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13 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

Have those 2 guys stars fallen. A guy's gotta eat, I guess.

How so?  Cody might make more this year than last year.  I dont know that for a fact but there is a good living to be made on the indy scene for cerain guys.  That particular event also has the Hardy's, Liger and many others.  Its a major indy event.

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2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

How so?  Cody might make more this year than last year.  I dont know that for a fact but there is a good living to be made on the indy scene for cerain guys.  That particular event also has the Hardy's, Liger and many others.  Its a major indy event.

I have no idea how the Indie circuit works. Although I think you'd be hard pressed to find a promoter willing to pay top dollar to a former WWE mid card wrestler even if he sells out a venue of 3,000. Until he finds a way to be forgiven by Vince & Triple H the big money days for Cody Rhodes are over.

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Cody wasn't fired. He quit. 

Some guys can make a good living outside of WWE. One big difference is, in WWE guys pay their own road expenses ie hotel, rental car etc. On the Indy circuit the promotion pays everything and usually cash too.

When Angle left WWE he was asking $10,000 a shot. He surely isn't now but I would expect it to be $3000-$5000. 

I haven't heard Cody's price yet but I would be shocked if it was under $1000 and not surprised if it was upwards of $3000. 

The benefit to WWE is consistent money and chance to make more with merchandising etc. Benefit to Indy is controlling your own destiny, working when you want  etc 

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The problem with Cody is he's too young to be a Legend like his older brother. Lots of fans would come to see older wrestlers but Cody Rhodes? I do understand his frustrations though. He's a young guy who maybe should have kept his fingers off of social media when he left WWE.

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Former professional wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka will not stand trial for the 1983 death of Nancy Argentino.

A Pennsylvania judge ruled Wednesday the former WWF/WWE superstar is not mentally competent to assist in his own defense in the 33-year-old case.



Edited by Jacquie
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Because Vince showed up at the police station with a mysterious briefcase. 

Once a worker, always a worker 

In a homicide case that has been the subject of speculation, rumors and outrage for more than three decades, it was ruled on 6/1 that Jimmy Snuka will not stand trial in the death of Nancy Argentino in 1983.

Judge Kelly Banach ruled that the 73-year-old Snuka was mentally incompetent to stand trial in the controversial case. Banach noted that “Justice suffers when it is delayed,” but felt Snuka was not faking dementia.

“I don’t believe he’s faking it,” she said from the bench. “No offense, but I don’t think he’s smart enough to fake it.”

This means, that if Banach rules he can’t stand trial, the case could be stalled indefinitely. By state law, a defendant can’t be prosecuted if they suffer from a mental disorder that prevents them from understanding court proceedings.

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What was Teddy Long doing there? And Shane is on holidays?? Did you hear the crowd's reaction when she told them? They came to see Shane & not her... I thought that Cena didn't have a lot of people booing him... Yep, Charlotte is fading out.

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5 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

Notice how bad Raw is without Shane McMahon when Stephanie is running things with her father in the back?

Im not sure Shane has much say in anything as when he came back, certain promos were altered and not in a way favourable to him.

Its sort of weird because I minded her less last night.  When Shane is on she tries to out babyface him and cut his balls off since she's a better promo.  Watch the entire Hunter/Steiner program...he did the same thing.  Whereas last night, without Shane, she could be more of her heel self.  And they play into her ego.  Bringing back Long was cute as a way to promote Smackdown moving to Tuesdays but it seemed to devolve into an excuse for her to bury him.

And I really hate when we're supposed to know the camera is there and other times it isnt.  Like when Steph calls marketing and pretends the tag match idea is her.  We're watching, we know it isnt.  Stupid.  There was a time when WCW actually treated all of their backstage vignettes as though the camera wasnt there...which is bizarre.

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