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I would like to see Derek Jones get a shot again... thought he was developing nicely until we picked Morgan...

Not a fan of Fogg at all.  Posey and Hawkins were okay, understand its Hawkins first game in blue and gold.

I know we said Harris is not a LB... but he might look pretty good at SAM with a ballhawk like Leggett back at S



Can't disagree at all with what DoD has outlined. A few of my own observations:

- What did we as a fanbase do to be stuck with Rod Black for virtually every game? His determination to pen nicknames for players and/or regurgitate the same nickname over and over is infuriating. As a broadcaster he is often out to lunch on his calls ("No one's gonna catch him....or will they? Yes!") and assumptions.

- Proulx et al were awful tonight. Both teams had calls go the wrong way but man the pace really slowed down in the second half with the flags.

- That bullrush from Hubbard at the end was fun to watch. The book on him was he takes certain plays off, but seeing as Green is a ghost out there what's the harm in giving him an extended look?

- Fogg and Hawkins seemed to be trailing often. We could use an upgrade at HB, even when Johnson was in we were lacking there and I am a Bruce Johnson fan.

- I hated Lapo's offense when he was HC/OC last time, thought he checked down way too much. After Bellefueille, it's a refreshing change. Let's hope that Willy can find some intermediate/deep accuracy to go along with the short stuff.

- We did a great job of keeping Simoni Lawrence from being a factor. Didn't see much of him last night, good scheming/blocking by the offense.

- Mobile QB's always seem to give us trouble, let's hope we have a game plan for Reilly next week!


6 hours ago, Noeller said:

I'm sick of seeing receivers being given a massive cushion and allowed to just sit at the first down marker with nobody anywhere near them. Drives me bonkers. 

Oh and @Root the CJOB pre-game show is BY FAR the best one....their post game show is only marred by the awful phone-in portion, which would be better served as more interviews from the locker room or at least post-game talk from people who actually know what the hell they're talking about. CJOBs coverage of the Bombers is fantastic, and even though I know they won't keep the rights when the contract is up, I sincerely wish they could...their product right now is fantastic.

Particularly liked the interview with Cummings.


that was a great bit of audio...DB97 asking him about what he saw in film study this week from Pete Dyakowski that allowed him to target the big man all night...


Did anyone hear O'Shea say to Doug Brown, and I'm paraphrasing, "Doug (as if to say, idiot), it's just two losses". I get the distinct impression that those two do not like each other at all. I'd love to be able to hear O'Shea talk to Doug that way more often. It'll mean we're winning football games.

9 minutes ago, J5V said:

Did anyone hear O'Shea say to Doug Brown, and I'm paraphrasing, "Doug (as if to say, idiot), it's just two losses". I get the distinct impression that those two do not like each other at all. I'd love to be able to hear O'Shea talk to Doug that way more often. It'll mean we're winning football games.

I caught that........here's the thing. Those guys played against each other in some really intense battles over the years. I would say there's a healthy respect, but guaranteed they don't exactly *love* each other. Now, having said that, what I got out of that comment last night was "Doug, you of all people should know better...it's only 2 losses...."


I wouldn't say he asks harder questions, per se, but he can ask questions that require more knowledge to answer because he's been there...

4 hours ago, johnzo said:

Masoli reminds me of Joey Elliott -- there's something there, he can make plays, but the mistakes are just backbreakers.

Pretty good comparison. If memory serves Joey had a slightly stronger arm than Masoli but wasn't as mobile. (neither guy is the reincarnation of Damon Allen or Doug Flutie).

Both guys minds are infested with mistakes. But Masoli is playing in a better system so he's still in the league while Joey is shining shoes or drawing small stores.

19 hours ago, wbbfan said:

penalty entire bluebombers roster. And a couple guys on the PR. Off sides if day score we tak it on to the kick off. If they dont, another bomber penalty.

Refs this season have been really awful. But its early and what not ill give em some time. What i really dont like is the ticky tacky PI calls. They reviewed it both ways. But for my money you gotta let defenders defend. You cant PI every hand fight. It never gets called on OI  either. 

Don't think the officiating will improve much. First off most of the CFL refs are of limited intelligence - the more detail you try to impart to them the less they retain. Just not enough comprehension and intelligence to do the job. Most CFL officials are about suited to be downs marksmen, that's about it. The CFL has all kinds of clinics, NFL guest officials, etc. but the simple fact is our officiating recruits are not very bright people. Well meaning, not bright!


I gotta admit I struggle to listen to either 1290 or 680 now.

1290 has Westwood. That's an auto channel change. I'm not sure how Westwood became a media figure in this town (remember his adventures as a Sun writer?!) but he is awful at his job. Bauming knows his stuff and Walby can make some nice points sometimes. He's at his best when he can get technical. Give me OL breakdown with Walby and I'm happy. 

