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Posted (edited)
  On 2016-03-29 at 10:38 PM, Jpan85 said:

1. He has nothing against immigrants as long as they follow the rules and don't come to the country illegally

2. The wall is along the Mexican border many areas already have a wall or fence there

3. I have listened to a lot of Trump rallys has not once said he would nuke ISIS Cruz has been on the record several times that he would carpet bomb the middle east

4. Any person he has attacked has started it



OMG, I can't believe you posted any of that. You must have a very good brain. 

Edited by iso_55
  On 2016-03-25 at 7:46 AM, iso_55 said:

And if ISIS has a dirty bomb they may set one off in the US because of Trumps rhetoric.


Yes, because it's always fun to blame everyone except for the psychopaths who commit the atrocity right?

Talk like that only emboldens evil. 


"we kill you, and you blame yourselves!  Great! Let's kill some more.....*******'

  On 2016-03-29 at 12:21 AM, Atomic said:

I don't make a habit of watching it but I have seen it many times.  It's oh so easy to be a genius political commentator when you're also a comedian.  Any time his views are examined critically, he just throws out a punch line and people eat it right up.  Makes claims like "We need better gun control" when there is a shooting and people think he is brilliant for it.  Never mind the fact that he will never have to (nor will he ever attempt to) deal with issues in the real world.  Real easy to look smart when you never, ever have to back it up.


and THAT is exactly why you can never trust the idiots spouting on t.v.

Many have armed guards and live in gated, fantasy communities, far from real trouble.

  On 2016-03-31 at 3:43 AM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

An interesting perspective.



By now only comatose Americans or fools dependent on Fox News for their information, are aware that states that consistently vote Republican and against their own best interest suck more money from the federal government than Democratic states. It leads one to marvel at the relevance of George Carlin’s saying “never underestimate the power, or danger, of stupid people in large groups.” Residents in red states across the nation are already suffering from Republican policies that are raping the economic life out of the people, and in most cases the only thing keeping the people, particularly the poor people, from starvation and ill-health is the federal government; the entity they hate with religious fervor and elect Republicans to eviscerate.

Now, yet another report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them. This time the report is not from a liberal-leaning think tank, or any government agency; it is from a commercial organization with no political or economic stake in the study’s results. If this were the first report of its kind showing red state economies would wither and die, and the people would starve, without leaching federal funding from blue states, one may be inclined to dismiss it as an aberration. However, study after study has consistently  exposed anti-federal government Republican states as being incredibly dependent on the federal government they hate with religious passion and just voted for Republicans to fulfill their wishes and decimate it. Never, never ever, underestimate the power of stupid Republican voters in red states who are a Presidential veto away from seeing their evil dream reach fruition.

The new report is courtesy of WalletHub; a commercial personal financial web site that rated all 50 states on the basis of their dependence on the federal government to support their economies and keep poor people alive. The report was compiled from data and condensed into “four metrics” not unlike other studies, but without a political motivation for conducting the research. The categories were; the return in federal dollars on taxpayer investment, or how many federal dollars a state receives as opposed to what the residents pay in.  The percentage of state revenue from federal funding that keeps the state from declaring bankruptcy and its residents from starving or dying from lack of medical care. The number of non-defense (civilian) federal employees in a state, as opposed to states supported by large military installations. And last, the per capita federal employee rate in the state such as federal marshals, park rangers, federal highway workers, and federal regulators keeping air, water, and food safe.

Obviously, the two most important metrics in the study were the return on taxpayer investment, and the percentage of federal dollars a state depends on to prop up its economy and provide for the people’s general welfare from federal programs. Republican states have benefitted greatly from federal healthcare such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, and it is relatively common knowledge that the largest percentage of SNAP (food stamp) recipients are poor white Republicans in red states; likely because red state legislators enacted Draconian ‘right to work’ laws keeping wages at or below poverty levels. What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

True to their word, and according to their base’s wishes, the Republican congressional representatives their mindless supporters just handed control of Congress to just passed a seriously Draconian budget that does precisely what red state voters yearned for; ended “federal interference” in their lives. If the Republican budget stands, red state voters will get their wish and can finally stop bemoaning the horrid ‘federal interference’ in their lives; the interference that kept food on their tables, their families in relatively decent health, and their state economies from going bankrupt. It is likely that the same morons and racists are too stupid to comprehend that the damage their state legislatures have been wreaking on them is about to be magnified a hundred fold due to less federal interference (funding) in their poverty-stricken lives. In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

One also wonders exactly how red state legislatures will fund their wealthy residents’ tax cuts when their already fragile economies’ revenue streams completely dry up due to budget cuts congressional Republicans voted for to ‘balance the budget and rein in the federal government. It is no secret that, for instance, every dollar spent on SNAP (food stamps) returns $1.70 back in red states’ floundering economies that in turn creates jobs. Obviously, Republicans in Congress could not care less that crucial federal dollars keeping their home state economies from disaster is being transferred directly to the wealthy and the military industrial complex instead of sustaining their idiotic constituency. Some of the poorest states, all red states, are dependent on federal funding for 30 to 45% of their total revenue and the GOP’s budget will slash that revenue and make dire revenue shortfalls already decimating red states seem like an economic bonanza.

