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28 minutes ago, Ducky said:

If you believe that, come for a drive out to Lockport, have I got a bridge for you.

Actually....both the NHL and Arizona asked Scott to decline his spot in the all star game.  He refused.  Montreal didn't want him but Arizona insisted he be part of the trade

make of it as you will. 

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I'm guessing he gets 5m the first year with a 9m signing bonus and then the year CBA  expires is probably the other one as, if I'm not mistaken, signing bonuses are still paid out regardless of CBA agreement or not. So, if they go on strike, he will still get 9m that year. I could be wrong though. 80 million guaranteed should set himself up nicely!!!!!!!!!!!

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On January 16, 2016 at 0:41 AM, Ducky said:

If you believe that, come for a drive out to Lockport, have I got a bridge for you.

      On Friday, Arizona traded him to Montreal. Again, the specifics of the deal aren't all that relevant; Jarred Tinordi is a Coyote now, and he's a former first-round pick, so that's ... something. The big takeaway from the trade, according to McKenzie, is that the NHL pulled strings to make it happen, and thus solve The John Scott Problem. The Canadiens assigned him to the AHL, making him ineligible for the ASG.

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This John Scott thing is ridiculous.  This is what happens when you let fans "decide".  The worst part is the NHL's involvement with the trade as an excuse to get rid of him.  Why do a fan vote if you wont respect the results?

If anything this will spur copycat attempts next year.  The NHL should have quietly spoken to Scott and had him politely decline to go to the game.  Then the credibility of the game, for whatever its worth, would be preserved and fans would likely not try a repeat.

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I think blaming "greed" is a bit too simplistic.  Every other major sport has an All-Star game, including the NFL.  If the NHL doesn't have one they look pretty lame.  In the "old" days of only even 20-30 years ago, there was a "purse" to be won by the winning team, and given a lot of players were playing for only a few hundred K a year or less the purse was worth playing for.  Nowadays everyone is a mega-millionaire and so they really could care less about winning the game, no matter what the purse is.  You knew Gordie Howe would go out there and elbow everyone in the head just because he wanted to win, even if there was no prize money.  And that's why old-timey All-Star games were actually worth watching, because the players were trying. Those days are long gone.  Last season I turned off the game in disgust, especially when the announcers started talking to players while they were out on the ice, huffing and puffing into their microphones.  It was a nice try to make a really dull game more interesting, but it failed miserably.

If you have fan voting, the fans should be given a slate of options of who to vote for, rather than just being allowed to vote for anyone, including career fringe players.  Next year let's get Patrice Cormier into the All-Star game.  Awesome.

Edited by kelownabomberfan
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Get the players to vote on who should make the ASG. Who knows better which players should be there. First and second all star team and then fill in the roster with players from teams that aren't represented. I honestly can't remember the last ti me I watched an ASG but I think Mario Lemieux was in it.

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