SPuDS Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 A real fan, like we all are or we wouldn't be here, is in love with their team. It's like a marriage. At first, you're young and hot for each other. In each other's eyes the other can do no wrong. Any sin is forgiven. You're in love with each other and there is nothing you wouldn't do for each other. The love-light burns bright. The years pass and there are many happy times together, some pure bliss. Both think this will endure forever. Scroll ahead 10 or fifteen years. One of the partners started taking the relationship for granted. They no longer put out the effort, passion, or fire. Can't be bothered to bring home the bacon any more. Doesn't buy flowers any more. Can't be bothered to even care any more. Has let him/herself go. Is starting to look really homely and smell bad. Indulges in bad habits. Squanders all that the other partner continues to bring to the relationship. The other partner still invests financially and emotionally. Still puts out all kinds of fire and passion but gets none in return. Does the partner that has remained loyal and devoted all these years and continued to invest time, money, and passion into the relationship only to be disappointed time and again have a right to complain? Or is that partner bound by some sacred vow to love and honour their partner even though it is doing an impression of Austin Powers' Fat Bastard? Some fans are fans thru and thru some fans chose to decide when they wanna support and cheer. All are still fans, some would say.
bearpants Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 He didn't ask everyone on Facebook and the news to spot light him. I thinks its funny and good on him. Any negativity should be directed to the club for fielding such bad teams year after year. I created a thread a few months ago saying that people are tired and stopped caring about watching the team. Can't blame the fans for getting tired. It's not a matter of being a true fan, its just human nature to be disgusted on watching a team regress continually and making the same mistakes year after year. You would have to have Stockholm syndrome or mental issues if you are excited about going to a game purely for watching the product on the field at this point in time. Do you honestly believe he made that post innocently with no idea of the social media attention it would garner? Like I said earlier... he got the 15 minutes of fame he wanted... he got to embarrass the club... he achieved his goal....
KptKrunch Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=732253 Video is there - guy says that he tried giving away tickets last time and people laughed at him and said they couldn't pay them to go to the game. The guy said he can't make the game (not that he didn't want to go to the game). I take back some of my criticisim of the guy because he has renewed his tickets for next season. However, he didn't have to embarass the club by posting this on Kijiji. I guess some might say they embarass themselves enough with their play! Why? It's his tickets, he can do what he wants with them. The Bombers have been absolutely terrible for years now - YEARS - save one 6 game stretch to start the season last year. To put it in another perspective - the Ottawa REDBLACKS are only in their second year and though I realize they are one Henry Burris injury away from the bottom of the league they are far and away better than us. Heck, we are starting to sign their cuts!!! What does that tell you. Personally, AFAIK, if you are buying your season tickets like this fellow is, you can do whatever you want. I actually APPLAUD him for doing what he's doing. Of course, most of you don't get it but this poster does. He's a true Blue Bomber fan - who's putting his money where his mouth is, and has probably exasperated every other option so for him this is his last resort - to try and shame the bombers into doing something. 25 years in a mostly 8, sometimes 9 team league, is unacceptable
trueBlue83 Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I loved the part about there never being paper towels in the bathroom! nothing the guy said was far or even off at all.... yeah, it shamed the club a bit, but no one will be talking about this next week, so whatever! was good for a chuckle, and everyone moves on! I see the moldy hot dog as more of a metaphor of Bellefeuille's offence! Tracker 1
AtlanticRiderFan Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Wow, and I thought it was bad last year when Oiler fans were selling resale tickets for $7 let alone actually GIVING money for them. That's sad.
TrueBlue Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=732253 Video is there - guy says that he tried giving away tickets last time and people laughed at him and said they couldn't pay them to go to the game. The guy said he can't make the game (not that he didn't want to go to the game). I take back some of my criticisim of the guy because he has renewed his tickets for next season. However, he didn't have to embarass the club by posting this on Kijiji. I guess some might say they embarass themselves enough with their play! Why? It's his tickets, he can do what he wants with them. The Bombers have been absolutely terrible for years now - YEARS - save one 6 game stretch to start the season last year. To put it in another perspective - the Ottawa REDBLACKS are only in their second year and though I realize they are one Henry Burris injury away from the bottom of the league they are far and away better than us. Heck, we are starting to sign their cuts!!! What does that tell you. Personally, AFAIK, if you are buying your season tickets like this fellow is, you can do whatever you want. I actually APPLAUD him for doing what he's doing. Of course, most of you don't get it but this poster does. He's a true Blue Bomber fan - who's putting his money where his mouth is, and has probably exasperated every other option so for him this is his last resort - to try and shame the bombers into doing something. 25 years in a mostly 8, sometimes 9 team league, is unacceptable What does a message like this "shame" the Bombers into doing exactly?