There is no accounting for stupid people who, as equally stupid Sarah Palin claims, are the real Americans sitting on their porches holding their guns, their god, and their Constitution while supporting Republicans who promised to ravage the federal government they are convinced is stealing their liberty. It has always been a mystery where those dunces who receive federal assistance in food and healthcare think their government assistance originates. Maybe if they would lose that assistance for a while they would get a clue that the federal government they sent Republicans to Washington to demolish is all that prevents them from starving, working for a dollar an hour seven days a week, or going without lifesaving medical care, but even that eventuality is debatable.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.


Very nice, fair and balanced take from an obviously unbiased source.

Posted (edited)
  On 2016-03-31 at 6:29 PM, Atomic said:

Very nice, fair and balanced take from an obviously unbiased source.



Agreed, the source is questionable but the stats. are not.  I remember reading a book in the late 80's discussing this exact same phenomenon but can't recall the name of the book or the author.   In many respects the US is a third world country but a vast majority of their poorest citizens believe so strongly in the ideology and the economic principles of the free-market that they delude themselves into believing that they or their slack-jawed off-spring will one day rise to the top of the pile. 

Just watched the movie "Lincoln" the other night and was fascinated to see that the corruption, cronyism and lobbying inherent in their political system was already well entrenched back in the 1860's.  Encourages me to do more research to see how their political system evolved and if it wasn't just a carry over from a well established European model from the very start.  The problem is finding the right source because you won't find the honest truth in any history book.

Edited by Throw Long Bannatyne
  On 2016-03-31 at 7:03 PM, kelownabomberfan said:

Yeah, the fact that they are complete suicidal nutbars bent on killing all infidels would have nothing to do with it. ;)


They are suicidal nutbars & another nutbar running for President won't solve the problem because he says he has a very good brain.


The United States does not have poor people.  It has temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

Regarding that long thing about Republican voters voting against their self-interest ... there was a revealing situation in Kentucky last November. 

First, some background: the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, expanded Medicaid coverage so that more people would receive it. Medicaid is basically government medical insurance, but it's means-tested so not everyone is eligible for it. Thanks to the weirdness and funding of American government, the federal and state governments share funding and control of Medicaid, and thus states could decline the expansion.  Some Republican-led states did. 

However, Kentucky, one of the poorest states in the USA, did accept the Medicaid expansion.  Then, last November, they elected a hardcore Tea Party guy as governor. During his campaign, the dude promised he would burn Obamacare out of his state (and throw the newly insured off the Medicaid rolls, though I don't think he ever spelled this out.)  People were wondering, how did this guy get elected given the substantial number of people who were going to lose their insurance? There were a lot of them, maybe enough of them to decide the election.

Studies showed that a lot of them didn't vote.  They didn't show up to the polls.

This may be because they're apathetic, or because of vote suppression. One of the Republican planks is that voting is too easy. Republican politicians are generally against early voting, mail-in voting, automatic voter registration, compulsory voting, absentee voting, Sunday voting, or anything else that drives up turnout. There's also a pattern of minority / non-Republican friendly voting areas receiving inadequate voting infrastructure that makes for long, discouraging lines and make it impossible for working people to vote without taking vacation or sick time (which a lot of working people in the USA simply don't have.)

Anyway, just after he was sworn in, the Kentucky governor came around and decided not to get rid of Obamacare, but to tweak it somehow.

  On 2016-03-31 at 10:42 PM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

No surprise as the "Guvna" is paid and works for the insurance companies.

If anyone can explain the difference between lobbying and a bribe, I would be most grateful.


lob·by a group of people seeking to influence politicians or public officials on a particular issue.

bribe persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.

