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I read a tweet he sent out and he said he's going to  take some time, lots of time away from the wrestling biz so I doubt that happens soon. Barrett that is. 


really nasty? Could go either way. Hard to say, perhaps Kidd but... that seems unlikely? 


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3 minutes ago, Goalie said:

I read a tweet he sent out and he said he's going to  take some time, lots of time away from the wrestling biz so I doubt that happens soon. Barrett that is. 


really nasty? Could go either way. Hard to say, perhaps Kidd but... that seems unlikely? 


WWE has done it before, releasing injured workers.  I think they even released Dawn Marie when she got pregnant.  But they usually dont.  And the Kidd (see what I did there) has a broken neck, also appears on Total Divas.  Plus Natalia is very well liked.  So I doubt it but it would be nasty!

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So far, just a bunch of Jobbers. When it gets right down to it, I'm not surprised by any of them and honestly, It's about time for some releases. Time for some change, Would love to see a bigger name get released, Big show? Flair? Mark Henry type. 

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writing was on the wall for sandow,  he even got eliminated first in that US title #1 contender battle royale on monday. there's gotta be something more behind the scenes with him.  when he was shadowing the Miz he was probably the most entertaining to watch and definitely over with the fans.  then just disappeared into obscurity like he banged the bosses daughter... but we know that just gets you further ahead in your career in the WWE ;)

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24 minutes ago, Goalie said:

So far, just a bunch of Jobbers. When it gets right down to it, I'm not surprised by any of them and honestly, It's about time for some releases. Time for some change, Would love to see a bigger name get released, Big show? Flair? Mark Henry type. 

Henry is basically retired.  Flair is always one step away from being canned though.

WWE doesnt like to release anyone that could help the competition...even though they claim not to see TNA and ROH as competition, they do like to keep them down.

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16 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

Flair was a great wrestler. Now he's a joke. Sad.

I don't see him as a joke.  No one is forcing him to stay involved and at this point a manager role is really all he could do... I gasped when Natalya slammed him down for the sharpshooter because I thought he was gonna break in half.

Really disappointed to see Sandow go.  Hope he resurfaces somewhere.  Probably Japan.

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Yeah, he has charisma but really, the Charlotte angle? I know more than a few 70 year olds who are retired. And loving life. Rick's problem is alcohol, paying taxes & unfortunately something like 3 marriages that have sapped his money. I want to remember the old Ric Flair, the guy who was stylin' & profilin'. The guy who said to be the man you have to beat the man. Not the guy we see now.

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11 hours ago, iso_55 said:

Yeah, he has charisma but really, the Charlotte angle? I know more than a few 70 year olds who are retired. And loving life. Rick's problem is alcohol, paying taxes & unfortunately something like 3 marriages that have sapped his money. I want to remember the old Ric Flair, the guy who was stylin' & profilin'. The guy who said to be the man you have to beat the man. Not the guy we see now.

Whats wrong with the Charlotte angle?  She's over.  The women are over.  The matches are good.  She's getting better every day,

The thing with Flair is, this is what he wants to do.  Sure, he's had money issues.  But because he believes in living life to the fullest every day in the way he wants.  There were stories when he was with TNA of them being on tour and Flair would pick up the bar tab for the entire crew....and then go to TNA and ask for an advance on his pay...and then pick up the tab again.  He once said on RAW that he wants to die in the ring.  And thats probably very true.

The drinking seems more of a problem then before.  When he was younger, he was famous for out partying everyone and then being the first guy in the gym the next morning.  But his son's death also effected him a lot.  I love the guy and definitely would prefer seeing him on TV every week than have him just disappear and we hear about his death ten years from now, alone and bitter.

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18 hours ago, iso_55 said:

Yeah, he has charisma but really, the Charlotte angle? I know more than a few 70 year olds who are retired. And loving life. Rick's problem is alcohol, paying taxes & unfortunately something like 3 marriages that have sapped his money. I want to remember the old Ric Flair, the guy who was stylin' & profilin'. The guy who said to be the man you have to beat the man. Not the guy we see now.