CJOB just has too many commercials. Was listening to last week's games and they've got poor Bob saying "And that's a first down, for the Manitoba Teachers' Society" and "A Manitoba Teachers' Society first down!" He is a legend, but their product simply beats you over the head with ads.

1 hour ago, Root said:

Don't think the officiating will improve much. First off most of the CFL refs are of limited intelligence - the more detail you try to impart to them the less they retain. Just not enough comprehension and intelligence to do the job. Most CFL officials are about suited to be downs marksmen, that's about it. The CFL has all kinds of clinics, NFL guest officials, etc. but the simple fact is our officiating recruits are not very bright people. Well meaning, not bright!

thats a ridiculous thing to say. The reffing was better in previous years and we have many of the same refs.  the rest of the tripe isnt worth the breath. 

1 hour ago, Root said:

Pretty good comparison. If memory serves Joey had a slightly stronger arm than Masoli but wasn't as mobile. (neither guy is the reincarnation of Damon Allen or Doug Flutie).

Both guys minds are infested with mistakes. But Masoli is playing in a better system so he's still in the league while Joey is shining shoes or drawing small stores.

He is a scout for the Indianapolis Colts 

1 hour ago, Root said:

Don't think the officiating will improve much. First off most of the CFL refs are of limited intelligence - the more detail you try to impart to them the less they retain. Just not enough comprehension and intelligence to do the job. Most CFL officials are about suited to be downs marksmen, that's about it. The CFL has all kinds of clinics, NFL guest officials, etc. but the simple fact is our officiating recruits are not very bright people. Well meaning, not bright!

This is rather a harsh statement to blanket all officials with. Do you honestly think officials do not want to do their very best at every given opportunity? In front of thousands of people live, and many more on TV? 

Limited intelligence? Not enough comprehension? Not very bright people? You're in the wrong thread. The Sask. thread is over there >>>.

Or are you just being well meaning?

4 hours ago, Noeller said:

I wouldn't say he asks harder questions, per se, but he can ask questions that require more knowledge to answer because he's been there...

Coaches don't like that as they know they can't put anything past guys like Brown.

1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

thats a ridiculous thing to say. The reffing was better in previous years and we have many of the same refs.  the rest of the tripe isnt worth the breath. 

I agree. Our officials don't have limited intelligence. I mean, why do I have to point out such a stupid statement?

10 hours ago, Brandon said:

I completely agree with this comment.   Masoli is probably the worst starting qb in the league.  

But as I said in the game chat... we were warned by rider fans that Hall's defense absolutely relies on a tonne of pressure up front... otherwise the soft zones make it easy for guys like BLM and Ray to pick us apart.  


In Hall's defence: on paper we ought to have a dynamite front four.


Maybe its a minority opinion, but I like Westwood a lot and value his insight.  Id rather have someone with insight and experience who isn't the most polished radio/TV personality than someone who is but is just saying words.  Lawless had this issue too, early on when people who dismiss him for bing a lousy public speaker and fat, as if either thing was relevant to what he was saying.

Anyway, I like Westwood.  Thats my point.  No one is better than Irving though.  I know it won't happen but when TSN makes a play for Bombers rights, would be nice if they brought him over too.

18 hours ago, Noeller said:

I wouldn't say he asks harder questions, per se, but he can ask questions that require more knowledge to answer because he's been there...

That's kind of the definition of a 'harder question' ha...

14 hours ago, tracker said:

In Hall's defence: on paper we ought to have a dynamite front four.

they actually played pretty good in hammer on the re watch. Decent pressure, Strong gap and contain discipline. Liked what hubbard brought.




51IuPkBrF-L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg................May I suggest?


2) - An adventure for the offence - "some headset troubles (we worked basically the entire first half without the QB headsets and the booth-to-field coaches’ headsets working) to get in the way."


I didn’t believe them, so he sent me a photo.

Sure enough, after winning an absolutely massive game, on the road, with 46 of his family and friends in attendance, the bench boss spent over an hour loading bag after bag onto the trucks in 30C stifling heat.

I wasn’t really even sure how to reply, so I asked“why?”

The answer came: “I don’t know. He just showed up and started doing it – said he wants to help.”

4) -  this probably would be amusing..



3 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

Maybe its a minority opinion, but I like Westwood a lot and value his insight.  Id rather have someone with insight and experience who isn't the most polished radio/TV personality than someone who is but is just saying words.  Lawless had this issue too, early on when people who dismiss him for bing a lousy public speaker and fat, as if either thing was relevant to what he was saying.

Anyway, I like Westwood.  Thats my point.  No one is better than Irving though.  I know it won't happen but when TSN makes a play for Bombers rights, would be nice if they brought him over too.

Bob will retire. I can't ever see him working for anyone else.

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