BigBlue Posted September 6, 2015 Report Posted September 6, 2015 Apathy What did MOS say about bringing MB for this year? Who is Wade Miller any way? At least the Riders were polite enough to fire someone Someone blew out the Bombers light a long time ago.
Floyd Posted September 6, 2015 Report Posted September 6, 2015 Taman got fired for not addressing the media, so did Mack... time for Walters to step up with some answers. Muamba is not coming here, I wouldn't after that debacle.
BRT Posted September 6, 2015 Report Posted September 6, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! rebusrankin 1
Brandon Posted September 6, 2015 Report Posted September 6, 2015 Wade said on the radio last week that they are going to the right direction in building a grey cup team.
rebusrankin Posted September 6, 2015 Report Posted September 6, 2015 Wade said on the radio last week that they are going to the right direction in building a grey cup team. Did they test Miller for drugs or alcohol after this? DR. CFL and blueandgoldguy 2
SPuDS Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. basslicker 1
Floyd Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us
SPuDS Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us Im old enough to remember the good days. Im old enough to have watched this team struggle for 20 years.. Doesnt change the fact inlove my bombers and will ALWAYS support them, watch them and cheer for them.. Hell, im even gonna rewatch this game tonight to evaluate why and what went wrong.. blitzmore and basslicker 2
Floyd Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us Im old enough to remember the good days. Im old enough to have watched this team struggle for 20 years.. Doesnt change the fact inlove my bombers and will ALWAYS support them, watch them and cheer for them.. Hell, im even gonna rewatch this game tonight to evaluate why and what went wrong.. You won't say how old you are??? I'm 43... I remember the Dieter Brock days as a kid and was at the AJIII/Dunigan game... its a fkn miracle I still cheer for this team.
SPuDS Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 If yer so desperate to know my age, just reverse yer ages digits.. Boom donezo.
BRT Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us Im old enough to remember the good days. Im old enough to have watched this team struggle for 20 years.. Doesnt change the fact inlove my bombers and will ALWAYS support them, watch them and cheer for them.. Hell, im even gonna rewatch this game tonight to evaluate why and what went wrong.. Good for your Spuds - if you enjoy horror shows I think re-watching what happened in Regina is right up your alley. As Einstein has been quoted as saying "Insanity - doing the same thing over again and again and expecting different results! I gottcha beat on watching the Insanity - I started watching them in 1981 and then moved to Calgary about 20 years ago.. And when does the thick happen? Seems to me for a long number of years it has been "thin and thinner"
Tracker Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I've lived through some crappy Bomber regimes and kept the faith that things would improve the next year if not the current one, even though the teams were embarrassing. Maybe I am getting old and cynical or have seen the same scenarios replayed too ofter, but this is as pessimistic as I have ever been. O'Shea's pigheaded stubborness dooms this team to running joke status until he and his subordinates are gone. O'Shea's list of failings should be no surprise to anyone who has watched the team for the past couple of years, listened to the radio coverage or read this forum. There may be hope for Walters but not if he lets this travesty continue to the end of the season. I could accept it if he cleans house (except for Hall) the day after the last game of the season, and I'm pretty sure that game will not be a playoff game.
basslicker Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Never stop watching.'ll miss it when they succeed finally. It'll happen one day. blitzmore and SPuDS 2
Brandon Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I'm also 34 and I'm sick of losing. I took for granted as a younger guy watching Roberts routinely run for 100 yards and Jones/Glenn passing for around 300. It's hilarious that now days its a miracle if we even run for 50 and if the qb hits 250 yards its mind blowing. It's depressing that the benchmark now days is so low.
Brandon Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I remember going on our bombers and complaining about Glenn being Shell shocked and only tossing for like 240 yards and only two tds... rebusrankin 1
Guest J5V Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Have to wonder where Wade Miller is too. I had high hopes at the start of the year with Wade running the show. He was a hard nose Bomber who understood the CFL. Was not the most talented guy but gave it 110%. Then went into business after his Bomber career and made a success of his company. Must have known how to hire good people in order to be successful in business. Thought he would bring the same to his organization. I guess I am wrong on all counts. My wife has always said I had too much emotional investment in the Bombers (after moving to Calgary I gave up my season tickets so no longer have any financial investment in this team). But year over year - lousy management, lousy coaching at all levels and lousy talent has pretty much drained me of any emotional investment. Today I watched the 1st quarter and then just plain became apathetic. I believe I have watched my last Bomber game and really no longer have much of an interest in what happens going forward. Better things to do! Wow!
