative about it and not rehash things that were said 50 years ago. Winterpeg? Not creative. Cheap? Not creative. Try harder. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? This is seriously an argument that you bring up? Household debt is climbing at an alarming rate all across Canada, that's not a specific thing to WInnipeg it's just a function of how society has changed. More people use credit to buy things it doesn't speak to cheapness, simply a societal trend for people to charge more. Spending more money than you have is not the action of a cheap person. Fact is, in Winnipeg there are more lower income earners than other cities on the Prairies. The average middle income earner earns less in Winnipeg than in any other medium-sized or large city on the Prairies. They are going to spend less money on luxery items and such. Not a function of being cheap, it's a function of less income. You need to get out of the Calgary bubble once in awhile. I still think there will be some big discounts with tickets at the Grey Cup...even at the risk of alienating those who paid full price. They did offer plenty of 2 for 1s at the Grey Cup in 1998. Noeller 1
17to85 Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 The people of Winnipeg have changed, This isn't the 1980's anymore. Things have changed. This whole idea of -40 weather in the winter and being cheap is so just... It's so old it's not even funny anymore. I don't mind when people make fun of Winnipeg or whatever but.. try to at least be a tiny bit creative about it and not rehash things that were said 50 years ago. Winterpeg? Not creative. Cheap? Not creative. Try harder. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? This is seriously an argument that you bring up? Household debt is climbing at an alarming rate all across Canada, that's not a specific thing to WInnipeg it's just a function of how society has changed. More people use credit to buy things it doesn't speak to cheapness, simply a societal trend for people to charge more. Spending more money than you have is not the action of a cheap person. Fact is, in Winnipeg there are more lower income earners than other cities on the Prairies. The average middle income earner earns less in Winnipeg than in any other medium-sized or large city on the Prairies. They are going to spend less money on luxery items and such. Not a function of being cheap, it's a function of less income. You need to get out of the Calgary bubble once in awhile. I still think there will be some big discounts with tickets at the Grey Cup...even at the risk of alienating those who paid full price. They did offer plenty of 2 for 1s at the Grey Cup in 1998. The amount of effort you are putting into defending this is astounding, but WInnipeg is cheap. I was born and raised in Manitoba too and I came to be a cheap person myself, I dunno why you consider it some grave insult.
DR. CFL Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Some companies and manufacturers refuse to discount their products. The reason being that as soon as you discount it there then becomes the expectation of " why should I pay full price, I'll wait for it to be reduced". You simply then devalue your own product.
Mark F Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Calgarians will actually go out of their way to pay more for stuff. "Hey Bob I got this new TV for 499!!" "Oh Bill you're so quaint. I found the same TV for 599. Do you want to see my last pay stub?" actually, Calgarians just wear the pay stub on their shirt or pasted to their tie. as they buy a round for the house. Jaxon, Atomic and Noeller 3
Brandon Blue&Gold Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 I've been to about 12 Grey Cups. I've travelled all over the country and sat in all kinds of weather to watch all kinds of teams I barely cared about play in the game. That being said, I don't have tickets to this years game and don't plan too. There isn't one big reason I'm not going but the pricing doesn't help. To buy my seasons for the Coupe and take the wife and the boy (neither would have been pleased with being excluded) would have been $900. That's a lot of money for a family. We all have to make our own budgetary decisions and maybe others would have had bought the tickets. But one afternoon watching Hamilton vs Edmonton in potential minus 20 at almost the cost of half a trip to Disneyland didn't work for me. And that's coming from a guy who has spent thousands and thousands of $$$ so the CFL product over the years. Had the tickets been $200 instead of $300 would I have considered it more strongly? Maybe. If the Bombers were a legit contender would that have changed my decision? Maybe. But neither is the case, and as much as I feel kind of guilty not going I probably won't. I also don't have a lot of hope for some huge last minute walk up. I think people have made their decision. You'll probably see corporations and sponsors buy a bunch of tickets to make it respectable. But with the Bombers and Riders all but out it won't be regular joes. Then again if they land the Biebs for half time ya never know. Your post sums up my feelings and situation to a tee. Well said. And saves me typing out a couple paragraphs .
