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4 minutes ago, bustamente said:

That Obama / Trump meeting at the White House.........................Awkward. :lol:

Imagine how awkward Trudeau-Trump will be.  Kind of like Chretien - Bush.  To Justin's credit though he has stayed out of the race and has said he would support whoever won, which I thought was good leadership.

13 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:


Do you really think that a Republican Senate and Congress would do much, if anything, to keep Trump in check. For example, you think enough Republican Senators and Congresspeople would vote against his tearing up trade deals? 

6 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

Hey Goalie - you need to cool off bud.  I am not a Trump fan and I actually think Clinton is going to pull this out. I just think that Clinton has snowed a lot of you into thinking she is some kind of super star on the PC front, when in fact she is a lying sack of crap.

I don't like Hillary either but Americans are worried. Our very own bomber players are worried about going back to the states. 

2 minutes ago, Jacquie said:

Do you really think that a Republican Senate and Congress would do much, if anything, to keep Trump in check. For example, you think enough Republican Senators and Congresspeople would vote against his tearing up trade deals? 

I don't think we have to worry about Trump in check. 

Keep an eye on Pence- he will be doing most of the policy work- domestic and foreign. 

4 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

Hey Goalie - you need to cool off bud.  I am not a Trump fan and I actually think Clinton is going to pull this out. I just think that Clinton has snowed a lot of you into thinking she is some kind of super star on the PC front, when in fact she is a lying sack of crap.

I don't recall anyone saying Hillary Clinton was the "end all, be all". It's a lot more anti-Trump. It is a little funny that you refer to Clinton like that yet Trump can't go an hour without lying about something or someone.

Just wondering, if Trump were President could he pardon himself to get out of all the lawsuits and court cases he faces?

1 minute ago, Jacquie said:

I don't recall anyone saying Hillary Clinton was the "end all, be all". It's a lot more anti-Trump. It is a little funny that you refer to Clinton like that yet Trump can't go an hour without lying about something or someone.

Just wondering, if Trump were President could he pardon himself to get out of all the lawsuits and court cases he faces?

No but if they delayed the fraud case until after swearing in it would probably be delayed until after he left.

5 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

I don't think we have to worry about Trump in check. 

Keep an eye on Pence- he will be doing most of the policy work- domestic and foreign. 

Right because Trump has shown how receptive he is to other people's suggestions. If Trump and Pence don't agree on some policies (which they don't) do you really Pence will be making the final decision.

4 minutes ago, Jacquie said:

It is a little funny that you refer to Clinton like that yet Trump can't go an hour without lying about something or someone.


Both of them couldn't go an hour without lying.  At least I can admit that.  Can the Hillary sycophants here admit that?


I think the worst part about this is it won't be over until god knows when. There are going to be re-counts coming out the ying yang with all the close results. 


What role does the FBI guy earn in a Trunp administration? Lol yikes. 

That Corey Lewandoski or whatever his name is sure is an obnoxious guy. Sore winner? 

Its interesting because usually people feel disappointed when their candidate loses but there is a real sense this isn't a mere political difference. It's potentially a horrendous societal setback. It risks embolding the worst of society and you can see on social media that it has happened. It removes the public shame from those people openly racist

Hopefully trump cools it and people like Pence take on greater roles.  

Historic night. But the wrong side of history. Let's hope Trump rises to the occasion. 

2 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

That would be awesome.  Go Keystone!!  It's about time.

Warren Buffet was against Keystone as he owns a number of railroads.  I've read that he wanted the oil to be carried by rail to line his pockets. He was a big Obama financial supporter,

8 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

Well, He has the presidency, the house and the senate... he has no excuse to not fulfill all the batshit crazy promises.


gonna be interesting...

what promises were batshit crazy exactly?


Change is good. Americans showed that they are tired of the elitists and people of that nature.  Trump like him or not... he's that change. He's not the career politician like lying crooked hypocritical hillary is... nice consession speech hillary... oh wait there wasn't one. 

Trump wins.In the end... change is what America wanted. They got it. We will have to see... solid speech from trump tho who is more liberal than ppl thinks he is. 

5 hours ago, Goalie said:

Change is good. Americans showed that they are tired of the elitists and people of that nature.  Trump like him or not... he's that change.

This is such nonsense. Elitist has become a buzzword for Republicans to shame democrats with. His surrogates dismissed fact checkers as elitists. It's used as a slur against anybody smart enough to notice Trump is full of ****.



An interesting article to see the Tweets going back and forth between John Cornish and Jeff Hecht.

Lots of other CFL players chiming in to the election as well.

Just now, sweep the leg said:

This is such nonsense. Elitist has become a buzzword for Republicans to shame democrats with. His surrogates dismissed fact checkers as elitists. It's used as a slur against anybody smart enough to notice Trump is full of ****.


Agreed.  This idea that Trump represents the common folk is laughable.  He made it shameless to wear your bigotry as a badge of honor.  People that would normally keep their hatred to themselves and at least pretend to be upstanding citizens feel they dont need to anymore.  They feel Trump is one of them.  They feel Make America Great is making America whiter and more manly. 



All those American's that want to move here?  Dont bother.  You made your bed.  Wallow in it.

Also, anyone catch Trump's victory speech where he referred to the next "two years, three years...maybe eight years"?  Does he himself not expect to be president beyond two years??  Could he resign prior to the mid-terms and turn it over to Pence?

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