Goalie Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I'm at the point where I got better things to do than watch the bombers suck. Is it October yet really. #gojetsgo
Onyenegecha Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I've been a die-hard Bomber fan for over 20 years now. I think I'm done. The saddest part is I'm not angry, or raging about it. I'm not throwing things around, I'm not a cranky mess after a loss like I had been before. I've just, well, given up. There was a time not too long ago when my week would revolve around game day. The last three games, as soon as the Bombers came up against any adversity I'd just check out and do something else. Not because I'm angry. It's because I've just stopped caring. I stuck by this team, through thick and thin, and I hate it, but I think I've reached the breaking point. I didn't want it to end. This team gave me two decades of memories. I have a jogo card signed by Gerald Wilcox. When we'd play football at the park and kids were Joe Montana and Jerry Rice I was Rick House and Rod Hill. I have an adidas Milt Stegall jersey. I joined Ourbombers in 2000. I got a computer for university, got the u of m internet access, and the first thing I looked for was a place to talk Bombers. The first thing my son had was a Blue Bomber onesie. He had a t-shirt that said "I'm a Bomber fan because my daddy said so!". I want so very badly to still love this team. To say 'we' and 'us' like the passionate irrational Bomber fan that I used to be. To be one of the old dudes on the west side going to games with my grandkids one day. But it just isn't there anymore. I was 10 when the Bombers last won the cup. I'm a father now. I've done my time. Friends of mine who were fans when we were kids who checked out a long time ago, I was giving them the "stick with your team" speech too. I want to love this team still. I really do. But I don't have the energy, the patience, or the temperament to keep gutting it out. The worst part is, above all of that, I no longer have the will. It has just been beaten out of me. To the die-hard Blue and Gold who's strength to endure is stronger than mine: God speed, and see you at the Moose game. BombedOut 1
Blueandgold Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Forget our Grey Cup drought, we've had one winning season since 2008. It's no surprise that our fans are growing restless. White Out 1
Floyd Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I'm also 34 and I'm sick of losing. I took for granted as a younger guy watching Roberts routinely run for 100 yards and Jones/Glenn passing for around 300. It's hilarious that now days its a miracle if we even run for 50 and if the qb hits 250 yards its mind blowing. It's depressing that the benchmark now days is so low. So imagine watching a winning team slowly crumble (except under Murphy instead of Taman...) then be blown up, when it was still 'okay' but having QB problems... then be blown up again (Reinbold)... then be rebuilt (Ritchie) to slowly crumble, then be blown up (Ritchie fired) then blown up again (Kelly hired) and then never be rebuilt... No matter what anyone says this is the team Winnipeg deserves... cheap. We got a deal on CEO, on the GM, on the coach... we can all high five at Earl's about how much money the bombers have saved in management over the last eight years.
bustamente Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 The Bombers have to realize that they are in the entertainment business and by putting this type of product in the field they are going to hurt their bottom line, not this year because the Grey Cup will probably save them but next year the season tickets sales are going to take a pounding. When the most entertainment at Bombers game is at the Rum Hut and people are not even interested in the game you've got a big problem. blueandgoldguy and rebusrankin 2
pigseye Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 It really is a horrible team but I think coaching is equally to blame and it starts with O'Shea.
Brandon Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 I'm at the point where I got better things to do than watch the bombers suck. Is it October yet really. #gojetsgo I made a thread about this a few weeks back. I've noticed myself pvr ing and then fast forwarding or skipping games all together. I dont mind losing but when the team is completely awful and you know they have zero chances of moving the ball... What's the point. I ended up going outside with the three year old and my wife and got slurpees and enjoyed the park. Way more entertaining then watching the team take a dump.
Goalie Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 Pretty much. The 9 month old baby lady Is way more fun than watching the bombers O suck week after week. I'm done until MB I'd fired cuz really as long as he's our OC, our o will continue to suck. Lost in all this is the D who have played well enough to win 3 games but ultimately fold cuz tge O don't move the ball.
Brandon Posted September 7, 2015 Report Posted September 7, 2015 No doubts , having a very little one is tough. Time becomes your most valuable asset and it's hard to justify wasting the free time on this crap. Dr. Blue and Onyenegecha 2
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