iso_55 Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=732253 Video is there - guy says that he tried giving away tickets last time and people laughed at him and said they couldn't pay them to go to the game. The guy said he can't make the game (not that he didn't want to go to the game). I take back some of my criticisim of the guy because he has renewed his tickets for next season. However, he didn't have to embarass the club by posting this on Kijiji. I guess some might say they embarass themselves enough with their play! Why? It's his tickets, he can do what he wants with them. The Bombers have been absolutely terrible for years now - YEARS - save one 6 game stretch to start the season last year. To put it in another perspective - the Ottawa REDBLACKS are only in their second year and though I realize they are one Henry Burris injury away from the bottom of the league they are far and away better than us. Heck, we are starting to sign their cuts!!! What does that tell you. Personally, AFAIK, if you are buying your season tickets like this fellow is, you can do whatever you want. I actually APPLAUD him for doing what he's doing. Of course, most of you don't get it but this poster does. He's a true Blue Bomber fan - who's putting his money where his mouth is, and has probably exasperated every other option so for him this is his last resort - to try and shame the bombers into doing something. 25 years in a mostly 8, sometimes 9 team league, is unacceptable What does a message like this "shame" the Bombers into doing exactly? Just how inept this team has been & looks like it'll continue to be.
max power Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 That doesn't make any sense. He asked what that message shamed the Bombers into DOING. Are they going to try harder to win now? Try harder to not have been hired for a job they weren't good enough for? SPuDS 1
iso_55 Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Let's face it, we're the Cleveland Browns of the CFL or the Browns are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the NFL. Two once proud franchises nearly ground into the dirt by years of inept management & coaching.
Steve Fanitage Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Except the Bombers have won 10 championships. I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on. Unfortunately, signing up to be a fan of a sports team does not come with a guarantee of winning or feeling good. Lol, I will say it again, sports is 99% heartache and if you don't have the strength to ride it out, being a sports fan is not for you. Goalie, SPuDS, Noeller and 1 other 4
HardCoreBlue Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Except the Browns have never appeared in a championship game. Bombers have 10 championships. I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on. Unfortunately, signing up to be a fan of a sports team does not come with a guarantee of winning or feeling good. Lol, I will say it again, sports is 99% heartache and if you don't have the strength to ride it out, being a sports fan is not for you. In some cases (not all), it's not an 'either or' i.e., True fan or Non-fan when we judge people on their behaviour towards the Bombers in these times of futility. People handle and display their frustration differently when it comes to the Blue Bombers , that's all. It doesn't make them any more or less of a true fan. And again, I'm not referring to the extreme cases of 'My favorite team is the team that won the championship last year' fan to the 'I chose to devalue any legitimate frustration to my team as being a non-fan' fan .
Mike Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Let's face it, we're the Cleveland Browns of the CFL or the Browns are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the NFL. Two once proud franchises nearly ground into the dirt by years of inept management & coaching. Also not an answer to the question. SPuDS 1
Noeller Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Except the Bombers have won 10 championships. I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on. Unfortunately, signing up to be a fan of a sports team does not come with a guarantee of winning or feeling good. Lol, I will say it again, sports is 99% heartache and if you don't have the strength to ride it out, being a sports fan is not for you. Find me the Wiserhood slow clap gif! This man speaks truths...
mbrg Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I've given away tickets countless times over the last few decades and never made the news. I must be doing it wrong. Grandstanding. My favourite style of standing. bearpants and SPuDS 2
iso_55 Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Let's examine the Browns. The 50's belonged to them. Without looking them up to get exact stats, they were in the NFL championship nearly every year between 1950-59. I think they won 4 or 5 titles. Their last one in 1965. They remained a power after the NFL merged with the AFL. Then again were a strong team in the late 70's & 80's before moving to Baltimore. Came back to Cleveland as an expansion team in the late 90s & they have been inept ever since. Like the Bombers, they won championships in the past but don't seem close to winning another one.