People age.  That's just the way it is.  You may want him to fade into obscurity so you can rememeber him as the young stud, but if he wants to stay in the game, I respect that.

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22 hours ago, Atomic said:

People age.  That's just the way it is.  You may want him to fade into obscurity so you can rememeber him as the young stud, but if he wants to stay in the game, I respect that.

There comes a time when it's best to go. I think it's more about ego than respect, I believe. It's what I think & I'll stick to it. It's an opinion & no big deal other than for discussion purposes.

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Just for the record here lol, I like Flair and i don't think he should go anywhere however he needs to chill a bit, his outside the ring activities, the recent boston airport incident, they can't happen. It's bad PR and for a company that is publicly traded on the stock market, that's not good. I'm not saying I'd get rid of Flair, I wouldn't, I'm just saying, basically that these guys who got released were bottom feeding jobbers pretty much and Honestly, if i was running things in WWE, i'd have released most of those guy also, along with some more bottom feeders. Hornswoggle? hasn't been on tv in 2 years, El Torito? Lost Matadores are dead, Santino? he's retired, Barrett? wasn't gonna sign again, Sandow? shocking but must have pissed someone off, Cameron? GIRL BYE... none of the releases were really surprising to me. All i was saying in regards to Flair,Henry,Big Show, Kane etc was that those names would surprise me. 

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Apparently the Boston Airport thing was some nosy fans over-reacting.  WWE was very hot about it but everything blew over by that afternoon once WWE spoke with Airport Police.  Flair wasn't drunk.  He simply tripped and injured himself.  At least that is the official story that WWE believes.  No heat for it at all.  By all accounts he's been on his best behavior since returning to manage to Charlotte.  I almost think he is more likely to get into trouble when he doesnt have a regular gig.  Probably the happiest he is, is when he's on the road with WWE.

WWE is also a lot different now.  The party atmosphere is a lot less then it was.  There are office people and agents all over the place and the agents are held accountable if they let things go.  For example, a few years back Flair physically attacked Eric Bischoff and Arn Anderson got in more trouble because he was there and let it happen.

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5 hours ago, Goalie said:

Just for the record here lol, I like Flair and i don't think he should go anywhere however he needs to chill a bit, his outside the ring activities, the recent boston airport incident, they can't happen. It's bad PR and for a company that is publicly traded on the stock market, that's not good. I'm not saying I'd get rid of Flair, I wouldn't, I'm just saying, basically that these guys who got released were bottom feeding jobbers pretty much and Honestly, if i was running things in WWE, i'd have released most of those guy also, along with some more bottom feeders. Hornswoggle? hasn't been on tv in 2 years, El Torito? Lost Matadores are dead, Santino? he's retired, Barrett? wasn't gonna sign again, Sandow? shocking but must have pissed someone off, Cameron? GIRL BYE... none of the releases were really surprising to me. All i was saying in regards to Flair,Henry,Big Show, Kane etc was that those names would surprise me. 

Los Matadores are coming back as  heels. They're being rebranded... as something else. Looks like a tag team with no masks. They are the 2 guys talking about how great Puerto Rico is. That it's the Jewel of the

Caribbean. Probably because it has applied for Chapter 2 bankruptcy & is pushing in Congress for increased funding to pay their bills.

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I dont think this new branded puerto rican los matadors is going to go anywhere. those south american gimmicks only tread water for a limited amount of time it seems,  such as carlito and primo in recent memory.  if it wasnt for carlito spitting apple in people face that would have been a quickly swept under the rug imo

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20 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

I dont think this new branded puerto rican los matadors is going to go anywhere. those south american gimmicks only tread water for a limited amount of time it seems,  such as carlito and primo in recent memory.  if it wasnt for carlito spitting apple in people face that would have been a quickly swept under the rug imo

Alberto Del Rio has done well. Probably because he can actually really wrestle & is a great heel. But that stomp off the top rope while his opponent is holding on should go as it is so phoney.

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