One is legal, one is not. Thats the difference  :)

  On 2016-03-31 at 7:22 PM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:


Agreed, the source is questionable but the stats. are not.  I remember reading a book in the late 80's discussing this exact same phenomenon but can't recall the name of the book or the author.   In many respects the US is a third world country but a vast majority of their poorest citizens believe so strongly in the ideology and the economic principles of the free-market that they delude themselves into believing that they or their slack-jawed off-spring will one day rise to the top of the pile. 

Just watched the movie "Lincoln" the other night and was fascinated to see that the corruption, cronyism and lobbying inherent in their political system was already well entrenched back in the 1860's.  Encourages me to do more research to see how their political system evolved and if it wasn't just a carry over from a well established European model from the very start.  The problem is finding the right source because you won't find the honest truth in any history book.


Start here:



 As I expected, the media free ride for Trump has ended.  

Saw this coming last week, where the pundits on most of the major news programs, were self flagellating themselves over that fact.  (selling out for the entertainment value)  They are now asking the Don .....the hard questions of a Presidential contender now.   "making America great" "getting a better deal" and other such platitudes - are not going to cut it.    Neither is changing his position 3 times in a single day, claiming he was "misquoted" or had things "taken out of content"

Trump's incoherent positions on women's rights and nuclear policy, this week, simply illustrate his total lack of policy, plans and answers for virtually anything from the economy to foreign policy.   All he has....is the ability to spew pure bluster, at a very high volume. 

Easy to predict, that Trump will not handle this increased scrutiny.   Everyone will soon get the joke.


Posted (edited)
  On 2016-04-04 at 4:13 PM, do or die said:

 As I expected, the media free ride for Trump has ended.  

Saw this coming last week, where the pundits on most of the major news programs, were self flagellating themselves over that fact.  (selling out for the entertainment value)  They are now asking the Don .....the hard questions of a Presidential contender now.   "making America great" "getting a better deal" and other such platitudes - are not going to cut it.    Neither is changing his position 3 times in a single day, claiming he was "misquoted" or had things "taken out of content"

Trump's incoherent positions on women's rights and nuclear policy, this week, simply illustrate his total lack of policy, plans and answers for virtually anything from the economy to foreign policy.   All he has....is the ability to spew pure bluster, at a very high volume. 

Easy to predict, that Trump will not handle this increased scrutiny.   Everyone will soon get the joke.



I get the impression that Trump does not have a team of "deep thinkers" behind him, he's a blustering one man show and doesn't have enough policy to cover the bases.  In the end his campaign will prove to be nothing more than a publicity event to garner himself more attention.

Edited by Throw Long Bannatyne
  On 2016-04-04 at 4:50 PM, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

I get the impression that Trump does not have a team of "deep thinkers" behind him, he's a blustering one man show and doesn't have enough policy to cover the bases.  In the end his campaign will prove to be nothing more than a publicity event to garner attention.


This will not be an election based on platforms.....this is a culture war, pure and simple. 

Posted (edited)

Trouble is, that at this point - Tramp has to make the transition...... from protest candidate to perceived Presidential material.   Pretty sure that he lacks the requisite composure, judgment,  and general knowledge of policies and issues...to do so.   Skin is far too thin, as well.

Stay tuned.....


Edited by do or die
  On 2016-04-04 at 6:36 PM, do or die said:

Trouble is, that at this point - Tramp has to make the transition...... from protest candidate to perceived Presidential material.   Pretty sure that he lacks the requisite composure, judgment,  and general knowledge of policies and issues...to do so.   Skin is far too thin, as well.

Stay tuned.....




Posted (edited)
  On 2016-03-29 at 10:38 PM, Jpan85 said:

1. He has nothing against immigrants as long as they follow the rules and don't come to the country illegally

2. The wall is along the Mexican border many areas already have a wall or fence there

3. I have listened to a lot of Trump rallys has not once said he would nuke ISIS Cruz has been on the record several times that he would carpet bomb the middle east

4. Any person he has attacked has started it



1. Unless they are Muslim.

2. According to the stats I've seen there are about 5.6 million illegal immigrants from Mexico in the US (out of 11 million total illegal immigrants in the US). In a country with a population of over 110 million people you don't think the illegal immigration situation is being blown a little out of proportion.

3. Yes, he hasn't said he would nuke them. He just wanted to bring back torture, kill the families of suspected terrorists, etc.

4. And as Anderson Cooper said to Donald Trump when he said that - "that's the excuse of a 5 year old".

Edited by Jacquie

Calling Ted Cruz, Lyin' Ted. Marco Rubio L'il Marco. Unflattering pics of Heidi Cruz. Tonight he called Cruz a puppet. Trump The Unifier, alright. He is popular with his fanbase but will get crushed in the federal election. The man is a total fool.

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