bigg jay Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Except the Bombers have won 10 championships. I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on. Unfortunately, signing up to be a fan of a sports team does not come with a guarantee of winning or feeling good. Lol, I will say it again, sports is 99% heartache and if you don't have the strength to ride it out, being a sports fan is not for you. Find me the Wiserhood slow clap gif! This man speaks truths... Noeller 1
tacklewasher Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on. 25 years without a championship in an 8 or 9 team league. Have not won the cup since I got married. Why is this so hard to understand?
blueandgoldguy Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 That doesn't make any sense. He asked what that message shamed the Bombers into DOING. Are they going to try harder to win now? Try harder to not have been hired for a job they weren't good enough for? I think there is a feeling that the Bombers have not spent adequate resources to bring the best talent in especially on the management and coaching side. Rookie CEO, rookie coach and rookie Gm all of which are cheaper than proven veterans. Maybe fan discontent such as this will spur the club to put more resources into these areas (which the new stadium was supposed to provide by the way) instead of cheaping out.
Steve Fanitage Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on.25 years without a championship in an 8 or 9 team league. Have not won the cup since I got married.Why is this so hard to understand? Why didn't someone tell me this sooner?! It "DID" say when I signed up to be a Bomber fan that if the Bombers have "not won the cup since tacklewasher got married" I should pile on, ridicule them, and post ads on Kijiji mocking them even if we all know I am doing so because I crave attention. ...with every right to flop back and love them when they are winning and back in style. blitzmore and SPuDS 2
bustamente Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Maybe they used the allotted money that they had for paper towels
rebusrankin Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Winnipeg won 10 championships and played in 19 Grey Cups in their first 60 years. So basically, a Grey Cup win every six years and an spot in the game every 3 years. Since then, 5 losses. The Raiders were a perennial power from the late 60's to the late 80's early 90's, since then lots of bad football. We're the CFL's Raiders.
tacklewasher Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I don't quite get it. Either some of you are way too young to remember the success of this franchise or you are simply a bunch of sheep. I fully understand it is not "cool" to be a Bomber fan right now and way easier to pile on.25 years without a championship in an 8 or 9 team league. Have not won the cup since I got married.Why is this so hard to understand? Why didn't someone tell me this sooner?! It "DID" say when I signed up to be a Bomber fan that if the Bombers have "not won the cup since tacklewasher got married" I should pile on, ridicule them, and post ads on Kijiji mocking them even if we all know I am doing so because I crave attention. ...with every right to flop back and love them when they are winning and back in style. Wow. So we can't be disappointed in the 25 years without a cup? Give it a rest.
Steve Fanitage Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 Holy weak sauce! I am very disappointed also. We will leave it at that. (Lol, disappointed in the Bombers not you tacklewasher)
wayner Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 I have two tickets to give away for tomorrow's game in sec 231 row 3, let me know asap. First come first sevre. SPuDS 1
blitzmore Posted October 23, 2015 Report Posted October 23, 2015 from the bleacher report What makes someone a true fan? This is a question that has been asked for years. Is it someone who can buy everything the team sells or is it someone who goes to every game? I will try to shed some light on this argument. Fans come in many shapes, sizes, and even colors. (Red, Gold, and Blue not races) Some will go with the team across the country while others only go to home games. Some have the best seat in the house every time while others are lucky to afford a ticket at all. Does any of that make a person a fan? No. The fact that you try and get out to the games and paint yourself does not make you a true fan. But what about the people who spend money that they don't have because they love their team so much? Well to those people I say get your priorities straight. A true fan does not need to even own one piece of merchandise from their team for all I care. They just need to feel what the team feels and believe with all their heart that their team will win. This is why there are a few fans i must mention. The Oakland Raider fans are some of the most fiery fans there are. Do not even try to argue with me, they are. They defend their team even though they very well know that their team can not win the championship this year. I am not "hating" on Raider fans, quite the contrary, in fact I am tipping my hat to them. If you talk about anyone on their team they will let you have it. This can easily be seen in a few of my last stories, in which Raider fans attack every bit about the article—including the writer himself (me). They back up every argument with facts and emotion. This is a real sign of a true fan. Back to the point. A true fan follows every game regardless of the record and is optimistic no matter how bad the situation gets. You must realize that being a fan sometimes means you put your logic aside to truly accept a team. So if you are emotionally attached to your team and you embrace it instead of reject it then you are in fact a true fan. SPuDS 1
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