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1 minute ago, bigg jay said:

I'm surprised the paramedics would have even asked him to perform mouth to mouth or cpr (assuming he told them about the white powder on her shirt).  I'm also certified in 1st Aid & CPR but that would the deal breaker for me considering how easily you can feel the effects of fentanyl just on contact.

Thats the big take away.  Because the risk is now the medics are responding to TWO people in need of saving.

My dad is on Fentanyl (prescribed, not an addict).

22 hours ago, Rich said:



No alcohol involved as he blew .00, apparently he fell asleep in his car parked in the right lane with the motor running and turn signal on.  Blackout was caused by mixing prescription medications related to back surgery.  He doesn't deserve a beat down on this one, anyone who's ever had back problems can commiserate.


2 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

No alcohol involved as he blew .00, apparently he fell asleep in his car parked in the right lane with the motor running and turn signal on.  Blackout was caused by mixing prescription medications related to back surgery.  He doesn't deserve a beat down on this one, anyone who's ever had back problems can commiserate.


Back problems or not, if the drugs you're on have you that intoxicated that you pass out behind the wheel, you shouldn't be behind the wheel.  A prescription isn't a license to drive intoxicated.  There's a reason they put those warnings on the bottle.

5 minutes ago, Atomic said:

Back problems or not, if the drugs you're on have you that intoxicated that you pass out behind the wheel, you shouldn't be behind the wheel.  A prescription isn't a license to drive intoxicated.  There's a reason they put those warnings on the bottle.



I thought he initially refused to blow?

At least he pulled over when he felt himself losing consciousness.  But the responsibility is still his, barring a sudden medical condition striking, to ensure he's ok to drive.  Not the worst thing ever, as he clearly got off the road.  But a guy of hsi wealth and stature pops new pills that are likely relaxers of some kid, 3am, doesnt get a ride?  Come on.  Any way, bad decision leads to terrible PR and a mug shot that will follow him forever.


I've heard of people being charged for DUI when found sleeping in their parked cars, even if the keys are not in the ignition.  I guess it's smarter to sleep it off under your car or in the trunk....

1 hour ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

It's random news

And what is NEWS?



The more "entertainment news" that seeps into the news the dumber the populace grows.  Thus a really dumb segment of a population could think that voting for a celebrity as their president is a really good idea.....just a theory.

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