Y2C Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 The amount of effort you are putting into defending this is astounding, but WInnipeg is cheap. I was born and raised in Manitoba too and I came to be a cheap person myself, I dunno why you consider it some grave insult. I remember when I thought the whole "backup QB being the most popular guy in town" was some uniquely Winnipeg thing. Turns out it isn't, unless you're dealing with a guaranteed hall of famer, every football team in every city is just a quarterback change away from a dynasty! Just like the whole Winnipeg is the only "cheap" city in the world stigma. I fancy myself to be very smart with my money. I'm in the minority on that because I see waaay too many people spending beyond their means that are now tied down to an incredible amount of debt. Only in Winnipeg do people want bargain prices on merchandise.. I wonder how many people will get trampled on Black Friday this year? sweep the leg 1
Tracker Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 The amount of effort you are putting into defending this is astounding, but WInnipeg is cheap. I was born and raised in Manitoba too and I came to be a cheap person myself, I dunno why you consider it some grave insult. I remember when I thought the whole "backup QB being the most popular guy in town" was some uniquely Winnipeg thing. Turns out it isn't, unless you're dealing with a guaranteed hall of famer, every football team in every city is just a quarterback change away from a dynasty! Just like the whole Winnipeg is the only "cheap" city in the world stigma. I fancy myself to be very smart with my money. I'm in the minority on that because I see waaay too many people spending beyond their means that are now tied down to an incredible amount of debt. Only in Winnipeg do people want bargain prices on merchandise.. I wonder how many people will get trampled on Black Friday this year? Statistically, in the US of A, on Black Friday, there are numerous fistfights, a firearm incident or two and a couple of deaths every year.
kelownabomberfan Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Winnipeggers can call themselves cheap but nobody else can say that. We can talk trash but nobody else can. I still remember what was said about Manitobans in the 1980's: "Small "c" conservative, big "C" cheap.
Fraser Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Look. I love the cfl and everything but its a semi pro league. Most of the players have off season jobs. The payroll for the team is one jet's salary. Why should I pay 300 for one game and 9 dollars for a beer and 10 dollars for a hot dog? Part of the appeal of the cfl should be that it's affordable. I don't care if you're a fan of F1 or pro golf or NBA or Nascar or the NFL or NHL or MLB or whatever but those things are the class of their respective fields and the cfl just isn't in that level. It shouldn't try to be something it isn't and price it's fans away while doing so. That being said I bought the cheapeat gc tickets I could get at the start of the season on the outside chance the bombers make the cup. FrostyWinnipeg, sweep the leg, blueandgoldguy and 2 others 5
ALuCsRED Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? Winnipeggers are cheap. There is no doubt. This isn't a rumour, a stab, or a joke. It's true. They don't like weeknight games, they don't like Fridays, they don't like Saturdays and they don't like Sundays. 8 pm games are too late, but 6:30 pm is way too early. 7pm games have fans, but some like 7:30 better. Beers are too expensive... unless you're building a beer snake. Everyone loves their Bomber gear... at the locker room sale. They want all the sporting events, concerts, entertainment at their fingertips... but man does it look good on their flat screen TV. Even the playoff games of the past have not been attended well... Semi Final vs Edmonton.... East Final vs Hamilton... PS As an out of towner, the biggest stopper to the Grey Cup Tickets are the unavailability of hotel rooms at the moment. Try book a room online right now. Ridiculous argument. SOME Winnipeggers prefer weekend games. SOME winnipeggers prefer Thurs night games (ie. people who like to camp and have cabins). SOME people don't mind the beer prices hence the huge beer snakes in the endzone. Some do mind therefore they buy water or just go without. You are in a city of nearly 800,000 people so there will be varying opinions. Earth-shattering I know. Winnipeg has the second highest revenues in the league for merchandise sales. What does that say about the other CFL cities? Q: "If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? " A: NDP, Sellinger, Taxes. Who knows how to spend your hard earned money better than you do? Greg Sellinger. Q: "Winnipeg has the second highest revenues in the league for merchandise sales. What does that say about the other CFL cities?" Our accountants are better (or more honest). Publicly owned teams will report their earnings, privately owned companies may not.
