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10 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

hmmm AJ, Gallows and Anderson doing the Kliq symbol thingy, is this a universal wrestling gesture or are they stealing it?


The Bullet Club were sort of nWo rip offs (or homage, if you will).  So they started using it.  To actually do the symbol and touch fingers is called "Too Sweet".  ie. "Too Sweet me, bro".  Based on the nWo catch phrase of "Too Sweet".

When the Bullet Cub (primarily Young Bucks) began selling T Shirts with the hand gesture on it, WWE invoked a copy write on it.  But WWE actually "stole" it from some sports teams that used it for years.  If I understand correctly, WWE can trademark it for clothing sales but cant stop anyone from actually doing it.  And they dont seem to have an issue with their own Bullet Club guys doing it.

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looks like ryback could be gonzo from wwe over money;


heres his msg (and he wasnt present for this past raw;


Today I sit and fly home and for the first time in years feel absolutely free. I will start by saying I did request to be taken off of WWE television until myself and Vince could get a yes or no on a new deal. This has been going on since my IC Title run and had been nothing but a major strain on my life as all I ever wanted to do was work for WWE. I was told to head home until we agree or not agree to specific terms and contrary to reports it isn’t over money or a bus that stuff was settled a while ago. It comes down to a major problem I have with not only WWE but wrestling in general. 

Wrestling is pre determined, we as performers know before we go out to that ring or perform a backstage scene who is winningarrow-10x10.png and losing etc or have a general idea of what we are going to say. It blows my mind how in a sport which is pre determined from a company standpointWINNERSarrow-10x10.png are paid so much more than the losers. Every single person who works for WWE from top to bottom is absolutely just as valuable as the next. The winnersarrow-10x10.png cannot win unless the losers go out there and agree to lose to them. It blows my mind that in this day and age though we still adhere to this formula. Obviously things have always been this way, but does that make them right? Times have changed and our goal as humans should be to evolve and learn from our past and the past of others so we could make this world a better place. Why is it a guy who is told he is going to go out and lose and does everything he is told be paid not only less, but much less than saidWINNERarrow-10x10.png over a period of time. Every single performer for WWE sacrifices the same amount of time from home and their families and every single man or women goes out and does what they are told. Looking at this formula though losers turn into what fans like to call jobbers and their value decreases in the companies eyes and before you know it they get released. For what? For doing exactly as they are told! 

Why not pay the talent equally? The winners have more MERCH as it is or are supposed to anyways so they get that extra perk, but why make the guy who is told to and agrees to lose earn less and sacrifice spots in big pay per view match ups etc. This is one of the major problems with wrestling and WWE today. Most guys take great satisfaction in helping making other talent, the bitching and the moaning we always hear about stems from the fact they know they are ultimately over time going to make less and live in fear of being released. 

I am proud to say I have never gone to change a finish and have gladly took pride in helping put over other talent. Hell look at my pay per view record of 12-26 and you will see that has been the pattern of my career. I have always been confident in my ability and work ethic to being my best every day and ultimately always felt that by doing good it was the right thing to do. Personally seeing my money go down over the years though even though I was working as much as ever and being denied magazine covers and other projects as well as watching my role diminish no matter what I did or how hard I tried takes its toll on a human. Being told no matter how hard I work or how good I get doesn’t always pay off is something I ******* refuse to ever believe in my life. I am a creative being and to be restricted time and time again is no way to live life. There is nothing I cannot do and I know no matter what comes of this situation I am going to be just fine. It isn’t soley about money, it is about commitment. Commitment to a guy who ******* cares and who loves this more than anything in the world and wants to know that his passion his efforts and his determination to constantly improve is going to be recognized and taken care of. 

WWE may very well release me, which if it is the case so be it. If we can work things out a lot needs to change as I am not living in fear and creatively cannot continue to live a life that limits me creatively. I have many other interests and passions and have been very smart with my finances over the years. I thank every WWE superstar from top to bottom for their sacrifices and for working with me. The world is an amazing place and there is more than just a WWE universe there is The Universe and I will prove one way or another over time I am the greatest big guy in the universe!


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I think he makes a fair point that there is very little that a wrestler can do to improve his standing in the WWE.  Hard to gain fans when the writers have you losing every week.  And the wrestlers seem to have little influence on creative decisions so in the end, if you get buried, you get buried.

But on the other hand, no one is lining up to see Ryback the way they might line up to see Cena, Lesnar, Rollins, etc.  And so it makes sense that he makes less money than guys like that.  Even with writing that favored Ryback, he's never going to be a big star like those guys.

However I think this will be good for Ryback's career.  He will leave for awhile, maybe work on his craft somewhere else, and then he'll get the big comeback in WWE a couple years down the road when the fans are ready for him to come back.  The comeback story is always great in wrestling, it is the hidden silver lining on long term injuries or estrangement from the WWE.

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@Atomic - that's definitely the root of his argument.  And I think what he means when he says its not about the money and then complains about money is that he doesnt care so much about money if he was enjoying himself and feeling he was being used to the best of his ability.  Doesnt have to be the champion or PPV headliner every month, but clearly cant understand why he's on the pre show.

He has a point.  It doesnt matter how talented or unique or over you are.  The only way to get a top spot and thus have more fun and make more money is that Vince and his creative monkey's choose you.  And they arent choosing the most talented, best looking, most over...they are choosing whomever they feel and its very subjective and can be determined by many things including who's hand you didnt shake in catering. 

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57 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Fair perspective but completely unrealistic.  4th line goons dont get paidarrow-10x10.png like first line superstars.