LeBird Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Winnipeggers are cheap. There is no doubt. This isn't a rumour, a stab, or a joke. It's true. They don't like weeknight games, they don't like Fridays, they don't like Saturdays and they don't like Sundays. 8 pm games are too late, but 6:30 pm is way too early. 7pm games have fans, but some like 7:30 better. Beers are too expensive... unless you're building a beer snake. Everyone loves their Bomber gear... at the locker room sale. They want all the sporting events, concerts, entertainment at their fingertips... but man does it look good on their flat screen TV. Even the playoff games of the past have not been attended well... Semi Final vs Edmonton.... East Final vs Hamilton... PS As an out of towner, the biggest stopper to the Grey Cup Tickets are the unavailability of hotel rooms at the moment. Try book a room online right now. I think the bolded is irrelevant. We went to Folklarama and it was packed with people spending on food and beer, We went to Rainbow stage last week and it too was packed. We wanted to eat before the show but the restaurants around there were all full. And, who are all these people who make the MTS Centre the fourth busiest concert venue in Canada? Going to a ball game can be a lot of fun and not because it's cheaper, they just make it fun especially if you bring kids. I think people mistake cheap for indifferrent. It's time we realize time have changed. Where at one time the Bombers was the place to be now they are one of dozen places to go. And at times the games will conflict with some of these things.
Tracker Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Too many people confuse being smart with money vs cheap. If you assume that your income is going to continue uninterrupted and even increase, then you have a justification to live beyond your means (AKA credit) and you have---Alberta with the highest personal debts and personal bankruptcy in the country. The advantage of not having a boom-and-bust economy is that it makes economic and civic planning a lot easier and the residents (us) tend to be a lot more careful about casual debt. We don't have the giddiness of what seems to be a limitless future but we have a government which is probably going to be there for us in times of crisis, as compared to the folks of High River and Canmore Alberta many of whom were hung out to dry after the flood.
wookie Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 if u go to the ticket master web sight, u will notice that all the expensive seats have been sold, only the upper deck and endzone seats are left, so the bombers will still make some cash i bet
Bomber_fanaddict Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Anyone else think that the Jets being back in town and now the Moose coming back have a large impact on the GC not being sold out as of yet? I mean that's a lot of people who have their money tied up in the Jets/Moose that cant justify another $800-$2000 for a family to go watch one game. Just a thought. I don't have season tix to the Jets so I gladly bought my GC tix and don't care who is playing in the big game. However even if I had split season tix with the Jets there is no way I could have afford to go to Jets games and the GC. Jaxon 1
Noeller Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 For me, it just really boiled down to one thing: The Grey Cup is in my home province for the first time in a decade, and who knows when we'll ever get it again, so I'm not missing this opportunity, regardless of cost. iso_55 and TrueBlue 2
The Unknown Poster Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Winnipeggers are cheap. But the idea that there is no money in Winnipeg is the fallacy. There is a lot of money in Winnipeg. And even cheapskates are willing to spend money on things they like. Case in point, the amount of people who bought Jets season tickets in whatever way they were able (groups etc). Also, it would take a long time of bad Jets teams to hurt ticket sales since they have an 8000 person waiting list and, what, a 98% renewal rate on season tickets? Do the match...they are pretty set.
Jaxon Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 I've been concerned on Grey Cup ticket pricing for quite some time. I go every year, so this year is cheap for me (no flight, no hotel). I can afford it, but this is a gate driven league that relies on the middle income fan for it's survival. It seems a shame to me that people who have supported the league for years find it hard to buy Grey Cup tickets due to the high cost of the tickets. I fully understand that it's a premium event that commands a premium price, but at the same time, "you gotta dance with them that brung ya" Personally, I'm excited to have the game in my town, and I'm hoping that more Winnipegers step up! ALuCsRED 1
TrueBlue Posted August 26, 2015 Report Posted August 26, 2015 Bottom line is that it is not one thing, or even one large factor that alone is contributing to where the sales are at. You can ask 5 different people and get 5 different answers. People in Regina in 2013 also complained a lot about the price, but they sucked it up. That was pretty much the only roadblock for them.
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