I get what your saying, and get what he's saying.  A good point he makes is about merch. wrestlers being put over will get that perk (extra $) and it takes the guys laying down to allow them to win.  Nobody cheers for a perennial loser, unless your some novelty gimmick people get behind.

I think his is issue is the parity between top to bottom. Would it be better if all wrestlers got paid within a closer base pay, obviously top stars on the higher end, or would it serve the wrestler better if they were each given guaranteed limelight time a year, like a little win streak stretch that sees them as an title contender (but dont have to win) just to help their fan fare?

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I cant remember what wrestling game it was, but there was a certain stepladder format, where you win, you move up a spot,  you lose,  you drop, but ultimately your trying to reach the top (champ being #1) it really wouldnt be a bad thing to do with a less prestige title such as the US title and make that a focal point for the not quite so mid carders

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8 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Yes but does Bo Dallas deserve to get pushed like Aj Styles so he can make more merch money?  Some guys are upper card, some are lower.  And true, WWE often gets that wrong.  But there will always be a disparity.

no I wouldnt put bo dallas in the same class as AJ, but again thats where that step ladder thing could be beneficial, your upper tier are in the heavy weight champion belt for the top guys,  IC for the mid carders, US for everyone trying to break out. Bo would be in the US title pile, but at some point they could easily put him on a streak and he moves up to the IC title picture,  almost like world rankings but with 3 distinct tiers.  

as it stands now I hate the way WWE does their title format. seems like at any point anyone can just go and challenge the champ and get a shot (assuming no one else objects or you get a #1 contender match) I rather believe a wrestler getting "hot" and winning his way to a #1 position would be better.  fans at least can get behind that rising wrestler during the rise.  IMO a guy like roman did nothing to deserve his shot, and hasnt done sweet F all to keep getting a shot (up until he won) he wins 1 match (RR) and suddenly hes a top guy? nope not for me, and probably most fans

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Matt Wichlinski, who had been working as the Strength & Conditioning Coach at the WWE Performance Center, was let go last week and replaced by Sean Hayes, a former NFL Strength Coach for the Houston Texans.

This is interesting.  Back before Bill Demott was fired as head trainer, the strength & conditioning coach was a friend of Cena's.  He was fired because Demott's methods produced a lot of injuries and they blamed the S&C guy. 

This Wichlinski was in hot water awhile back for being a creeper with the female talent, even posting some surreptitiously taken ass pics.  He had new ideas on how to train and the WWE has promptly seen its worst period for injuries especially shoulder injuries.  Its amazing he wasnt canned for being a creeper but this move is probably a good, and long overdue one.

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LOL Girl Bye to that dumb Cameron for sure. What a moron. She was awful and I think she was the girl on tough enough when Austin hosted it who said her favorite match was Melina vs Alicia Fox...Good riddance. So far a bunch of jobbers. Probably more to come. Black Friday once again. 

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12 minutes ago, Goalie said:

LOL Girl Bye to that dumb Cameron for sure. What a moron. She was awful and I think she was the girl on tough enough when Austin hosted it who said her favorite match was Melina vs Alicia Fox...Good riddance. So far a bunch of jobbers. Probably more to come. Black Friday once again. 

She was, yes.  I didnt mind her.  She seemed sweet enough.  Just couldnt wrestle very well.  She once tried to pin someone when they were laying face down.

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Potential trouble in paradise for CM Punk.  The WWE lawsuit against him continues to wind its way through court.  There was an appearance this week and Punk has since stopped following best friend (and fellow defendant) Colt Cabana as well as a slew of WWE personnel.  He also tweeted something about not being able to count on people.

Punk seems like a very miserable person.  Dont know how AJ Lee stands him.

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5 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

what was the lawsuit against him?

More specifically its a lawsuit brought by WWE Doctor Chris Amman against CM Punk & Colt Cabana (but clearly WWE is behind it).  After Punk quit WWE, he went on Cabana's pod cast and buried Amman saying he (Punk) had a very serious staph infection that he brought to Amman who said it was nothing.  Basically said the Doctor was a quack. 

WWE released a statement saying they investigated Punk's allegations and found them to be unfounded with no records of Punk ever making a complaint to WWE medical.  They further released a rather amusing video showing dramatic zooms in on Punk's ass to show he didnt have the "baseball sized lump" he claimed he did.

Punk did show off the scar from having the lump removed though.  Punk probably exaggerated things and in WWE's desire to stick it to him (since he buried them) they decided to support the doctor suing for defamation. 

Since Punk stopped following some WWE people including Lita (his ex-gf) I wonder if he had asked some to testify on his behalf and they declined.  Who knows.  He's a moody guy. 

Side note: There is a video of 12 year old AJ Lee meeting Lita at an autograph session and being overwhelmed with emotion at meeting her idle.  She would grow up to marry Punk who dumped Lita for her.  Punk has dated a plethora of wrestling women including Edge's wife Beth Pheonix, Kelly Kelly, Daphney, Alison Danger (fellow Winnipegger and sister of Steve Corino), Traci Brooks, Becky Bayless, Mickey James, Maria Kanellis..and ofcourse Lita and AJ.  That's a hell of a list.

Edited by The Unknown Poster
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1 minute ago, Goalie said:

Barrett wasn't gonna sign when his contract expired in June so they just agreed to let him go earlier, Not sure I'd consider that one a release exactly. 

Hes biggest name on the list and if I was TNA (and thank goodness Im not), I'd be ringing his phone off the hook.  There was talk he wanted to try MMA as he was previously a legitimate strong man fighter or whatever.

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